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Superman in Dallas?

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#75Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/28/10 at 7:23pm

I'm glad that the review that by far counts the most was so glowing. What I really hope is that DC is encouraged to let them use the actual names of the characters when this version becomes available.

darquegk Profile Photo
#76Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/28/10 at 8:32pm

If this thing moves to a bigger production, I think DC would look rather stupid not allowing the actual character names to be used.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#77Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/28/10 at 8:43pm

I don't see this version becoming available to license unless they make it to Broadway. If they don't I can totally see them keeping a tight lid on the script until they're able to make all the money off of it that they possibly can. Until they do they'll keep it under lock and key just like several other regional revisals that never made it to New York.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#78Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/28/10 at 9:17pm

DC has big problems. They just lost 50% of the rights to Superman to the children of one of the creators, Jerry Sieigel and in 2012, they lose the other 50% to the kids of Joe Shuster. That's probably why they ixnayed the use of new characters in the show. The families own Superman, Lois Lane, Krypton (but not kryptonite) and Clark Kent while DC retains everything created after some date in the 40s which would include Jimmy Olsen, red kryptonite and Lana Lang.

No word on who owns Mr. Myxtplkz....
Updated On: 7/1/10 at 09:17 PM

#79Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/28/10 at 11:06pm

"I'm glad that the review that by far counts the most was so glowing."

Why, exactly, is Variety "the review that counts the most"?

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#80Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 12:37am

I should have said of those for this production so far; because it is the one that will--by far--be the most-read in the industry, by producers, by people in general. Certainly more than local Dallas papers.

#81Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 1:17am

Sorry for the knee-jerk reaction, Scary, but one of the things that has prevented me from moving back to NYC is the unbearable snide provincialism that I experienced there on a regular basis when I did live there and that I have seen emerge in some of my friends. I object to the idea that NYC is the center of all things cultural and artistic in the US/world and that the opinions of the remaining 99.5% of the country don't really matter.

But don't dismiss our local critics - they are very insightful, and they know this company more intimately than a cursory glance by a regional reviewer might reveal.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#82Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 2:00am

Variety is L.A. based, but I'm sure the same argument can be made about many who live in L.A.

I don't mean it's a more legitimate review or anything like that, just that it just has more reach in the industry, because that's really just the way things are. Presenting theatres and such around the country wouldn't get a Dallas paper, but they would get Variety.

I'm from Delaware and grew up on the theatre there, which was often brilliant, so I know exactly how you feel.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#83Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 2:08am

"but one of the things that has prevented me from moving back to NYC is the unbearable snide provincialism that I experienced there on a regular basis when I did live there"

Plus we just don't want him back.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#84Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 11:57am

Scary is right, but these days out of town producers also read EVERY review online. BUT they hold the Variety review higher because it is an INDUSTRY publication.

newintown Profile Photo
#85Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 12:19pm

The only reviews that matter are those that sell tickets, and Variety doesn't sell tickets.

ObiHave Profile Photo
#86Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 12:42pm

DC has a right to be nervous with all the crap Marvel's facing with Spider-Man. Hopefully this will encourage them to allow some changes. Tams-Witmark is probably the best at re-releasing their musicals when they've been reworked, i.e. Kiss Me Kate, Wizard of Oz and Anything Goes.
I for one would like to see this production get some more reworking and make it back to Broadway. I've always like the show and would love to see a revisal.

#87Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 1:03pm

ObiHave, I honestly think that DC wishes this show had never been made and that it would disappear forever, which is why I don't think this new version will go anywhere after it closes in July. In the larger scheme of things, it severely undermines the Superman brand by turning the character into a joke. But I think the Spider-Man musical is more reason for them to limit the show, rather than give it more freedom and access.

I will freely admit, I cannot stand the original 1966 musical, so I can't imagine that this is anything but an attempt to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. I am planning on seeing the DTC production soon, just to experience what they have done, and I will report back on that when I do. I don't deny anyone's nostalgia for the piece, but I've often wondered if people are more in love with the idea of a Superman musical than they are with the actual 1966 book and score.

newintown Profile Photo
#88Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 1:13pm

I saw a regional production in the early 80s that used the original book and score, and remember finding it to be a lot of light fun. The Flying Lings were a racial stereotype, but they don't need to be. The rest of the show is just old-fashioned musical comedy, like L'il Abner. The fact that it doesn't adhere to the comic books isn't an artistic crime. It's camp, folks, not verismo.

#89Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 3:38pm

Here is a video of Matt Cavenaugh singing one of the numbers from the "Superman" musical.
"Superman" Performance

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#90Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 4:12pm

So corny! I love it.

#91Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 4:34pm

In cases like this Variety does matter because out of town producers looking to bring in the show (OR another show from the same theatre company) want to see industry opinion on it. It's not just about reviews selling tickets when you're deciding whether or not to back a transfer from out of town.

#92Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 4:37pm

Haven't reps from DC been in Dallas to check in on the show? That's what I was told. Hardly sounds like they wish it hadn't been written. If that were the case they could easily have prevented its being licensed at all.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#93Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 4:46pm

Sorry Matt is no Superman!

He has got to lose that Joe Kennedy thing!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#94Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 5:21pm

Review from a local theatre blog.
Theater Jones Review of "Superman"

ggersten Profile Photo
#95Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 5:33pm

Is there a song list?
I'm curious what they did with the mad scientist's "Revenge" song, which was one of my favorites for crazy rhymes. I don't think it fits with the 1939 milieu or the new Society of Super Villains.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#96Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 5:52pm

I haven't been able to find a definitive song list from anyone, but from what I do know "Doing Good" is much shorter now and sung by Pa and Young Clark, "We Don't Matter at All" is sung by Lois and Clark, "Revenge" is cut, Lois has a new song that replaces "What I've Always Wanted", obviously from the clip Superman and the Orphans sing the new song "I Will Do My Best" (not sure of the title), Marilyn Nessbit sing "Ooh, Do You Love You", Lois and Clark sing "You've Got What I Need" and "A Woman Alone", one of the demo songs on the CD, is in place of "I'm Not Finished Yet".
Updated On: 6/29/10 at 05:52 PM

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#97Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 6:32pm

Oh, man, I'm so sad "I'm Not Finished Yet" and "Revenge" are gone, I love those songs and both actually had some kind of relevance to what there was of a story. I never cared for "A Woman Alone."

But I love the idea of Pa and Young Clark singing "Doing Good" and Lois and Clark singing "You've Got What I Need."

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#98Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/29/10 at 9:01pm

I really like the idea of Pa and Clark singing "Doing Good" as well. What I can't really figure out is how Lois and Clark are singing "You've Got What I Need", but I guess with some minor lyrical changes it probably works fine. "Revenge" was in and out all through the rehearsal process so I would imagine that it could be in again if the show undergoes further revisions beyond Dallas. I'm not sure how I feel about "A Woman Alone". I'm sure it's fine on stage, but it's not the most entertaining song when you hear it on the demo as sung by a man. (Not sure if it's Charles Strouse or Lee Adams.)

#99Superman in Dallas Reviews?
Posted: 6/30/10 at 1:20pm

Here is a song list to the best of my knowledge:

"Did You See That" - Smallville Teens and Emily
"Doing Good" (snippet) - Pa Kent
"We Need Him" - Lois and Citizens
"Doing Good" - Superman
"Even Men Like You" - Lois and Superman
"It's Superman" - Lois
"Bunch of Happy People" - Daily Planet Staff
"The Woman for the Man" - Max Mencken
"Superman Oath" - Superman, Orphans, Matron Bumble, Torchy
"We Don't Really Matter" - Clark and Sidney
"You've Got What I Need" - Max, Villains, Marilyn
"Even Men Like You" (reprise) - Lois and Clark
"It's Superman" (reprise)- Clark
"Did You See That" (reprise) - Torchy, Reporters, and Cast
"You've Got Possibilities" - Sidney
"A Woman Alone" - Lois and Barflies
"It's Supernice" - Max and Citizens
"We Need Him" (reprise) - Citizens
"So Long, Big Guy" - Max
"Strongest Man in the World" - Clark
"It's Up To Me" - Lois, Willie, Dr. Sedgwick
"Ooh, Do You Love You" - Marilyn
"Meanwhile" aka "It's Superman" (reprise) - Cast
"I've Never Felt This Way" - Clark
"Bunch of Happy People" (reprise) - Villains
"Pow! Bam! Zonk!" - Superman
"You've Got Possibilities" (reprise) - Sidney
"You've Got What I Need" (reprise) - Lois and Superman

Updated On: 6/30/10 at 01:20 PM
