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“SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night- Page 3

“SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night

alterego Profile Photo
#50re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/24/05 at 10:22pm

I so like stories like that one.Such a happy memory for you Marc.

Johnny Carson's show never screened in Australia though his reputation preceeded him.On the occaision of his final show I recall footage being on the evening news, much like what has been on the newscasts yesterday about his death.

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#51re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/24/05 at 10:40pm

Many thanks for the poignant memories of Mr. Carson, Mr. Shaiman....

#52re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 6:58am

Thank you for sharing! How wonderful to have such memories.

I, too, echo anticipation for your autobiography!

...and your children start to leave you from the moment they are born.

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#53re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 7:25am

No need to apologize, Riff. Ya aint wrong.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#54re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 8:17am

yes, someone "named" Riff wrote: "i know that everybody is going to hate all over me for this, but i saw that as a "hey everybody look at me and, oh by the way, carson was there too".

and now another person "named" MasterLcZ agrees

paraphrasing what I wrote back to the person who signs his opinion with the "name" Riff, yes, it's true. I wrote that I knew the recounting of MY experience could be viewed as self-serving but I was flooded with the memories of that day and in the midst of the great stars speaking out about this legendary man, and the constant showing of one of the greatest live entertainers of our times beautiful performances on that precious night, I gathered my thoughts from my unique viewpoint.

And chose to share them with a community that I figured would get a kick out of hearing about the behind the scenes of such a "theatrical" moment.

I tried to put it in the proper context by quoting a song from a musical that is all about how everyone has their own perspective of events, and it is through that perspective that their memory of the event are forever defined.

which is all a very long winded way of saying I am proud and honored to have been a part of that evening, and even snotty posts don't change the beautiful reception my choosing to share my memory has brought here.

"MasterLcZ", if you ever also choose to write of one of your happiest and proudest acheivments here, whether they involve a collaboration on a legendary night that is part of our culture or a joyous moment you find yourself in as a mentor, parent, or teacher, a performer or writer or perhaps something wonderful that happens to you on your lunch hour, I will be glad to see someone, anyone, be able to find the beauty life can sometimes bring us, and I will be happy for you.

Marc Shaiman Updated On: 1/25/05 at 08:17 AM

#55re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 8:20am


I thought of you and your post last night as I watched the tribute on Leno.

Thanks again for letting us in on that wonderful evening.

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Riff Profile Photo
#56re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 11:22am

i realized my error and backed off my comment. please leave me out of this.

Boy, boy, crazy boy, Get cool, boy! Got a rocket in your pocket, Keep coolly cool, boy! Don't get hot, 'Cause man, you got Some high times ahead. Take it slow and Daddy-O, You can live it up and die in bed! Boy, boy, crazy boy! Stay loose, boy! Breeze it, buzz it, easy does it. Turn off the juice, boy! Go man, go, But not like a yo-yo schoolboy. Just play it cool, boy, Real cool!

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#57re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 11:51am

Riff, baby!

Anyone in here with an icon photo of a musical, ANY musical pre 1998 is tops with me!!

Ol' Man Shaiman

Iris Chacon
#58re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 12:29pm

Loved reading your post Mr Shaiman.

Kiss it baby. Kiss it now!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#59re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:35pm

MasterLcZ, I'm surprised at you! You of all people ought to know that it is entirely appropriate for a eulogy to recall a time when the eulogizer was young and witnessing the deceased in his prime.

The fact that Marc Shaiman invoked Sondheim's song about being an eyewitness only gave MORE context and meaning to the memory, which would have been appropriate even without the Sondheim reference. Johnny Carson, who from all accounts loved Bette dearly, would have been the first to appreciate Marc's behind-the-piano take.

For someone of your knowledge and erudition to respond with such a mean-spirited, dismissive sneer is, well, shocking.

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#60re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:38pm

what a Pal!!!!

Dolores Grey has taught you well re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#61re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 2:07pm

Self-serving; not in the least. Marc, thank you for sharing that wonderfully beautiful recollection.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#62re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 2:26pm

Now, honestly, it SO wrong to point out that Marc is just a teensy-weensy-itty-bitty bit of a egomaniac?

Just a TOUCH, “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#63re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 2:52pm

oh, a smiley face, that's make it ok!!

So that I don't come off as anymore of an egotist (which, by the way, is true, if one equates self-confidence combined with amazment and thankfulness for a blessed career and taking pleasure in reveling in the anecdotes with like minded folks as hell, it's true even at face value!) could someone ELSE explain to the person who calls himself "MasterLcZ" that I actually did all the things I "boast" about, so what am I supposed to do? Change the names to protect the bitter?

Now I'll add a smiley face re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night Updated On: 1/25/05 at 02:52 PM

#64re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 2:58pm

im an egomaniac and my life hasnt been half as interesting. :)

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#65re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:00pm

Mistress, that cracked me up!

#66re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:10pm

*gasp* i made marc shaiman laugh. another story to feed my ego!!

re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#67re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:12pm

Mistress, not another word, your brown-nosing will be fodder for more venom!! And besides, Eddie Varley has his nose so far up my ass, there ain't no room, and considering the size of my ass these days, that's saying a lot!!!

VocalLizzy Profile Photo
#68re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:13pm


Your memories of that night were wonderful. Thank you for being so gracious as to share them.

It was also lovely bumping into you and Scott at 700 Sundays the night Harvey started in Fiddler. :)

Possible memoir title: Just Because I Can Play a Vacuum Doesn't Mean I'm a Musical Suck-Up!

re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night


MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#69re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:14pm

Marc - I don't doubt for a minute that you actually did all the things you post about. You've accomplished a lot for which you have a lot to be be proud of. And yes, I adore HAIRSPRAY and think the accolades it will recieve will dwarf the reception accorded THE PRODUCERS when it finaly opens in London.

But, I still think that your Carson post was ultimately more about you than about honoring him. My apologies if that offends you.

And Marc - before you start acusing me of being "bitter", you don't know anything about me or my career, which has nothing to do with show business, and which is every bit as satisfying to me as yours has been to you. OK?

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"
Updated On: 1/25/05 at 03:14 PM

#70re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:14pm

hmph. Im sure Eddie is SO much better at it than me too.

*runs off to stroke Matt's ego instead*

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#71re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:18pm

You had me at "his nose so far up my ass"...:)

Right Said Rick Profile Photo
Right Said Rick
#72re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:22pm

Shaiman, I am so sick and tired of you bragging 'bout yer stinkin' "accomplishments!" So now ya go and write a moving and personal tribute to a national icon whose untimely death has saddened a nation. Worst thing 'bout it is that you ain't so high and mighty that you can't share it with fellow fans on the web. You really think yer a regular Mother Teresa.

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#73re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:28pm


complete apologies on the "bitter", I knew that was presumptuous (and let's face it, would get a reaction!!), but all signs pointed that way for you to keep ignoring the fact that I acknowledged twice, ONCE IN ALL CAPS that I KNEW my "essay" was dangerously self-serving.

I certainly didn't make Bette Midler a force of nature and I had NOTHING to do with Johnny Carson's icon status. But I WAS there, I had a LOT to do with that night, and what with the clip being shown NIGHT & DAY (oh, if one only recieved royalties on News clips!!) it seemed I would be indulged the "self-serving" for all the fun and emotion that I could hopefully convey by gathering my thoughts and spreading them around like manure, as my late husband Ephraim used to say!

why is it so hard for not one post on a message board to ever be given a break as sincere and not worthy of "trashing" or whatever word is PC. That is the real question of the day, but how 'bout we table that one for another thread? And/or in a thread where we ALL use our real names!!! Updated On: 1/25/05 at 03:28 PM

#74re: “SOMEONE IN A TREE”- My view of Johnny Carson’s last night
Posted: 1/25/05 at 3:50pm

Wow...Marc, Eddie and RSR all on one thread.

Makes ya feel warm all over...

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