I thought this was already created and then realized it probably got erased in the mayhem of yesterday and instead of 289030 threads being created about it, let's try and post all our thoughts in this thread. :)
I dont like that picture.
Plus, Leslie's in the photo AND she's not in the MTV version of the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Unfortunately, the only Saturday I have rehearsal is when something like this comes on TV. But I will be taping it and seeing it as some as I get home. I'm so excited!
Does it come on again tomorrow at 7:00pm?
Well it is a very cool drizzly day here in Denver so I am headed to get some snacks and then settle onto the couch with a blanket and watch.
Yes it is on again tomorrow. Go to the website it lists the time.
Saturday, October 13th
1:00 PM ET/PT on MTV
Sunday, October 14th
7:00 PM ET
Broadway Star Joined: 8/12/07
According to my DVR, they're playing it again at 8pm tonight
I just checked my online listings and it does not show a rebroadcast this evening.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/07
Is everyone watching? Your thoughts?
random thoughts so far:
- The camera *loves* Tracy Jai. Everyone looks good, but that woman like sparkles or something every time she's on screen.
- The audio or dubbing or whatever during "What You Want" sounds bad- what was that right after the 'thank you,' before the 'This is what Elle Woods...'?
- I am kinda digging the multiple camera angles.
I personalloy LOVE IT so far....if this works like MTV and LB producers are thinking...they are brillant.
I wish Leslie Kritzer was in this Broadcast. Her small specific comedic reactions were genius in the show, and I wish we had them for posterity. Sadness.
I think it's great so far though, other than that. Can't wait til Christian Borle comes on.
I love the camera angles.
However, I'm not a fan of Traci's Serena, and still not one of Asmeret's Pilar.
I feel bad for LBB, she's off key 99% of the time.
Oh and commercials? Ugh.
I am loving Ms. Bundy. Those "Hill" girls need to go. Was it me or did one say in the beginning "On the Broadway show" and not "in" the Broadway show. They have ZERO personality.
Why are there commericals during the broadcast? I knew MTV would probably do that, oye!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/07
I hate the Hills girls. I don't think they could want to be there any less.
But, the show. Loving it! I was thinking for a while that there wouldn't be commercial breaks...then this happened.
Ahh, the dress secret revealed!
The musical looks great! I would have seen it by now if I didn't live in Chicago.
It's not too bad so far. I'm enjoying it, though Bundy's not thrilling me.
And the constant screaming is irritating.
It wasnt just you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
Every time there's a shot that's not from straight on audience view, I get thrown off.
Why take out the sound of the laptops booting up?
loving it
God I hate "Blood in the Water".
They can say laid but not "get you high"?