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Scared About Daphne Rubin Vega as Fantine?- Page 3

Scared About Daphne Rubin Vega as Fantine?

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#50re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 8/16/06 at 12:56pm

"They certainly did not do it for the "name appeal" as no one outside of the theatre world actually knows who she is."

I don't know if I'd say that's true. I'm not saying she's a household name or anything, but she's more well known than a lot of actresses who do mostly theatre.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

#51re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 8/16/06 at 1:24pm

I can't wait to hear a new take on Fantine. It will be fresh to hear an actress, who can't sing the material, try to take it on.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#52re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 8/16/06 at 2:22pm

No, why would you be scared? Her pensiveness in Mimi is perfect for Fantine. I would love to see her in Les Mis.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#53re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 8/16/06 at 2:36pm

I was not impressed with her singing in Bernarda Alba, and at first I was almost angry that she was cast as Fantine because I honestly can't even begin to imagine how she's planning to hit those high notes, but they must have seen a little something in her. It's true that most actresses playing Fantine portray her the same way, and I think it would be good if Daphne tried to play it differently instead of attempting to blend in because she's NOT someone who blends in.

#54re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 8/16/06 at 5:25pm

I really dislike her singing voice, but I'm interested to see her interpretation of the role.

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#55re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 8/17/06 at 8:21pm


WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#56re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 8/17/06 at 8:34pm

Bernarda Alba really showed off her acting chops and boy, she's got some chops!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#57re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 8/24/06 at 4:43pm


#58re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 8/24/06 at 5:49pm

Americanboy, I think everything has been said for this thread. Give it up already.

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#59re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:43pm

I just wanted to say that to all of you people who were so snarky about this thread I started, you all knew to check out the reviews of Daphne on here.

#60re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:44pm

People were "snarky" because her name is Daphne, not Mimi.

And you can't judge her until you see her.


LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#61re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/25/06 at 10:00pm

I'm so sick of the word "snarky."

(Almost as much as I am "Daphene," "Daphine," and "Daphen.")

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#62re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/25/06 at 10:02pm

His word, not mine.

What's your stance on Dat Phan?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#63re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/25/06 at 10:03pm

No worries; I wasn't replying to you.

LOL. Well, the other day, I was invited to see him.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#64re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/25/06 at 10:07pm

For your sake I hope you said no. Otherwise, bring some Sake.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#65re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/25/06 at 10:28pm

I said no. Some of the other people from my office went, and they liked him. I've never seen him but got the feeling I'd feel the same way you do. re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#66re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/25/06 at 10:31pm

If you like the same joke over and over and over and over and ::stops record player:: in a high-pitched mock-Asian mother's voice in which the punchline is "What would Bwuce Ree do?" then you would have loved him!

#67re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/26/06 at 12:48am

I've been a Les Mis fan for many years but I honestly cannot understand the casting of Fantine in the revival. By all means, cast some "names" for the Broadway production, but shouldn't key roles be filled by performers who can deliver truly heartfelt, well-sung performances whether they have a known name or not? Daphne Rubin Vega has had a highly successful career. The Les Mis revival would fill the seats whether she was in the show or not. Clearly, based on all the comments on this thread, there is A LOT of reservation about this casting choice. It is only my opinion, but perhaps the producers should revisit some of the people who played and understudied this role recently in the 3NT. Loyal Les Mis fans deserve to not be disappointed with the revival. Afterall, it is on Broadway.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#68re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/26/06 at 12:50am

Shes only had one performance - shouldn't she be given at least a few more before she's axed?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#69re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/26/06 at 1:05am

Two now.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#70re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/26/06 at 1:37am

By all means, if someone is making their Broadway debut they should be given ample opportunity to grow into a role. We are talking about a performer with an established Broadway track record who should have both the acting and vocal chops to deliver a stellar performance for the audience. It seems like the many comments from audience members posted here have to do with her voice, not her acting, an issue that couldn't be altered easily. Some voices are better suited to certain types of roles than others. Would they cast a Valjean who couldn't hit the notes? There is a reason it's called "musical" theater...

ken8631 Profile Photo
#71re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/26/06 at 6:35am

That's right, it's a musical, not a drama. You would expect the notes to be hit properly....

Anyone go last night?

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#72re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/26/06 at 6:25pm

I'd love to hear about her second night. Any better?

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#73re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/26/06 at 7:10pm

she was suprisingly good in that role... who knew.

#74re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/26/06 at 8:42pm

i dont think its a new style for her....its just what you know her for....check bernarda alba....i reckon she'll do a much better job than most of the fantines before her.
