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re: When I think about it...Is Wicked THAT good?
 May 12 2007, 12:07:29 PM
Yeah, I can see most of the majority hate Wicked. Honestly, I love Wicked, yes, I'm one of those 13yrold fangirls, but no, Wicked's not the only show that's in my theatre fanbase. I think Wicked is great and I don't think Idina was lacking. It's a Blockbuster hit, why keep bashing it? It's not closing anytime soon.
re: SPIDERMAN: THE MUSICAL Given the Green Light
 Apr 24 2007, 10:50:33 PM
Yeah, seriously, Broadway is getting desperate. I just hope it doesn't die before I get the chance to audition -_-
re: les miserables 2/11 review
 Feb 11 2007, 08:54:47 PM
I think Gary Beach is hilarious at any role her takes, such as Lumiere and Roger from the Producers. He's amazing.
re: I'm Gonna Miss Beauty and the Beast : (
 Feb 11 2007, 08:03:04 PM
I saw BatB for the last time last weekend, and I still love it. The only flaws were some actors, Beast and Lumiere. The past 2 Lumieres I saw were pretty awesome (Peter Flynn and Jacob Young) but this one (Jon Tartaglia) was just a horrible actor. He could not impersonate the French accident, it bothered me and it was hideous all throughout the show. The actual acting and being Lumiere was okay, though. Steve Blanchard just has to go. He's been there way too long and I don't think is actin
re: Who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Feb 9 2007, 07:10:05 PM
Thank you, drswickedl5y998, for the address, I'm going to send something in a few days, I hope I get it back!
re: Ian Richardson -- RIP
 Feb 9 2007, 07:02:58 PM
That's unfortunate :/ My Fair Lady is one of my favorite shows,
re: Apple Tree Revival Recording?
 Feb 9 2007, 07:00:32 PM
Good. I'm going to run the the nearest Best Buy once it's released.
re: Riedel weighs in on BLONDE, and Bundy vs. Ebersole?
 Feb 9 2007, 06:57:14 PM
I love both, but I think Ebersole is going to own this one.
re: Idol Reject Federov to Join FANTASTICKS Cast May 1
 Feb 9 2007, 06:23:54 PM
Ugh, to be honest, I never really liked him. Ever wondered why Idol rejected him? I was so mad that season, he should've gotten kicked and Anwar Robinson should of stayed. Maybe he improved over the years..
re: My Fair Lady and West Side Story
 Jan 21 2007, 07:35:43 PM
The town's high school did a production of My Fair Lady last year, that's when I fell in love with it.
re: My Fair Lady and West Side Story
 Jan 21 2007, 07:28:37 PM
I don't know. I miss those musicals though :/ My opinion is that Kristin Chenoweth should be Eliza if it ever comes back to Broadway.
re: Lestat?
 Jan 21 2007, 07:17:37 PM
its amazing how long an argument can run for. i think everyone is entitled to their own opinions and if you have nothing good to say, keep it to yourself. i dont think you should tear someone's opinion apart because yours differs.
re: Kristin Was Even Better Than I'd Hoped She'd Be
 Jan 21 2007, 07:11:01 PM
Yeah, considering I live relatively close, I'm pretty jealous, too! Kristin's performances are always amazing in my opinion, but I'm sad to see she didn't perform anything from the Music Man. I watch the movie like non-stop and I love it when she reaches the climax in Till There Was You.
My Fair Lady and West Side Story
 Jan 21 2007, 06:41:30 PM
I love these musicals and I think there should be a revival for them. To me, they are classics and of course masterpieces. In my opinion, My Fair Lady wouldn't last as long as West Side Story would but it's worth a try. Any one else agree they should come back?
re: I saw Beauty and the Beast last night, and......
 Jan 21 2007, 05:23:47 PM
i loved this show. both times i saw it. i saw it with ashley brown who i think is now mary poppins and sarah litzsinger who came back to beauty and the beast last you.

"time to close these crappy shows"

if it was a crappy show, why has it run for over 10 years?

re: Disney's Aladdin Auditions
 Jan 21 2007, 05:19:25 PM
omg. they're putting this back on broadway?
re: Wicked
 Sep 3 2006, 06:51:32 PM
""You didn't miss much, Eden is actually pretty bad vocally as Elphie."

You Obviously Never saw Idina Menzel Then."

I totally agree with that. Idina Menzel is my favorite Elphaba and always will be. I think Eden is a great vocalist. Although I haven't seen her in Wicked, I was expecting people to praise her after I heard Once Upon A Time from Brooklyn.

re: Goodbye DRS
 Sep 3 2006, 06:38:54 PM
DRS, i never actually seen the show sadly, mom didn't think it was appropriate for my age, even though ive seen rent about a million times. The music is flawless. Definately deserved a longer run.

good bye drs!! broadway will miss you!!
re: Goodbye, DRS
 Aug 20 2006, 08:25:35 PM
I was so close to seeing this show, but my mom wouldn't let me go. She didn't think it was appropriate for my age, but considering I saw and understood RENT at a younger age..well lets just say i wasnt the happiest camper about her decision. yes, the OBC almost always is the best. I absolutely adore norbert *squeel* and my favorite song is Dirty Rotten Number (yes, i have the music though). yes, i will truly miss it, but at least there are some recordings on youtube that let me get excited ab
Goodbye, DRS
 Aug 20 2006, 08:16:40 PM
Yes, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is going off broadway on September 3rd. Yes, I bet it's pretty old news, but does anyone have any last words to say before this brilliant show finishes?
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