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The Strike May Get Worse- Page 5

The Strike May Get Worse

#100The Strike Will Not Resolve In A Million Lifetimes
Posted: 11/22/07 at 5:58pm

i still got a gut feeling says we are back to work this week.

#101The Strike Will Not Resolve In A Million Lifetimes
Posted: 11/22/07 at 6:19pm

"i still got a gut feeling says we are back to work this week."

Oh, quit with the gut feelings. People had 'gut feelings' last week about this week and look where it got us!

The Strike Will Not Resolve In A Million Lifetimes The Strike Will Not Resolve In A Million Lifetimes

Updated On: 11/22/07 at 06:19 PM

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#102The Strike Will Not Resolve In A Million Lifetimes
Posted: 11/22/07 at 6:25pm

Brwyfan- When you state an opinion here and do not support it with the facts then of course I will question your reasoning. That is what intelligent people do.

You don't even understand that these Stagehands also help pay your salary. You ask for their money to pay your bills and then say they have to work without a contract. Would you work without a contract? Maybe so but others will not. If they take a pay cut than you better believe when that ballot comes around asking for more money to fund school salaries, they may just think of you and your attitude.

So sorry if I asked someone who said they make up their own mind to explain how that is so. Grand pooba? Oh wow, it isn't even worth the explanation.

I have given you so many examples to follow. You can either read them or pretend you know so much. I have learned so much from the stagehands posting here as well as Actors, Technicians and others who understand the World of Business. Things I don't know I ask about. I have studied a lot because I am curious about so many different things. I am sorry if you feel intimidated by this. Business is life and I feel I must know as much as I can about it all to be a worthy and responsible player.

My interest doesn't stop at the box office or end after the show. I care about everyone who makes Theatre come alive for me. I want everyone to play fair. When one side doesn't, then I get disappointed. I will rally to their defense because I understand that my wages and benefits are directly affected by what Unions do in the economy. Often they set the scale that other business maintain or risk their members Unionizing. I do not take for granted these people who are now walking the line so that all of the those working on Broadway get better working conditions. Why be ignorant when you can be informed and make informed decisions.

You don't have to justify yourself to me. I can already see you have an anger management problem as I stated to someone else, it only relieves me that my Children have finally graduated from High School. People who lose their temper like that on message boards tend to be this way also in real life. At least I can understand why you are so put out by how much money they make. It may be something you will never see in your lifetime. Fate may change but dealing with your anger would probably be the first step.


What is the point of anyone doing anything to make a living? I didn't read the sky is falling. Really Josh, if you never write anything you will never even have a chance. What's wrong with making good use of your time rather than getting upset over every thing? I mean The Grinch won in Court there is a small victory at least. This is going to take some time. Since it makes you emotionally upset I wish you wouldn't read these posts. If you get some charge out of being over dramatic well then, nothing can be added, they are easy to avoid but posting in capitols really isn't considered nice.

I don't yell at you. I wouldn't want to. You want a quick and easy solution when there isn't any. Shell Oil was on strike for three months. When a Union is strong and business is good strikes tend to last longer. I have explained enough why these things happen. If you cannot understand then I am sorry. Lot's of writers have become famous from strife. Just look at what shows were on Broadway that dealt with this subject of class struggle and economic inequity. So much you can learn from all of this. It is better to learn from others mistakes and avoid them than to suffer from them yourself.


Mr. Roxy, I was using the article I read in the Newspaper from New York. Preach your gloom and doom somewhere else. Broadway survived a terrorist attack and literally tons of debris.

Did I want this strike? No. Could it have been avoided. Definitely. Should any Union in a time of plenty negotiate a contract worse then they had to begin with? Please! Not if they have even half of a brain. That is not called negotiation that is called stealing. You have read the other posts don't play ignorant with me.

Some people canceled their trips to New York, most found something else to do. Broadway is hardly shut down. Cry on someone else's shoulder. Especially when we both understand had there not been a publicized threat to Lock out workers, there would have been no strike vote and shows will go on as scheduled.

I did not say tough it out, I said go get a temporary job. Work is work when you are needy. Since they can't cross a picket line you have to do something else. It's not like we haven't had to do it. or our Parents and in my case Grandparents have all belonged to Unions, they have all struck at one time or another.

Whose fault is it that ticket prices are so high? Greedy Investors who are only in it for the money. What else is there? Does it hurt to know Mr. Roxy that they can careless if you see the show or not? I'm sorry, don't tell me, tell them. All you care about is seeing your show and that really is shallow. I thought you had more substance to you than just that.

If you care so much, please open your home, give them a room or will you only help them if they put on a show for you? Such is life. When it comes to feeding their families or giving them a good place to live, you can care less as long as you get your paycheck. Now you know, no matter how you work the show may not go on if those performing don't believe they are getting the fair market value for their work. I doubt you would work for less than Market either.

If you are paying $150- $200 for a ticket than I am sorry, you are not the businessman I thought you were. No one here in their right mind pays that much for a ticket unless they have money to burn. If you do and still complain, well then you will complain it's sunny when you wanted rain. Some people are like that.

Josh Freilich
#103The Strike Will Not Resolve In A Million Lifetimes
Posted: 11/22/07 at 7:28pm

If you cannot understand then I am sorry. Lot's of writers have become famous from strife. Just look at what shows were on Broadway that dealt with this subject of class struggle and economic inequity.

Like, say, Billy Elliot?

"How could she just suddenly, completely disappear into thin water?" - The Little Mermaid

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#104The Strike Will Not Resolve In A Million Lifetimes
Posted: 11/22/07 at 8:38pm

I don't know his story. I was thinking of Charles Dickens and Woody Guthrie. Bob Dylan, the rock group War, Marvin Gaye, so many record our lives and strife. That is one of the keys to Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Rent, Xandu even takes a closer look at the frustrated lives of artists who are unable to afford to do their own work and not happy with the work of others. The main character is inspired by a Muse to dream bigger dreams that with some inspiration finally come true.

I'd say it was a short lived investment but when you see something you created put up there on display and others comment on how good it is, it's nice to see you have some talent. Not everyone gets that opportunity and if you have that gift it is best to develop it while your are young.

Good luck. Now you have some shocking events, let's see if you can find some music to give it more substance.

#105The Strike Will Not Resolve In A Million Lifetimes
Posted: 11/22/07 at 8:41pm

"I have given you so many examples to follow. "

You ARE kidding me right?

"You don't have to justify yourself to me. I can already see you have an anger management problem as I stated to someone else, it only relieves me that my Children have finally graduated from High School. People who lose their temper like that on message boards tend to be this way also in real life. "

Oh my gosh I seriously cannot stop laughing right now. This was THE FUNNIEST comment I have read all day. Thank you! Because I use question marks and explanation marks in my post, I have anger issues? Too funny. (Hang on...let me go call an 8-step anger management program...) Did you ever stop to think that you are too sensitive?

"At least I can understand why you are so put out by how much money they make. It may be something you will never see in your lifetime. Fate may change but dealing with your anger would probably be the first step. "

Please don't pretend to know me, because you don't. You know me, or my salary, so don't compare me to stagehands and their salary. My problem isn't with the stagehand's salary. Hell, I don't care what they make. (Oh cursing another part of my "anger issue?") Had you read my earlier posts you would have realized this. again I thank you for making me laugh. Your latest post just reminded me of all the negative, self-righteous, pompous people there are in this world. These are the people I try to avoid in life...

Josh Freilich
#106it probably should
Posted: 11/22/07 at 8:46pm

I just thought of another one:
TITLE OF SHOW provides a tongue-in-cheek view of frustrated artists trying to tell a good musical story.

"How could she just suddenly, completely disappear into thin water?" - The Little Mermaid

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#107it probably should
Posted: 11/22/07 at 8:59pm

Myself and so many others have been posting on this board for over a week. I am not going to repost them just here for your benefit, sorry. Catch up!

Yes, because you are acting over emotional. Sensitive? Humm..can't be on this board. Never crossed my mind.

As for anger management course, one can still hope. You say you are a Teacher so I always hope for something better.

I still find your impatience and inability to explain yourself as disappointing. Unfortunately base on your choice of words and the way you choose to express yourself, I find no benefit in re-posting information even the kids here find they can understand all over, just for you. If the other guys feel it is worth their effort then have fun.


Yes, I think so too! It was an interesting episode I saw last week. At least it is a funny sitcom. Not enough shows are really written for young people. It isn't always as bad as the show Rent was. It is a struggle and especially in the Arts you rarely have enough friends. You will also lose a few who cave into the pressure.

Just hang in there. That is one reason I love History. I learn so much from it. Whenever I would get discouraged I would remember someone else has been where I am now and made it through better and stronger than ever. Some never make it to the top of that Mountain but if you struggle hard, take your time, it is always worth the view in my book. it probably should

Did you see my Snoopy post under the Grinch topic? We really do have something to be grateful about. Women Judges! Well, most of the time.

#108it probably should
Posted: 11/22/07 at 9:15pm

Oh Tkt2Ride...thanks again for the laugh.

Amneris Profile Photo
#109it probably should
Posted: 11/22/07 at 10:13pm

it's thanksgiving! Let's be thankful for health, friends and a big comeback on bway once this all ends! Let's keep the peace.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#110it probably should
Posted: 11/22/07 at 10:51pm

To TKt2Ride

Apparently you do not understand english

I could care less about seeing any particular show. If the strike lasted forever, I would not shed a tear. Is this clear enough for you?

Poster Emeritus

Josh Freilich
#111Will it already?!
Posted: 11/22/07 at 11:15pm

What have I got to lose? I haven't missed much. I've seen probably every show I wanted except for GREASE and LITTLE MERMAID. If any of those go down (which they probably will), I will never see another Broadway show.

"How could she just suddenly, completely disappear into thin water?" - The Little Mermaid

#112Will it already?!
Posted: 11/23/07 at 1:17am

Josh, man, you are totally right. I just heard that since the stagehands have been on strike so long that Broadway is shutting down. Apparently they hired some guys from the carpenter's union to come in with wrecking balls and they're knocking down all theaters in the theater district with more 500 seats or more.

It's nuts.

#113Will it already?!
Posted: 11/23/07 at 1:27am

"I'm sorry to say that it won't be up by Tuesday. We will be lucky we should get the Grinch up and running. I'm not sure how an appeal will hold up the show. Can they work will the Jujamcyn is appealing? Do they have the right to? I don't know enough about the Law to say."

A judge ruled they can re-open, so they have every legal right to open. Now, if the judge had stayed (put on hold) her decision pending appeal, then no, they would not be able to re-open, but she did not stay her decision. Generally judges only stay decisions they make when they have no way of knowing how the appeals court will rule, so the judge must have been pretty confidant her ruling would be upheld. Also, allowing the show to re-open would make it really difficult for Jujamcyn to shut it down...if they did they would lose pretty much all of the public support (such as it is) that they had left.

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#114Will it already?!
Posted: 11/23/07 at 9:31am

tkt2ride: You have some interesting points to make, but your posts are just too long. Can't you make your positions more succinct?

On another matter, I was distressed to read that the wardrobe union, which is not crossing the picket line, is in jeopardy of loosing its health insurance, which is dependent on its making a certain amount of money. The far reaching aspects of this strike are catastrophic to so many people.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

#115Will it already?!
Posted: 11/23/07 at 10:06am

The people working for 764 are not the only people at risk at losing their health insurance because of the strike. I'm pretty sure that everyone that is on strike is at risk of losing their health insurance because of this.

#116Will it already?!
Posted: 11/24/07 at 1:06pm

^^Please note that the actors, musicians, ushers, etc., are NOT on strike. (I know what you mean--or think I do--but I'm afraid the average theatregoer who doesn't keep up with the news thinks that "Broadway is on strike" and doesn't distinguish between those who are striking and those who have been forced to stop work. My dad even said last night that he wouldn't spend money on Broadway--and he's been hearing about this a LOT over the past few weeks from my mother and me both! Maybe he's just sick of hearing about it....)
