Just gonna add my two cents.
I found the show very cute. Not exactly phenomonal or great. But it was cute. I would say if I had to choose between the film and the musical. I would choose the film.
I enjoyed Laura Bell Bundy, she is truly talented. And god bless her for putting tons of enthusiasm into every second she is on stage. But, something was missing. I'm not sure what it was. But I was just not buying that this girl was as determined as she appeared.
My favorite performer in the show was Christian Borle. I loved how the character was given more depth and understanding then in the film. I also liked his nerdiness, it made her falling for him seem more genuine.
My favorite number was the whip it number. The choreography was fantastic. For much of the show, I wasn't that impressed the dance numbers. But man, that number was brilliant. I give "mad props" to the cast during that number.
Overall, I felt the show was well filmed. In some ways better then some of the stuff on PBS.
I too felt the Hills girls were completely bizarre and obnoxious. But, if you think about it, who else to better represent a this type of show?
In the long this was a very smart move for Legally Blonde. Even though I will not be seeing it on my next trip to NY. I hope for it mucho success in the future.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I thought that developing Emmett further was a good idea, but I don't agree with how they went about doing it.
And for the person who said that it's just like your parents telling you to study: well, you can't be expected to go through life doing things just because people tell you to do so. You can't make it through any higher level education without some initiative. Elle was flunking her classes until Emmett made her sit down and study.
I also wish there had been even one shot looking into the pit at the musicians playing. Of course some of the band members might look older than 23 and I doubt any of them were wearing pink. The only way MTV could have gotten the camera farther away when the conductor took his bow would have been if they had shot an exterior of the theater.
I do think they did a nice job mixing everything, and I enjoyed a lot of detail from the orchestra that I didn't hear when I saw the show live.