Hello! I'm Currently in the cast of my schools musical, Spamalot! My Director Asked me to come up with ideas or spots where we could reference other musicals. Some of that has already been written in the script already( fiddler bottle dance, phantom of the opera boat, waving a Finland flag at the end of The Finland # like in Les Mis). We would like to add more of these "Broadway Parody numbers"! My question is, what other spots in the show could we do a parodies? Thanks!!!
I know this isn't what your director wants but you've mentioned is quite a few. Adding any more would make the joke stale. Also wouldn't it involve script changes? That's a no-no. Have you even read through the script?
"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Thanks for responding! :) this was actually my homework that my director assigned to me in rehearsals. She picked me because I know musicals! Anyways I'm not talking about adding lines, I know that's illegal, but I'm talking about adding moments. I was reading through the show last night and realized there is a whole dance break that has some west side story in it. I'm talking adding moments like that. Thanks.