I am in LOVE with this hilarious show. It is just pure fun!
Bumping this thread after nearly a year (!) for an Aaron Albano update!
Aw, I miss this show. And thread!
Stand-by Joined: 2/11/05
I saw Spelling Bee a couple of weeks ago in Ashland Oregon at a little cabaret theatre in an old church. www.oregoncabaret.com It plays through August. It was terrific. All the contestants are students at the university in Ashland. Some Broadway actors got their start in this little theatre including Megan Hilty. If you live anywhere near Ashland, it's worth seeing. I've now seen the show four times in four different cities with four different casts. And every time I have a new favorite character. This time it was Marcy.
Bumping this thread for someone who was wondering about Olive's mom!