I should have guessed that the addition of "Avenue Q" would have made the cabaret more, er, raunchy than the previous one, but oh my word. Although I will admit to laughing until I nearly cried at several moments.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
I was rolling in my chair for most of the show. It was hilarious. If you weren't there you missed a really great performace from both casts. And few you had to be there moments. I'll work on a recap for those of you who missed it, because I'm sure some of you are want to know what happened.
I'm so exhausted I can't do a recap, but OH MY GOD. Socks and Mike Erickson. Toothbrushes and Mike Erickson. Jarrod Spector singing Shiksa Goddess (Kate Monster Goddess). John Hickman in a bra. TREKKIE MONSTER SINGING CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF OF YOU BUT WITH BOOBS.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Who was the special guest? On an unrelated note...I am waching TV and they are showing an informercial for 70's songs from
and they showed a clip of "Oh, What a Night"
Updated On: 8/21/07 at 03:28 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Went tonight and had a great time. Both casts were fantastic, had me rolling in my seat the whole time. Seriously, if you were there and didn't laugh at anything then you must have no soul or something. They had a smart setup for the show, it was an audition for Jersey Boys but with the Four Seasons being producers and casting directors for the company. As Jeremy put it, cut out the middle man and have the money go in there pockets. From the sign they put up, it was going to be the Akron Company but they decided to call it the Ukiah Company. There were only a few cast members missing from both casts. John Hickman was Massi for the night. There was no special guest, I think they got some of the info mixed up for the ads with the ONO with the cast of Mamma Mia that’s coming up because that one is having a special guest. Also saw that they were recording the performace but I have a feeling it's just for the orginization. Would love to get my hands on a DVD of tonight if they decide to make one though.
-"I Hope I Get It" from ACL - Cast of Avenue Q
It was very interesting to see Michael Bennett’s choreography adapted for puppets that don't have legs. And loved Trekkie's headshot.
Then a fight between Mary and Frankie but they made it regarding Frankie doing all this casting for the new company.
-"Life of The Party" Jenny Lee Ramos sang as Mary Delgado.
-"Therapy" from tick...tick...Boom - Ave Q members Jennie Kwan & Seth Rettberg
Then they went into a skit with Nicky and Rod discussing what they were going to sing for the audition. And we find out that "Ragdoll" doesn't bring up good memories for Rod.
-"You're A Top" - Nicky, Rod, and fellow Ave Q cast member Cole Porter as Brian. Think about the title and you'll get what the song is about.
-"If You Take It" An original country song by Jake Speck with Rod and Nicky.
This had me cracking up the most. It was about, umm let's just say if you do something then poof. His examples were hilarious but his last one had my jaw drop in shock, still funny though.
-"It Sucks To Be Me" - Jake Speck , John Hickman, John Michael Dias, Steven Goldsmith, Lyndsey Cole.
The version they did was hilarious. Changed the lyrics to address why it sucks to be a swing, have everyone think you’re gay when you’re not, be the alternate/understudy Frankie, or be the girl who’s playing Francine in Jersey Boys.
-A medley of Little Richard songs sung by Ave Q drummer Rich Dart.
-"Push The Button" by Erica Robinson from Ave Q. backup by, if I remember correctly, Danielle K. Thomas, Lyndsey Cole, and Jennie Kwan.
-Mike Erickson and Ryan Quinn West did the song "Business Time" from the show Flight of the Concords. This song had me rolling too. Had a very optimistic view of what most people would probably call a very bad attempt at foreplay and sex. And who knew Ryan could hit notes that high.
-"Leading Lady Medley" Rod’s audition for the show was hysterical. Loved Rob McClure’s facial expressions. The one’s I could make out and remember was the Theme from Golden Girls, a bit of Defying Gravity, Rose’s Turn. I know I’m forgetting a bunch from the medley.
Then the Bad Idea Bears came onstage and tried to convince the guys to literally sell their asses to raise some money, which segued into the auction.
-The second act opened with Angela Ai of Ave Q singing singing "A Year To Live" from one of her albums, backed up by fellow cast members Carla Renata, Jennie Kwan, and Seth Rettberg.
-"Cause I'm A Woman" - The Jersey Girls and from Ave. Q Carla Renata, Kelli Sawyer, Erica Robinson, Danielle K. Thomas, and Lucy The Slut. Started laughing when the boys ran off stage for "callbacks"
-"Monster Goddess" - Jarrod Spector to Kate the Monster
Used the music from "Shiska Goddess" from The Last 5 Years, just replace Shiska with monster and add in some monster references. It was hilarious when after the song was over, Jarrod got turned down.
-"Don't Do Sadness" by Rashad Naylor that from the music kind of had an 80s feel to it.
-“The Tough Guy Movie Medley” – The Jersey Boys
-"White Boys" by Danielle K. Thomas with Carla Renata, Jennie Kwan, Erica Robinson backing and the girl Bad Idea Bear.
-“Can’t Take My Eyes Off Your Boobs” sung by Trekkie Monster. This was a great parody of “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You”. Loved the set up for the song. Mary brings in Trekkie to the audition as the perfect person to play Frankie in the Ukiah Company of Jersey Boys. The interaction between Trekkie and Mary during the song was great too. And he gets the part too.
-The last song was a very touching one called “Dreams” that both casts sang.
I was able to get the song list so this is the order.
Updated On: 8/21/07 at 04:13 AM
-Mike Erickson and Ryan Quinn West did a song from the show Flight of the Concords. This song had me rolling too. Had a very optimistic view of what most people would probably call a very bad attempt at foreplay and sex. And who knew Ryan could hit notes that high.
Oh, is THAT what it was?! I was laughing SO hard. I thought it had been inspired by the "Smoove B" columns in The Onion.
The first song was "I Hope I Get It" from ACL, with most of the cast of Avenue Q. When everyone held up their headshots, Trekkie Monster held up a picture of (Lucy the Slut's?) cleavage.
I felt bad for Robert McClure because his mic was crackling the entire night, even after intermission.
During the intro for the finale (which was really sweet), Kate Monster told Jeremy that Tommy was her favorite Season, and not just because he had written that in the script.
Oh, and according to the program, it was directed by Larry Baker, James Darrah, and Jeremy Kushnier; choreographed by James Darrah and John Michael Coppola; and written by Jeremy and Robert McClure. Go you guys!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Oh, and according to the program, it was directed by Larry Baker, James Darrah, and Jeremy Kushnier; choreographed by James Darrah and John Michael Coppola; and written by Jeremy and Robert McClure. Go you guys!
Yeah have to give major props to them and everyone that was involved with tonight.
So like last time, the ONO program didn't list songs because they wanted to preserve the element of surprise. :)
UNLIKE last time, they said you could email Ken Henderson for a song list afterwards. I did and here it is, pasted from Word. Enjoy!
Running Order
WELCOME – Joe & Ken
Enter Center Stage / Exit Center Stage
Voice Over:
Mic: hand held backstage
Enter Stage Right & Left
Scene: Mary & Frankie
Enter – Right & Left Stairs
LIFE OF THE PARTY – Jenny Lee Ramos
Scene: Set Up Audition – 4 Seasons
Enter Stage Left
THERAPY – Seth & Maggie
Enter Center
Seasons Exit Stage Left
YOU’RE A TOP – Rod, Nikki & Brian
Seth & Maggie Exit Stage Left
Rod, Nikki & Brian Enter Center
IF YOU TAKE IT – Jake, Rod, Nikki, Brian
Jake Enter Stage Left Stairs
Exit Center: Rod, Nikki & Brian
IT SUCKS TO BE ME – Jake, JMD, Lyndsey, Steven, John
Enter Stage Right: Lyndsey & John / Stage Left: JMD, Steven
Exit: Stage Center
Scene: About Musicians – 4 Seasons
Enter Stage Left
Enter: / Exit:
PUSH THE BUTTON – Ericka & backups
Enter: Stage Right / Play Stage Right – Exit: Stage Right
Enter: Bandstand / Exit: Bandstand
Enter: Center / Exit: Center
AUCTION – Bears & Jersey Boys
Enter: Center / Exit: Center & Stage Left
Enter Balcony / Exit: Balcony
Scene: about Women – 4 Seasons
Enter: Stage Left
CAUSE I’M A WOMAN – 9 Ladies
Enter: all Areas / Exit: All Areas
Scene: Kate Monster & Jarrod – LOVE STORY THEME
Enter: Center / Exit: Center
MONSTER GODDESS – Jarrod & Kelli
Enter: Stage Right / Exit: Stage Right
Scene: Make the movie – Rashad & 4 Seasons
MOVIE MEDLEY – 4 Seasons
WHITE BOYS – Danelle, Ericka, Jennie, Maggie (Yellow Bear)
Enter: Bandstand / Exit: Bandstand
Jenny Enter: Stage Right Stairs / Trekkie Enter: Stage Right / Exit: Center
DREAMS – Full Cast
Enter: Stage Right & Stage Left
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
Scene: Kate Monster & Jarrod – LOVE STORY THEME
MONSTER GODDESS – Jarrod & Kelli
Was that a play on Shiksa Goddess? Because, AMAZING. They need to release DVDs of this stuff.
It sure was. I can't remember which lyrics were modified, but there were several. :) Kate told him, "I don't date Italians."
Thanks again for the detailed description of the show and clarifiying that there was no special guest :P
Too bad I had to work
Was the "Don't Do Sadness" part from Spring Awakening written by Duncan Sheik?
and who sang the part "It Sucks to be me" ...when everyone think you’re gay when you’re not?
I wonder who gives out the most gay vibe :P
I am really jealous of you guys! But oh well :P It sucks to be me.
Updated On: 8/21/07 at 02:22 PM
and who sang the part "It Sucks to be me" ...when everyone think you’re gay when you’re not?
John Dias sang about playing Frankie twice a week (and Lyndsey, I think, said, "You're no John Lloyd Young"), Steven sang about backing up Frankie but no one knows it, and Lyndsey sang about having the least recognizable female track.
I wonder who gives out the most gay vibe :P
No one could aspire to be you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
John Dias sang about playing Frankie twice a week (and Lyndsey, I think, said, "You're no John Lloyd Young"),
That was a really good burn on Lyndsey's part. The whole audience went Ohhh and then started laughing after that. There were actually a few other good burns that got that reactions that night. The line Jeremy said about the Shorenstein Hays got a good reaction too.
I hope clips are somehow made public.
I would have never thought Jake to be gay....bi maybe :P
Coz Bisexuals are cool these days :0)
Updated On: 8/21/07 at 02:35 PM
I usually try to be quiet, but I think I also ended up busting out with, "OOHH!!!!" It was great.
I'd totally forgotten about the Shorenstein line. I was impressed how many people reacted so quickly to both things.
I was somewhat afraid that one of the guys was going to put on the purple thong when Drew started twirling it around during the auction, but luckily they didn't go any further than the red bra...
I would love to see a purple thong action! :P
Updated On: 8/21/07 at 03:00 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
I'd totally forgotten about the Shorenstein line. I was impressed how many people reacted so quickly to both things.
I expected the reaction for the JLY line but was suprised by the reaction of the Shorenstein line. I'm sure there were a few people who didn't get it, my friend being one of them.
I was somewhat afraid that one of the guys was going to put on the purple thong when Drew started twirling it around during the auction, but luckily they didn't go any further than the red bra...
Well after what Jenny did during the auction I don't think the thong would have come into play.
There was also Jeremy/Tommy saying (in reaction to something about finding a director), "Have you SEEN this f*ckin' show? It practically directs itself!"
I think the thing with the poster for the casting was that they had so many JB casts out there, that they had cast the Akron cast, and now were on to the Ukiah cast. Live, Work, Play... Ukiah!
LOL. I thought it was Utica. Strangely, the reason I remember that is because it's referenced in Take Me Out.
Either way...
I honestly couldn't even figure it out. At first I thought it was Roman numerals.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/06
Maybe it was Utica. Well what ever it was, it started with a U and is a place that some people might consider the middle of nowhere. No offense to anyone who lives or is from Ukiah, or Utica.
I was thinking about the version they did of "It Sucks To Be Me" and how Jeremy burned John before the song. "You're only here becaue Michael Ingersoll was busy." and the look on John's face after he heard it.
Updated On: 8/21/07 at 05:01 PM
So what was the Shorenstein line?