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Spelling Bee love!

harris007 Profile Photo
#1450Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/24/06 at 11:48pm

ut oh

rath dont say too loudly liotte will get ya

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

liotte Profile Photo
#1451Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/24/06 at 11:56pm

Rath is welcome to have her opinion on the show, and overall, she enjoyed it.

And Bee is awesome in that even if you don't like some of the characters, there is always one character who you can relate to and want to root for to win the Bee in the end.

liotte Profile Photo
#1452Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 2:23pm

Yay for Deborah SSSSSSS Craig!!! (I love you Deb!)

#1453Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 3:50pm

Yay for Dan being back on stage!

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#1454Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 4:23pm

So is Deborah leaving the show?

liotte Profile Photo
#1455Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 6:22pm

No, Deborah is still in the show, she films during the day, I think.

And yay Dan!!

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#1456Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 7:23pm

Awesome, becuase I am pretty sure that I will be seeing the show at the end of October and would love to catch her while she is still in it!

LilDiva05 Profile Photo
#1457Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 7:30pm

Awe I'm so happy for Deb!
Yesterday was amazingly hilarious, she begged me to buy a raffle ticket.


liotte Profile Photo
#1458Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 9:16pm

I did not buy a raffle ticket, I see the show enough as it is!

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#1459Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 9:18pm

edit:// They didn't tell me when the winners would be announced. All I know is that you can choose any date you want to the show after January. Updated On: 9/25/06 at 09:18 PM

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#1460Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 9:19pm

Congrats to her! And thank God she'll still be in the show.

I bought a raffle ticket. Raffle is a funny word. It should be spelled raffel. When it's spelled raffle it should be pronounced raf-ley. Just my 2 cents about lifeness.

liotte Profile Photo
#1461Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/25/06 at 9:50pm

Did they say when the winners of the raffle were going to be announced?

liotte Profile Photo
PARISinNYC Profile Photo
#1463Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/26/06 at 12:01am

Yayy, Dan and Deb!

Question: I don't really know how this works. Does A/V Club actually have a chance of being picked up? If so, when do you think we'll know?

I think i've watched the trailer a tad too many times and it kills me that I don't know what the storyline is.

liotte Profile Photo
#1464Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/26/06 at 12:03am

I've seen it a couple times, it's great!

I have no idea if it will get picked up, it was by far the best of the comedy pilots that I saw at the festival!

liotte Profile Photo
#1465Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/26/06 at 11:40am

Lisa Howard has just updated her website:

Be sure to check it out!

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#1466Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/26/06 at 1:04pm

I just wanted to post some quick thoughts from the final dress of Boston's Bee. I was about 6 rows back and it was nice to see the show from the center of a theatre (my lotto seats have always been on the side).

Aaron J. Albano: He was very cute and tons of fun. MUE was so energetic, but I don't love the fact that it was staged in front of the first row of the orchestra because it was a little hard to see. (A silly note...the individually wrapped candys are better in Boston than NY.)

Stanley Bahorek: He was cute and funny but there was a little something missing. The character had no depth. Vocally was adiquite, but nothing really stood out. The audience loved him, he got the biggest "awww" when he was eliminated.

Jenni Barber: She was easily my favorite member of the cast. At first I found myself missing Celia a bit, but Jenni won me over very quickly. She has a gorgeous voice and her "The I Love You Song" was so incredibly emotional that I almost started crying. (Jenni cried through the whole song.)

Jared Gertner: Another cast member that I don't feel strongly about. Barfee is probably my least favorite character in the Bee so I can't really give a fair opinion. Jared was fine and he did very well vocally.

James Monroe Iglehart: James played the role a lot tougher than Derrick does, but it was funny and quite believable. His voice was beautiful and he was hillarious as Loganne's Dad.

Sarah Inbar: WOW! She was perfect in the role. I didn't think that I could love anybody as much as Sarah Salzberg, but this Sarah at least came close. She reads very young on stage and I loved how she spoke and signed every word. Her lisp was a little patchy a few times but all in all she was awsome.

Gretta Lee: I hate to say it, but I was underwhelmed. Gretta could hit all of the notes and do the "I Speak Six Languages" dance, but there was something missing. She was too cheerful the whole time and she didn't make me care about Marcy at all. She does get an honorable mention though, because after Chip tells Marcy to watch what he does, she turned back to the audience and mouthed "asshole" which sent everyone into gales of laughter.

Daniel Pearce: Another actor who didn't make a strong impression. He was funny, but nothing over the top. The one thing that was interesting was that he sang more than the other Panches. He sang, or at least spoke melodically, the beginning of "Spelling Rules" and when Chip was eliminated for "tittup" he spoke-sang "If you start to spell a word..."

Betsy Wolfe: Betsy has a great voice but seemed a little too young to play Ms. Peretti. She didn't portray enough of the respected athority figure. She kept saying "Oh my god" and sounded a little too much like she should be in the movie Clueless. Her "I Love You Song" was brilliantly sung and acted too.

There were a few cute adlibs added to the show, but to me, most of it fell flat. The thing that this Bee really has going for it is the fact that its actors look a lot younger than the actors on Broadway and their energy is still very new feeling. On the other hand, I laughed more at the sentences than I did at many of the antics and "The I Love You Song" was the high point of the show due to James, Jenni and Betsy's superb acting and singing. I hope to make a return visit to the Bee after it has been open for a few months and hopefully it will be in a little better shape.

Whatever happened to class?

liotte Profile Photo
#1467Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/26/06 at 1:47pm

Thanks for the review.

What were some of the adlibs?

#1468Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/26/06 at 3:58pm

Lisa's updated site is awesome!

Does anyone know when the cast had time to go to Miami?

liotte Profile Photo
#1469Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/26/06 at 5:03pm

They went a few weeks ago, I think at the end of August for just a quick trip.

#1470Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/26/06 at 7:38pm

Spelling Bee is cute.
You should not spend more than $25 for this.
It should have remained Off-Broadway where it would have run for years.
Music is just ok.
Orchestra is only a quintet with a piano.

liotte Profile Photo
#1471Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/26/06 at 8:31pm

Anyone there tonight? I hope Sarah is back in and feeling better!

liotte Profile Photo
liotte Profile Photo
#1473Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/27/06 at 1:26am

And one more article:

JenniferLeal Profile Photo
#1474Spelling Bee
Posted: 9/27/06 at 9:48pm

I just want to say I hope everyoen in Boston enjoys the new cast. I know I miss them dearly and can't wait to go see them this January.

"The Opposite of War isn't Peace, it's Creation!" "Tittup. WHAT? You're word is tittup." "I don't have a magic foot. Or a mother." "I'm so stressed by my stress I just want to up and vomit."
