Is there anyone who taped it that would be willing to mail me a copy? If so, PM me.
Yup. Just put in the mail for you. You should have it by Friday.
I watched it both times. I can't get "OMG you guys" and "Gay or European" out of my head today.
"Shame on Jerry Mitchell. Jumping rope? Really? How sad."
oK, I want everyone who's complained about "Whipped Into Shape" to go outside with a jump rope and spend about 5 minutes doing the variation on the kickline they did. Then come back and tell us that this number wasn't innovative.
What does the ability to jump rope and sing have to do with it being good or not? The number is exhausting, yes, and kudos to the performers for being able to get thru it, but hell, its still a dull number, and not innovative at all.
Can anyone tell me if there was ever any reference or camera shots of the musicians in the pit during the broadcast?
Nope. The conductor in the orchestra pit was featured throughout (he's visible in front of the stage) but no shots of the musicians inside the orchestra pit was ever shown.
"I can't get "OMG you guys" out of my head today. "
I'm so sorry for you - what a truly terrible song to have in your head. Halfway through the song I was tempted to turn the channel. I didn't. I should have.
"Nope. The conductor in the orchestra pit was featured throughout (he's visible in front of the stage) but no shots of the musicians inside the orchestra pit was ever shown."
I kind of wish they had shown the musicians as a reminder of what Broadway is...LIVE. I hate the fact that audiences are being conditioned to take the orchestra in the pit for granted. Next step...recorded music because by then audiences won't notice the difference. (Actually, hard to tell the difference now since very little sound is acoustic. Might as well be recorded.)
Chorus Member Joined: 8/28/07
Are any torrents of this out besides Usenet?
Featured Actor Joined: 10/28/04
Did anyone else think the actress playing Chutney Windham reminded you so much of Bernadette Peters? That was awesome.
Can anyone tell me what exactly Andy Karl was doing during What You Want? I didn't quite get that.
"Can anyone tell me what exactly Andy Karl was doing during What You Want? I didn't quite get that. "
You mean when he's Grandmaster Chad?
He's suppose to be the leader of the Spring Fling Beerbash and he is sort of tempting Elle to leave studying to party.
I can in all honesty never understand what he's actually saying because it's such a quick little rap moment.
I have "Omigod You Guys" and "So Much Better" stuck in my head.
Positive and Omigod you guys are stuck in my head.
Same here. Who says the show doesn't have a catchy score?
F-em! F-em ALL!
We'll I hate to admit it...but I really think this MTV thing worked. example...every year my college takes like 100+ kids to NYC. Our director called today and changed our tickets from POTO to LB. And we are in the orchestra seats.
I kind of wish they had shown the musicians as a reminder of what Broadway is...LIVE. I hate the fact that audiences are being conditioned to take the orchestra in the pit for granted. Next step...recorded music because by then audiences won't notice the difference. (Actually, hard to tell the difference now since very little sound is acoustic. Might as well be recorded.)
God bless you Morosco.
Swing Joined: 10/23/06
"Did anyone else think the actress playing Chutney Windham reminded you so much of Bernadette Peters? That was awesome."
Good Night Nurse! That's EXACTLY what I was thinking the entire time.
Mistake? Or intentional?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/14/07
for some reason the song blood in the water reminds me of the song miss Baltimore crabs from hairspray.the whole show is as action packed as hairspray. i'm listening to omigod from the one
of the sample soundtrack it sounds like there was alot of cast changes like the girls who's playing the retail sales girls sound totaly diferent.
Updated On: 10/15/07 at 07:36 PM
I think the biggest problem for me was that the 1st act was soooo action packed you could barely blink, then the 2nd was very slow. I thought the first act was good, but it should at least be consistant with the rest of the show.
I personally loved the show. I HATED the Hills girls. They had no enthusiasm whatsoever and looked as though they would rather kill themselves than be there. I was like whatever, they're probably just jealous that they couldn't be in the show. I loved loved LOVED Christian Borle and Orfeh and LBB was good, but not my favorite. I thought the behind the scenes stuff was great, but the commercials needed to go, and so did the Hills girls being all "Will Elle choose Emmett or Warner!!! Find out next!" That was annoying. In short, I really liked the show and thought that it was a really good idea for MTV to air it. They should do it more often, with different shows. It really could draw in more audiences to Broadway.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/8/06
So today at work I had this tune stuck in my head. I couldn't figure out for the life of me what show it was from...then the terror struck when I realized it was "Gay or European". I was incredibly embarrassed for myself. The score is dull at first appearance...but it worms its way into your brain. Why do I always latch unexpectedly onto mediocre scores?...
I loved it. It's definitely not a show to change the face of modern American musical theatre, but it's a good time, the performers are dedicated, determined, and do a damn fine job, I think. It's a huge show and I was thoroughly entertained.
And I also feel like there's something to be said for commitment; Laura Bell was an amazingly dedicated performer. Her notes were not always on key, but there was not a moment of the show where she was not engaged and living truthfully in the moment and carrying that show along. So in instances like that, I'm willing to forgive some vocal flaws...But, that is just my opinion and I know others feel differently; I'm just putting it out there.
I think that the idea was a success...hopefully they'll market it some; I'd love to own a copy!
Edit: Not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but it definitely sounded like Seth Rudetsky at the end of "Legally Blonde" (the song) holler out "BRAVA!" Anyone have a confirmation? Sorry if it's been said already...Lots of pages to this thread!
There wuz some bad singing on this thing.
The guy who played the "boyfriend"...hmmm...