I know a few of her "misses", she was at "Xanadu" !!!
So, she gets a pass for those.... :))
Elle is now shaking her junk and singing that's she's positive (!). I've made it this far. That's it. Can't watch anymore. So glad I passed on seeing this live.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/14/07
it's even better the 2nd time.
As pointless as this Ireland song is,I still like it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
After seeing the promo for Tila Tequila's A Shot At Love, perhaps MTV can tape Spring Awakening... they could get away with it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/07
As pointless as this show is, I still love it!
Agree.... totally pointless, but it looks like fun.
Not crazy about Orfeh's acting, but she DOES have a set of pipes !
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/14/07
i hope they tape wicked or hairspray.
Who knows...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/23/06
I would love for them to tape and air
Rent, Wicked, & Spring Awakening
What you said plus Hairspray.
Yes...MTV is now going to start taping and airing ALL Broadway shows.
In fact, they are going to be creating their own channel to broadcast these. Its slated to be called BTV.
MTV stands for Music Television
BTV stands for Broadway Television
<< I would love for them to tape and air
Rent, Wicked, & Spring Awakening
"Wicked" and "SA" certainly dont need any promotion. Lets not lose sight of why the show was taped for MTV.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/06
I dont know about taping ALL of the shows but I would love to see some stuff taped. Comdey Central could get us 25th Annual before it closes, maybe they could tape Avenue Q and show it in their "Secret Stash". I would love to see some smaller shows get some exposure this way.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Well that's a helluva last note.
Wonder if that was the best of the 3 takes.
"I hate you Brooke, and I love you for it",lol
Wow, the camera LOVES Orfeh and Tracy Jai. They both look absolutely stunning onscreen. And I personally don't miss Leslie when Tracy's onstage, I think she's hilarious, and incredibly fun to watch. Also disagree with all the comments about Orfeh's acting, I think her reactions/line readings completely fit her Paulette as a character. I don't think it's "over the top", she's trying to make Elle laugh and cheer her up, and then talk her off the ledge.
I have to say, some of the camera angles are a little strange, but overall I think it transferred really well to the screen. Everyone who I made watch it has loved it, makes me really happy :) And most of them are going to buy tickets to see it now!
Well I turned on the tv to watch "So Much Better" and "Whipped into Shape"
"Whipped into Shape" was pretty good, Nikki sounded a little strained and out of breath- I don't blame her though with that song. I don't know, it was done well, but not the best number on the broadcast as a few people have said.
I was really suprised with "So Much Better", honestly it was the best performance of the song I've seen or heard. Laura Bell had crazy high energy, was really into it, and sure, she didn't hold the last note and it was a little off (it was tweaked though, and not nearly as awful as the way it originally sounded), but overall, it was fantastic, and actually my favorite number on the broadcast. Kudos to her :)
Wow...Laura just yarned.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/8/06
"I dont know about taping ALL of the shows but I would love to see some stuff taped. Comdey Central could get us 25th Annual before it closes, maybe they could tape Avenue Q and show it in their "Secret Stash". I would love to see some smaller shows get some exposure this way."
While I would jump up and down happily if this happened, Comedy Central wouldn't dare try to make their male college/high school student target audience watch a Broadway show. The odds are higher they would finally greenlight the TV version of Ave Q that Lopez and Marx pitched to them after the show won the Tony in '04.
...and would y'all shut up about wanting your favorite B'way show taped?! Legally Blonde was only preserved on camera because it needed the biggest commercial ever to sell tickets: the show itself. Didja ever wonder why on every commercial break a Hills girl would spew out "Seeing Legally Blonde on TV is nothing like seeing it live! Go to MTV.com for a special ticket offer!"? It's because they are subliminally (well, not so much) advertising the damn show! Wicked is rarely under a 100 percent, and usually if it's under, it's at 99! Why on EARTH would they need to tape it to sell more tickets?! It's like a "sneak preview" of a movie. The studio releases prints to about three hundred theaters around the country and they show it on one night to only about a thousand people. They like what they see, and word-of-mouth spreads. Of course, this is what MTV is trying to do, and when the airings run dry, you're going to have to see it live.
And to those who don't think it'll work...am I crazy, or aren't the High School Musical tours selling out constantly? Well, they are. If kids see High School Musical on TV, own the DVD and see it live, I bet the tweens will do the same for Legally Blonde. See, I don't have any desire to see it live after seeing it on TV...but I'm not the target audience. However, when Company airs god-who-knows-when on PBS, I bet many of us will post, "Gee, I wish I still had a chance to see it live!" Because THEN I'll be the target audience. This is not aiming for the poor college student with no money, this is aiming for the thirteen-year-old preppy girl with parents who have a LOT of money!
So, anyways, for my actual review of the show itself. It's a really, really strange show. It kinda (coincidentally) reminded me of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (a much, much better show) in that the song variety was mixed. DRS had both traditional B'way-type songs and pop-type songs, yet of course Yazbeck, like he did (a little bit better) in Full Monty made it work. Here the transition was bizarre. I mean, I can't believe that "Omigod You Guys" and "There! Right There!" are in the same musical! At least Wedding Singer kept its '80s motif. I can understand that the traditional sound of "The Harvard Variations" and "Blood In the Water" are supposed to support the culture clash that Elle's facing, but after that all traditional goes away...until "There! Right There", which I wish I can give the title as most random song in the musical (just for the sudden change in style), but that honor has to go to Ireland. I can see how the teenage girls find Orfeh stupidly hilarious, but I just find her stupid. At least she sings well. Finally, the whole musical felt rushed, even at two and a half hours (nearly four w/ commercials)...at times it felt like there was something missing, like how the fun-size Vegas musicals play out here...except we are getting supposedly everything. There's too much emphasis on the pointless and not enough on the important. Also, I like character development...but c'mon, don't trash the entire damn plot for it! Overall, it was a very mediocre show.
And of course...the Hills girls. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said about how amazingly awful they were. And for one last note, I found the audience at time incredibly annoying, yet I got one giddy joy when Michael Rupert sang "I don't speak MTV", and the audience started to cheer, but they shut up instantly. I don't know if that was editing, but I secretly wish that it was producer holding a "SHUT THE HELL UP" sign to all of them. I really hope...
Well, maybe it will work, but there were people laughing at the girl handing flyers out yesterday afternoon saying "I'm recording (DVRing, etc.) it at home! Why would I pay now?"
So we'll see...
This song is sad.
I've never seen the show live, but I'm almost done watching the Broadcast. Looks like the cast, crew and MTV did a decent job...but I have to say, I wish they could have cut out commercials and a couple minor scenes to keep the broadcast under 2 hours...mtv kids can't pay attention for 3 hours.
I think mtv kids will hang in for this.
I don't believe I watched the broadcast yesterday, I recorded it and ran it twice and I have it on again tonight! I am supposed to be watching our CO Rockies playing out there in the cold and rain here at Coor's Field!!
I know a lot of people are annoyed with all the cheering of the audience, but imagine if you were performing how much fun it would have been. It's like being a rock star, and they are performing for the audience and to have such amazing reactions is awesome. It's certainly better to have a loud, over the top audience than a dead one. Even being in the audience an audience member I would rather be amongst an energetic audience than a dead one too.