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WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....- Page 7


#150re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/14/09 at 11:42am

I guess to my way of thinking (and I am one of those old middle-aged guys ...), I am glad that any revival goes back and explores a text with fresh new eyes. I worked for six years for a company that did classical theater and that was the total basis of the work. And sometimes those fresh takes "worked" and sometimes not, and sometimes fell in between.

The new revival certainly has some fresh approaches. But to me they were gimmicky and -- quite frankly -- lessened the impact of the show for me. Even with the surtitles (which were in when I saw it) the impact of the Anita/Maria scene in the second act -- which is an absolutely crucial turning point in the plot -- was totally lost for me.

Obviously not the case for others. But for me, this production offered nothing that I haven't found better rendered elsewhere.

matty159 Profile Photo
#151re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/14/09 at 5:28pm

I think I know what theater you are talking about, philcrosby! re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?

I usually find myself softening on my inital reactions to a show I am not fond of in the days following seeing it. I definitely softened towards EQUUS. My initial reaction was that it was overblown and pretentious. After several days, my opinion changed towards it and if you asked me now, I would tell you I enjoyed it.

To go off of something phil said that I forget in my review is that it was gimmicky. I found the whole ballet and "Somewhere" to be very schlocky with the use of the kid singing onstage. It was definitely an eye roll moment for me. From that, I really can't say my opinion has softened on this one. I would, however, be open to the idea of seeing it again after it opens in NYC to see if Laurents makes any more changes. It does have many great things going for it, and again, I wish it the best.

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#152re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/14/09 at 7:43pm

I saw the matinee today, January 14, and LOVED it. So many of the "problems" I had with it upon first viewing (December 20) have been "fixed." The first act no longer drags. The chemistry between the actors is evident. Everyone's singing was spot-on.

I can't write too much right now because I just got home and have to make dinner, but I will try to write more later. I hope I can see it one more time before it leaves DC.

Some work still needs to be done, but in 3 weeks this show has evolved tremendously!

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

#153re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/15/09 at 4:06pm

I am really glad to hear you say that MissP. Bodes well for a great success in NYC ... and also suggests that the creative team is taking advantage of previews and an out-of-town tryout in the right way!

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#154re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/15/09 at 4:45pm

As others have mentioned, there is still an issue in Act 2 with the Spanish. One of two things will have to take place: Either the English dialogue is modified during these scenes so that someone is kind of "translating" what the Spanish-speaking character is saying or there will have to be surtitles--situated somewhere that will not prove distracting the way they were at the National. I suppose a synopsis in the Playbill is another option.

My friend and I knew what was happening because we know the story so well, but we don't speak Spanish (we both took years and years of French re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?), so I imagine it to be quite daunting for someone who knows neither Spanish nor WSS by heart.

But other than that, it was sensational. I even thought Cody Green was terrific, and his was the performance I was most critical of.

The dancing was excellent. The costumes didn't even bother me this time. I don't know...having them all mixed up like that gives the show a kind of "timeless" quality that I appreciated.

***Possible SPOILER***:
And so much has been made of the ending. I was extremely curious to hear what my friend had to say because she is a huge fan of WSS the movie. Plus, she is not a BWWer nor theatre-obsessed like the rest of us. re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....? When I asked her what she thought of the ending, she said, "This ending is so much more realistic." She really loved the entire show, including the final scene.

We agreed that having one of the Jets put the shawl around Maria and then having her hold his hand conveyed the "optimism" some here have complained is missing without both gangs carrying Tony's body out. The "Pieta" imagery--particularly with Maria and the Jet holding hands--is beautiful, evocative, symbolic and hopeful in an understated way. Also, having the dream ballet nightmare-free sends a mess of hope, so I don't see the ending as being as gloomy as some of you do.

I so hope this production is well-received in NYC. It deserves to be.

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

#155re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/15/09 at 5:09pm

I am joining the critics in the looney bin. I do think they are sugar coating it a little (I was at press night, and the "Tonight" Quintet was noticeably off--a side effect of the Sharks singing in Spanish, making it harder for everyone to be together) but I still enjoyed the production tremendously. That said I am glad they are taking the critiques seriously to make changes to the show.

I was there last night 1/14/09, and there a faint glimmer of hope that they were taking the costume thing seriously when Kyle Coffman (A-rab) showed up without that hideous orange/white traffic comptroller vest (I guess it's supposed to be a soda jerk vest. Be that as it may). He (and the Jets) looked infinitely less dorky without it. Alas it showed up in his next act, and I thought to myself, "Damn, someone found it..."

I do think the boys have been unfairly ridden in this production, especially Cavenaugh. I thought he made an audible effort last night to cut back on the vibrato, which there have been lots of complaints about. I'm still not keen on his performance, but I also think he's been given an impossible task. Viewers are complaining that he's too much of an emo weenie, but it seems to me that is the way Tony is written: an emo weenie. Case in point: he hears the love of his life is shot. Most red-blooded guys would have sought out Chino, grabbed that gun from him, and pistol-whipped his face into a bloody pulp. But Laurents instead has him running through the alleys, begging to join Maria. How charmingly sixteenth century. Worse yet, if he wanted to commit suicide, what the hell? He's in the basement of a DRUG STORE. He's so weenie he needs someone else to do the job for him. How is a character written this way supposed to come off as a tough guy?

Rick Sincere of the Metro Herald wrote a positive review, but I think he rightly questioned much of the source material:

ETA: if folks are indeed interested in catching the show one last time before it leaves DC, best act fast. I had originally intended on going to closing night, 1/17/09, but that was sold out last week. Then I went browsing for seats on 1/16, it seemed like only partial view seats were available. Updated On: 1/15/09 at 05:09 PM

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#156re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/15/09 at 5:44pm

Thank you for posting that review, bethnor. It pretty much conveys my response to the piece. It's good to know there are others out there who share my perspective. (Only because I want the show to be a hit on Broadway!)

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

ljay889 Profile Photo
#157re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/19/09 at 2:11pm

Apparently Sondheim said last night that English may now be added to the "A Boy Like That/I Have a Love" scene.

However, Sondheim noted that “A Boy Like That” and “I Have a Love,” which are currently comprised entirely of Spanish, may be changed to include both Spanish and English.

That is great news!

hmpeterson Profile Photo
#158re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/19/09 at 4:29pm

That is good news about "A Boy Like That/I Have A Love." It needs to be done.

But here is what I find strange...Spanish was added to add authenticity to the Sharks and overall, the show. Ok, I get that. Makes sense. So they sing the entire "Quintet" in Spanish except for the last word, then they sing "Tonight" in English. Well how authentic is that? I know why they are doing it, so that the strong end to that song, to quote Sondheim, "doesn't sound like spaghetti." But really, have them sing Spanish and then say "Tonight" in English? I just think that takes away from the "authenticity" they are trying to convey.

I just shake my head at that one. It's almost like they are realizing that the Spanish isn't working in some parts and instead of incorporating it in another area of the show that may make more sense or use, what some have suggested, Spanglish, they are insisting on using it where they wanted whether it works or not. Does anyone else find that frustrating? It's as if TPTB are saying "The Spanish doesn't sound right here...that's okay make that one word English so it sounds pretty." Yeah, real authentic people!!!!


#159re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/19/09 at 6:49pm

The spanish wasn't added for "Authenticity". No one is pretending it was. Let it go.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#160re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/19/09 at 6:58pm

Miss Pennywise, any comments of Karen Olivo this time around? I'm interested to hear what you thought of her this time.
Also, my question is, do you think the reason the impact of the Maria/Anita brilliant "A Boy Like That"/"I Have a Love" scene is lost because of the language or that the impact is lost due to other reasons (ie acting, direction, chemistry, staging)?

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"
