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Scared About Daphne Rubin Vega as Fantine?- Page 4

Scared About Daphne Rubin Vega as Fantine?

NJRae Profile Photo
#75re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/26/06 at 8:57pm

I somehow just can't imagine that she is as bad as everyone is saying. Ok, her voice is "different". It is raspy, it is breathy, and yes, it almost sounds like she cracks on certain notes (although after seeing her do the same show multiple times it seems like that is just a noise she makes . . . it kind of grows on you!) but there is no taking away that she is a talented woman. Maybe she isn't the Fantine that you expect to see when you walk in . . . but I think everyone knew she would take a different approach. Is different bad? Personally I have never seen the show, with her or anyone else so I look forward to seeing it and her. Maybe she is miscast. But if she is, don't you think she is doing the best she can possibly do? Is it fair to bash her for trying her best in a role that maybe she just isn't suited for? I think people need to put aside their preconcieved notions of what this role should look/sound like, and just enjoy the performance of a talented actress and singer. But that is just my opinion. And I'm sure I will get bashed for it!

"I wrote a book: "How to Be Popular". Now I've put together a top ten list of how to help you: -Elphie, everyday... shower. I mean, who knows? Maybe some of that green is gonna come off! -Deodorant Elphie. No body likes a stinky witch! -I think we've covered the hair, we'll get to that. -Clean underclothes. That's all I'm gonna say. -Look at your posture. That's no way to be popular! -Bed made, room straightened. We've done that. -Colors blended. Oookay. -But the most important thing to have, to make yourself popular, is to keep your beautiful smile." ~Kristin Chenoweth in her last performance of the song "Popular"

mentaltenant Profile Photo
#76re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 12:36am

1) Not "everyone" is saying she is bad. Like three people who saw the first preview are.

2) I have no doubt that Daphne will pull this role off, she does have some off days, she did during RENT and she will during Les Mis but what performer doesn't? She's not your typical musical theatre ingenue so it's going to be a matter of taste.

I can't wait to see her when I see the show in January (my first broadway show, my first time seeing Daphne, and my first time to NYC, i can't wait heehee).

She always ends up showing everyone who doubted her except those members of the "I don't like Daphne's voice" club.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#77re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 8:15am

I heard her do Fantine and I'd still be suprised if she lasts..... The buzz throughout the audience at intermission and after the show was - "Is she sick?? She MUST be sick..."" I'd like to hear from others who were there after the firts night, though.

NJRae Profile Photo
#78re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 8:57am

Ok, not everyone is saying they disliked her, but most seem to be saying that. Better? :)

Ken: I can see where people who don't know her voice would say that. I will admit that the first time I heard her live I was totally in shock. It was at Rent10 and the first two songs she sang I thought she was either sick or had hurt her voice or something. But by the time she got to her third song I sort of realized that that was just her voice and I started to really enjoy it. I have seen her a few times since and I really like her voice. Maybe people just didn't expect to hear what they heard.

I just always feel bad when any performer is getting seriously bashed on here, but I feel especially bad when it is one that I have seen and enjoyed and feel is really talented. Guess I had a moment of wanting to stand up and fight for her :)

"I wrote a book: "How to Be Popular". Now I've put together a top ten list of how to help you: -Elphie, everyday... shower. I mean, who knows? Maybe some of that green is gonna come off! -Deodorant Elphie. No body likes a stinky witch! -I think we've covered the hair, we'll get to that. -Clean underclothes. That's all I'm gonna say. -Look at your posture. That's no way to be popular! -Bed made, room straightened. We've done that. -Colors blended. Oookay. -But the most important thing to have, to make yourself popular, is to keep your beautiful smile." ~Kristin Chenoweth in her last performance of the song "Popular"

jewishboy Profile Photo
#79re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 9:05am

Yes, Daphne's voice takes some time to get used to. The first time I saw Rent I amediatly bought the OBCR and hated her voice. Then, as I got older and started to understand Mimi better I began to value her characterization and realize just how strong her voice really is. I have alwayse cherished her "Without You" and feel that no one has surpassed her in that number.

I think Daphne is an ispiring choice for Fantine. I think people were so shocked by her rendintion because they don't know how her voice usualy sounds. I for one am looking foward to see someone other then the usual "Brodway Diva" doing this role.

Would have loved to see Judy Kuhn tackle this role!

ken8631 Profile Photo
#80re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 9:06am


Good - glad someone enjoys her type of singing. I don't and just found it very irritating to me, especially for a song that is beautiful (I Dreamed a Dream) when sung in key. It ruined the song for me, and in the 20 times in many many years of seeing Les Mis, has never happened before. Some have been better and worse than others, but this was wayyy off scale for me.

She just doesn't do it for me in that part.... Just my opinion.

Ken from NJ

#81re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 9:58am

I saw the second preview of Les Miserables this week, and it's true that people spoke of practically nothing else during intermission.

"Is she sick?"
"Has she hurt her voice?"
"Is this a joke?"
"Why didn't her understudy go on if she couldn't sing the songs?"

I'm of several minds on this, as well as on the production as a whole.

First, it's clear that Ms. Rubin-Vega is making strong acting choices as Fantine. Her choices are unique to anyone else I've ever seen play the role, and while they're the most emotional of anyone on stage, they seem to place her in an entirely different production than the rest of the cast. While everyone else is doing their level best to put forth Les Miserables as the audience knows, loves, and expects it, Daphne is re-inventing a character. When I think of Fantine-as-usual, I'd describe her as beautiful, tragic, and kind of bland. The new Fantine is ruined, addled, and desperate, and doesn't allow the audience to gloss over the severity of her situation.

But then there's the singing. There is no belting, and there are no soaring notes to be found. Ms. Rubin-Vega whispers most of "I Dreamed a Dream," and at times lands somewhere between a croak and a cry. The people I attended the show with, when asked to describe her voice, decided on "Bjork, by way of Carol Channing, and maybe some Cyndi Lauper?" It's not a sound I've ever heard before, and this is coming from someone who's enjoyed Daphne's singing in Bernarda Alba and Rent. CAN she hit those notes in Fantine's songs? I think so. Does she choose to? Absolutely not, and it seems to be part and parcel of the character she's creating. Sadly, it's also what people are getting upset about.

I'm still not sure if I enjoyed her performance, but I found it problematic for the show as a whole -- this Fantine seems dropped into the mix from an entirely different musical. I think I'd like to see that musical on its own someday, but it's definitely not what people are expecting when they sit down in the Broadhurst.

#82re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 10:18am

I saw the second preview last night.

Daphne Rubin-Vega is definitely miscast in this role.
The rest of the production is wonderful.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#83re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 10:29am

Sounds like the audience is saying exactly the same things they were saying during intermission at the first preview. It's a shame, since it's detracting from otherwise fine performances from the rest of the cast, especially Celia as Eponine. I don't know if that's their intention, but I doubt it. I really, truly WAS glad when she died, and she was offstage for awhile.

Her take on the part (especially the way off-key horrible singing), IMHO, is NOT what this show needs....

LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#84re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 11:17am

I saw the 3rd preview last night, and am seeing it again before it opens, so I'll wait to give a full review then. But...

Daphne Rubin-Vega needs to be let go from this show ASAP. She is not only miscast, she has no voice left. She is in a world of her own on that stage, and she is an embaresment to the rest of the very nice production. People were not talking about the BRILLIANT performances of Norm Lewis or Gary Beach at intermission or after the show, they were screaming that Daphne needs fired and how truly awful she was. And I must say I whole heartedly agree.

Rubin-Vega is no longer a singer, and the smoking she is doing on the street at Call time outside the theatre is anything but a testament to the role of Fantine. Everyone seeing this show probably knows the story by now...and Fantine can't die soon enough. And when she returns at the end of Act II her very presense ruins the end of the show. Its ashame, but a casting blunder that MUST be fixed NOW! I can't believe Cameron MacIntosh would let this go on much longer.

#85re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 11:22am

My daughter and I attended last night's production and were both totally WOW'd - with the disturbing exception of Fantine. I had never previously seen or heard Daphne Rubin-Vega.
My daughter was familiar with Daphne's role as Mimi and she was very concerned about the choice to cast her in the role of Fantine. Unfortunately, it came across as just that - a role.
Ms. Rubin-Vega seemed to be acting a part. The acting was overdone - too much stiffness & shaking; her death scene was completely unbelievable - the people in front of us actually chuckled (how AWFUL!) when she suddenly dropped her head and died. We never saw her as Fantine - only as Daphne Rubin-Vega playing Fantine. Her singing was also completely wrong for this type of music and this show. Granted, she has a unique sound. So do many other artists whom I also can't see cast in this role. I'm not bashing Daphne. She may be a great fit in other shows, but not this one. So many people (us included) were saying that the show was incredible except for the disturbing role of Fantine. I sincerely hope she will be replaced - it will hopefully improve what is close to an almost perfect show, and she can then go on to find another role that better suits her style.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#86re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 12:06pm

Looks like more agreement - the sooner she finds another show that better fits her, the better off her and this show will be.....

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#87re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 1:26pm

The question here should be put to the Macintosh org, since they chose her -- after she sang the number in audition -- and are continuing to keep her. For now.

They clearly thought this was a John C. Riley as Stanley kinda decision. Move outside the box. But it sounds a toxic choice, and I'll be very surprised if she stays. Cameron once fired a whole company for being stale -- will he let this baby come back with a lead weight dominating the first third?

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

#88re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 1:38pm

I heard she was kind of painful to watch...and while I like her...her voice just doesn't really suit the part.

LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#89re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 1:56pm

Now that I think about it more, I've can honestly say that I've never seen such an Awful performance in a Broadway musical in the last 10 yrs.

You should never want a character to die a minute after she makes her entrance. Fortunate that Fantine does die not long into Act I, but the death scene smells of decay and the finale is hurt by her lack of well, anything. With so many other strong and compenant, capable and Great actors on stage with her at that point - its glaring.
Updated On: 10/27/06 at 01:56 PM

Miss B. L. T. Down Profile Photo
Miss B. L. T. Down
#90re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 2:12pm

Paging Judy Kuhn!

Love Changes NOTHING

Amneris Profile Photo
#91re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 2:14pm

how can they keep her then? if everyone is saying these things on line and in the theatre, shouldn't casting people listen to the ones who support the show?

MotorTink Profile Photo
#92re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 2:29pm

The first time I heard DR-V was on the Rent OBCR. I loved it, but then I started seeing clips of her performing the songs live, and i was not impressed. Now, I don't know much about singing so dont take this as expertise or anything, but when I saw clips from RENT 10 it didnt even sound like she was trying. I thought it sounded awful. When I heard of her playing this new role, I was very skeptical and it seems for very good reason. I will still see it though.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

ken8631 Profile Photo
#93re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 2:36pm

Again, I'd be suprised if she makes it to opening night. Aren't they supposed to improve the show during previews? Any of them glance at boards (such as this one) from time to time? maybe listen to the audience on the wya out? During intermission?

I remember leaving Lestat (during previews), and on the way out saw a producer looking guy sitting in the back. He didn't look too happy.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#94re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 2:36pm

how can they keep her then? if everyone is saying these things on line and in the theatre, shouldn't casting people listen to the ones who support the show?

That's what I'm thinking. It's a bigger problem than "I just don't like Daphne's voice," or "Her style is wrong for the show." And I don't think it's a matter of people jumping on the bandwagon, either (although I think that is happening). There has to be a legitimate problem going on over there -- I mean, a friend called last night shortly after he left the theatre, and he said people were chuckling or groaning during the finale when Daphne made her entrance. Turned out another of my friends saw the show that night, too and said Daphne was as bad as everyone said.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 10/27/06 at 02:36 PM

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#95re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 2:38pm

Wow, that's not good.

My own take on this is that I don't think they'll get rid of her, but, she won't return to Les Miz after she's done with that other show she's leaving to do.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

MotorTink Profile Photo
#96re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 2:49pm

I've worked in sports marketing/PR before, but I'm not sure how much relates to broadway marketing/PR, but I would think it might do them good to keep her in there, terrible or not. Look at the attention and talk it's getting the show. the saying is "The only bad press is no press". Other than this topic, I don't hear much about anything else. Now people may say "well now I need to see what these people are talking about. Is she really that bad?" I could be completely off track though.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

NJRae Profile Photo
#97re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 2:52pm

I agree with you Dottie . . . if she is as bad as people saying (and I still have a hard time believing she is that bad--miscast maybe, but just plain bad?) I would think that she will stay until her planned leave of absence and just not return after doing the other show. At least that is my hope b/c I really do want to see her in this show, regardless of what others are saying here.

And as for her voice being gone or having no voice left . . . she sounded pretty good doing "Everythings Turning Into Beautiful" over the summer. Much better than she did during Rent 10 . . . and her voice sounds good on her new cd . . . so she has a voice in there somewhere!

"I wrote a book: "How to Be Popular". Now I've put together a top ten list of how to help you: -Elphie, everyday... shower. I mean, who knows? Maybe some of that green is gonna come off! -Deodorant Elphie. No body likes a stinky witch! -I think we've covered the hair, we'll get to that. -Clean underclothes. That's all I'm gonna say. -Look at your posture. That's no way to be popular! -Bed made, room straightened. We've done that. -Colors blended. Oookay. -But the most important thing to have, to make yourself popular, is to keep your beautiful smile." ~Kristin Chenoweth in her last performance of the song "Popular"

Miss B. L. T. Down Profile Photo
Miss B. L. T. Down
#98re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 2:53pm

These comments do make me real curious to see her performance, MotorTink. So you have a point there. :)

However, Les Mis is Cameron Mackintosh' favorite child. I'd like to hope that if Daphne's performance is as bad and distracting as it's being reported, Cameron won't hesitate to save his baby.

Love Changes NOTHING

ken8631 Profile Photo
#99re: Scared about Mimi as Fantine?
Posted: 10/27/06 at 3:12pm

If you want to see her, I'd suggest doing it soon then.....
