This show is unique & fabulous... enriches the Broadway we know & love! The cast is a fireball of talent! Comet deserves MANY MANY MANY Tony nominations & should be a serious contender to win!
The producers of The Great Comet have offered a settlement to Ars Nova's billing dispute! I hope all is well now.
I thought the score was fine while attending the performance but I cannot listen to the recording. I have tried twice. Only one song stuck with ,e after the show and I still couldn't hum it. Just knew I liked it.
Should the score win a Tony? Well, it works in the theater (and tent, where I saw it) so it is worth a nomination. JMO
I actually love the score. It's an opera, and as such not all of it is hummable - 'recitative' rarely is. But I think there are strong songs like "No One Else" / "Sonya Alone" / "Charming" etc that are as melodic as anything we've heard on Broadway in recent times.
But sure, I think this will end up getting a lot of Tony noms. Certainly musical, score, director, costumes, lighting, orchestrations, scenic design all seem likely. That's seven right there. It should be nominated for book (though sometimes all sung musicals lose out ridiculously on that nomination).
I think performance nominations are a lot more up in the air, given that its a true ensemble effort and this is a very competitive year but I'm sure Josh Groban, Lucas Steele, Brittain Ashford and Amber Gray will at least be in the conversation for a nomination. I don't see Denee Benton being nominated. Lovely as she is, her category is filled with heavy weights.
“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”