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Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?- Page 3

Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#50re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 5:30pm

"Therefore, I predict for best leading female:
Christine Ebersole,Audra M,Kristin C,
Maybe Ashley Brown or Luker,Debra Monk? I just can't see laura bell beating out any of these ladies for a spot... "

Its honestly too early to predict
In a season that's seen the highs and lows, its really too early to tell other than that Christine Ebersole seems a lock.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#51re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 5:35pm

Luker will not get a leadin nom. Her part (in the content of the source material) would never be anything but supporting unless they reworked it so Mary and Mrs. Banks had a love affair, and even then it would still be supporting. Plus, the role is on the smaller end of the supporting spectrum and many feel she is being under used. I wouldn't be too suprised if she got a supporting nom (I don't know, haven't really studied the field to see how high she is in the pecking order). But no leading nom.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#52re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 5:46pm

The only actress from Mary Poppins who will be considered for the leading actress category is Ashley Brown, though I cracked up at Julian's Mary and Mrs.Bank love affair idea.
I agree with lildog about Donna Murphy's acting, she is far more versatile than McDonald, IMO. Murphy has done a numerous number of Off-Broadway shows apart from her Broadway turn for which she has gotten raves and accolades (i.e. LaChiusa's Hello Again). Also, it's interesting that Murphy's both Tonys are in leading categories while the only time McDonald lost was when she was nominated as a leading actress.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

Ourtime992 Profile Photo
#53re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 6:49pm

I love love love Audra, but keep in mind too that her 4 wins were all in supporting categories. She has yet to win as a leading lady as Murphy has.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#54re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 6:55pm

I think it's possible that Bundy will get a nom., but she is in a Very tight year. Ebersole is a lock for her nom, and unless murphy or McDonald are spellbinding in their shows, that tony is hers. At this point, I'd say Ebersole, Chenoweth, McDonald, and Murphy all willget nominated, with the fifth slot being open. I'll wait until until Curtains and Pirate Queen come to NYC before I decide the fifth slot.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

bohemianxsunshine Profile Photo
#55re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 6:57pm

I love both, but I think Ebersole is going to own this one.

theatre major, class of 2011 ♥
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HAROLD HILL: The librarian.
MARIAN: Quiet, please!
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#56re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 7:09pm

No. From someone who has seen it. No.

Riedel is correct in his thinking based on the reviews he is reading, but he wouldn't even be suggesting such a thing if he had seen it.

There isn't a single critic in New York that would put her performance on a level anywhere near Ms. Ebersole's. Anywhere near.

I know the show already has some die-hard fans, judging by an appreciation thread so soon, but I seriously doubt the show will receive such rave reviews in new york. I'm not predicting, necessarily, but I would be floored. The show is enthusiastic when it should be charming and witty. And New York critics have less patience for that than San Francisco critics, who typically love an energetic crowd-pleaser.

I must admit I could hardly believe my eyes my Riedel made the suggestion Ms. Bundy might unseat Ms. Ebersole. And I can't wait until he actually sees it.
Updated On: 2/9/07 at 07:09 PM

#57re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 7:28pm

This is year it belongs to Ebersole.

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#58re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 7:29pm

I have to say this. What the F*CK? There's no way in hell nobody is taking this except Christine. Donna is Ebersole's biggest competitor but she will not win. I don't know what this "writer" is smoking.

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#59re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 7:46pm

We should wait and see what The Brantley is going to say about the show. And then decided whether or not Blondie is going to do better then Ebersole.

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#60re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 8:14pm

My personal feeling is they can nominate who ever they want, I'm of the opinion that Christine Ebersole is going to win. Period. This performance is not just raves. This is far beyond that. When was the last time you saw reviews like those that she got?

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#61re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 8:38pm

Brick - He did see it. He stated in his coloumn last fall when he published an e-mail from the LB producers saying that they were very confident in successful prospects after the negative press HiFi and PQ had recently both gotten out of town that he would be there on opening night.


#62re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 10:31pm

I love "There! Right There!" and lordy I hope it doesn't get cut.

WTF? That was the BEST song/scene of the entire show! If they cut it, they are CRAZY.

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

JumpJumpJumpSoHigh Profile Photo
#63re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 11:06pm

JIMNYSF -- Amen to that! I was just reacting to Reidel's reaction to the song. Just sayin' that I don't agree with him. Meh.


Dear Ken, I'm in pieces. Why the cold shoulder? Love, Barbie

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#64re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/9/07 at 11:19pm

What will be interesting is that all the awards Ebersole won last year when Grey Gardens was Off-Broadway are now up for grabs by the other actresses being mentioned here.

Personally I would like to see Cheno NOT get a nomination (not much chance of that I know) But I feel her performance in THE APPLE TREE was just more of her usual scthick, and I like her, but this was just not much of a stretch for her.

I saw Block in THE PIRATE QUEEN in Chicago and she was already giving a better performance than Cheno. (my opinion, of course)

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#65re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 12:11am

Yeah I'm going to agree with Downer on Kristin not getting a nomination.

#66re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 12:21am

Curtain, I have to agree with you. I really like Cheno but with a season this packed full of leading ladies I don't think she should get a nod for doing the same old shtick.

After seeing THE PIRATE QUEEN in Chicago I definitely think Stephanie Block should be nominated. Her performace is out of this world and should certainly be recognized. Critics in Chicago couldn't pick apart what they considered to be a "Powerhouse" performance. I don't know if she'll get a nom or not but I've got my fingers crossed for this DESERVING underdog.

It would be nice to see Laura Bell Bundy get nominated. I haven't seen her performance but after these reviews I'm really looking forward to it. I've never been much of a fan of hers but it seems she is winning everyone over. Good for her. Is she competition for Ebersole? I think not.

In the running... (The first four are my personal pics)
Christine Ebersole
Stephanie Block
Donna Murphy
Audra MacDonald

Kristen Chenoweth- Amazing talent but same shtick. Deserves recognition but let some worthy new comers have a chance!

Lea Michele- Such a Broadway Baby! We've pratically watched this girl grow up on the stage. And to see she has blossomed into this beautiful, incredibly talented young lady is such an inspiration. I'd love to see her get a nom but SPRING AWAKENING is much more about the ensemble than it was about her individual performance.

Laura Bell Bundy- Underdog number two? It's hard to consider her a front runner with all these amazing leading ladies tearing up the stage but crazier things have happened. If she truly deserves it than good for her. I just hope it doesn't become a popularity contest.

Ashley Brown- Unfortunately I do not predict a nom. Nice reviews but I almost feel like it opened too soon. The show as a whole may be forgotten with this many shows opening in the Spring. But I really like this young talent and would actually prefer her or Lea being recognized over Bundy.

Charlotte D'ambroise- Classy dame but I wanted much more from this leading lady. Doesn't touch McKechnie's Cassie. No nom here.

Debra Monk- I don't know if her role is big enough but isn't her name above the title? That would definitely put her in the race and she is certainly a talent to be reckoned with.

Gotta say that for me, this is one of the most exciting Tony races in a LONG time!

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#67re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 12:24am

"Charlotte D'ambroise- Classy dame but I wanted much more from this leading lady. Doesn't touch McKechnie's Cassie. No nom here. "

It was already announced all actors in ACL would be featured. No exceptions like the had in the 70's.

"Debra Monk- I don't know if her role is big enough but isn't her name above the title?"

I haven't seen Curtains so I can't comment on how large her role is but even if her name is above the title is does not automatically mean she is leading. It just means she is a star for example, Joel Grey in Chicago. He is well-known but his role was supporting. Updated On: 2/10/07 at 12:24 AM

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#68re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 12:33am

I actually think that if Monk gets good enough reviews, Kristin might not get a nom. for Apple Tree.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#69re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 12:36am

Thanks Becoz! Wasn't sure about the "name above the title" thing. :) Good to know about ACL.

I quickly wanna add two more names to the list!

Jen Colella and Lisa Brescia- Two incredibly talented young women whose shows suffered similar fates. No chance for nominations but their names deserve to be mentioned. I hope these ladies find longer lasting shows in the future. But I'm sure Brescia is sitting pretty in WICKED right now.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#70re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 12:40am

Good points Danhattan

Actually Ashley's reviews were not that great, and I blame the writers not Ms. Brown, she is a terrific Talent but if you can't get a nom (and I doubt she will) playing Mary Poppins in MARY POPPINS the musical, something went wrong.
I said that last year about Josh Strickland as Tarzan in TARZAN.

Lea should have been put in featured by her producers, she is also an amazing singer/actress/beauty but the leading Actress category is just too crowded and many times a part like hers is placed in featured.

Bundy I haven't seen, but those S.F. reviews are certainly in her favor.

I am one of the few who liked D'ambroise but she will be overlooked I feel.

Deb Monk is above the title so she is a comer, and if she has a show stopping number, we can't cut her out.

What a race is right!

Updated On: 2/10/07 at 12:40 AM

TechEverlasting Profile Photo
#71re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 8:33am

I'm more interested in the Best Musical category. What's significant about this is that nominated shows get to perform a number on the Tony awards broadcast. I suppose given the sagging ratings the Tonys have had in recent years this isn't as big a deal as it once was, but it's still great exposure for potential tourists and future national tour audiences.

Before LB opened to its glowing reviews in San Francisco I got a bit of flack on another thread for suggesting that the show would get a best musical nomination. Needless to say I stand by that prediction. I could see this year's best musical award paralleling the 2004 awards, which essentially came down to a choice between the very commercial and potentially profitable "Wicked" and the more risque (and better crafted) Avenue Q, in this case "Spring Awakening".

"I have got to have some professional music!" - Big Edie

#72re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 9:12am

I don't really see this show being a strong contender for BEST MUSICAL. There are way too many other shows to try and predict whose going to be battling out. CURTAINS is likely to pull a DROWSY CHAPERONE. MARY POPPINS was very well recieved, as was GREY GARDENS. LOVEMUSIK is being HIGHLY anticipated. I have my fingers crossed for THE PIRATE QUEEN but the show to beat is SPRING AWAKENING.

Like I've said before...if LEGALLY BLONDE deserves a nom than I hope it gets one. This year's Tony race is a nail biter in MANY categories. Now if some leading men would finally give us something to write home about! re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#73re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 10:08am

SPRING got the best reviews but most of the people i talk to who work in the theatre don't think it is that great.
They like GREY GARDENS better.
But I think we have to wait for CURTAINS, THE PIRATE QUEEN (which is being majorly re-worked) and LEGALLY BLONDE.
POPPINS is fading fast, they are hawking tickets on every corner of Breoadway at half and lower prices.

Ourtime992 Profile Photo
#74re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
Posted: 2/10/07 at 10:12am

Best Musical is an ever tighter race than Best Actress in a Musical, because it has one less slot. I think you can probably count on Grey Gardens and Spring Awakening as sure things, but the other two slots will be highly contended. LoveMusik and Curtains seem most likely to me, but I wouldn't count out the power of the Disney machine behind Mary Poppins or a crowd pleaser like Legally Blonde. Wouldn't it be nice if the field were this crowded ever year?
