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WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....- Page 6


CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#125re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/10/09 at 8:39pm

Yeah LadyD, cause these are the same brilliant critics that praised and sent GLORY DAY to Broadway.
I'm just saying.

I stand my by opinion that a lot of the acting and the pacing of the scenes when I saw the show was terrible.
And Laurents tinkering with the script and several staging pictures is holding this production back from being the masterpiece WEST SIDE STORY can be.

I can't believe they brought back the Zodiac and put it in the Gym!

best12bars Profile Photo
#126re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/10/09 at 8:52pm

I don't think a critic's opinion is more valuable or relevant than anyone else's. I never have.

It's just another opinion. It happens to be published. That also doesn't mean anything anymore, since the Internet has allowed platforms for ALL opinions to be published.

Those of you who are smirking because the show received generally positive notices from the DC critics are acting like it means the people who didn't like it are "wrong." Or that it proved something.

Guess what? There is no "wrong" with opinions. So stop smirking.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

ljay889 Profile Photo
#127re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/10/09 at 8:59pm

The zodiac in the gym was in the original set renderings.

I just think this production is experiencing a lot of negativity from fans because a lot of people HATE Laurents. People who haven't even seen it are calling it a disaster.
Updated On: 1/10/09 at 08:59 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#128re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/10/09 at 10:07pm

They didn't really put the zodiac into the gym, did they?

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#129re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/10/09 at 10:13pm

Scroll up Joe.
I read it here Somewhere.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#130re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/10/09 at 10:13pm

^ The zodiac in the gym was in the original set rendering.

Magica Profile Photo
#131re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/10/09 at 10:25pm

The zodiac is now a projection onto the basketball backboard; it's not encompassing the entire stage like the concept art.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#132re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/10/09 at 10:26pm

No, it was in the "balcony scene" as it was when I saw the show early in the run.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#133re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/10/09 at 10:28pm

^ Yeah but that was cut. The original set rendering shows it in the gym. But apparently it's only on the basketball backboard now.

matty159 Profile Photo
#134re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/11/09 at 11:42am

I was there last night, and if it was there in the gym scene, I definitely did not notice it. That isn't to say it wasn't there, but if it was, it didn't stand out.

As for the rest of the show...I will post on that when I get back home to Richmond after brunch, but I do have to ask if the critics saw the same show I saw. All three of the people I was with asked afterwards if the show was seriously going to NY.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#135re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/11/09 at 12:35pm

Those of you who are smirking because the show received generally positive notices from the DC critics are acting like it means the people who didn't like it are "wrong." Or that it proved something.

Guess what? There is no "wrong" with opinions. So stop smirking.

Your posts earlier in the thread seemed to imply that the show, which you obviously haven't seen, was in serious trouble.

I don't think you realize how overbearing you can be at times. Getting you to admit you're wrong without trying to save face is impossible.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

matty159 Profile Photo
#136re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/11/09 at 4:29pm

IMHO, the show is in serious trouble.

I saw last night's performance (1/10) and cannot even begin to explain how dismayed I was at the whole endeavor. Pretty much every comment that posters on here have made about the show are completely valid and accurate. Here is my brief rundown:

1. It is too darned slow. We listened to the OBCR when we got back to the house just to make sure we weren't losing our minds. Painfully slow. The "dramatic" pauses were enough to make the show land with a resounding thud. There were a few moments at the top of act two where my mind wondered and I contemplated leaving. Hearing "Gee, Officer Krupke" made we want to jet even more, but it was so close to the end, that I stayed to see the remainder of the carnage.

2. Matt Cavanaugh. I love his voice. Totally wrong for the part. Painful and awkward to watch. I kind of wanted to giggle a little bit when he cried out "Maria" at the end of Act One. He won't be replaced, but he was a serious weak link...though still pretty.

3. The costumes. Sure they look they just came from the Gap. They didn't bother me so much as they did others. Maybe because I was so aghast at the rest of the production.

4. The Spanish. It worked well enough. Although some folks say the supertitles were distracting, I would have appreciated them. I also feel like it could have been used to greater effect. Why couldn't Maria sing her part of "One Hand" in Spanish? That would have been great if they wanted to keep the concept pervasive and appropriate.

5. Cody Green. Meh. Great dancer.

6. Curtis Holbrook. I was liking him up until a point where he kind of turned the corner and started chewing the scenery.

7. Josefina Scaglione. She was alright and had her moments. After all the hype though, she sure didn't live up to it for me. Pretty voice and great look for the part. Maybe it is lack of chemistry with Matt.

8. The choreography is truly the main star of the show. If only half of the cast were up to it. Still, stunning. I could have watched "Cool" over and over.

9. Karen Olivo. She pretty much walked away with the show and acting/singing/dancing honors for the evening. Great performance and I really hope this earns her a Tony nod.

10. The ending. Even though my friends hated it, it didn't really bother me. Dramatically, it worked. I can appreciate not liking it as a devotee to the orginial, but it still left a great image.

11. The sound. I had a hard time hearing people throughout the evening...particularly Karen during the "Quintet." I am hoping that is just a problem with the National.

12. The set was good enough and the lighting set the tone quite nicely.

There ARE positives and good things about the production, it is just what "doesn't work" that overshadows them. Without a doubt, I haven't seen a piece of theater that I have disliked as much as this in a very long time though. I wish it well and perhaps it will find an audience. Perhaps Laurents will clean it up a little before its Broadway opening night...though that may be a pipe dream. There are some very talented people on stage there (and they are a most beautiful cast too) working with a beautiful score and some of the most amazing choreography created...too bad it just isn't coming together.

P.S. Contrary to my earlier post, one of my friends who was there with me did notice the zodiac projection. I must have missed it while looking at my watch.

#137re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/11/09 at 8:22pm

I made the trip from Boston to see the show last night, and Matty- you are right. I can't believe these reviews these DC area critics wrote. Matt was awful and the sound was terrible. Half the time I couldn't hear what people were saying, and I was in the 6th row. Karen Olivo was great, but everyone else was just OK. And the Sharks and the Jets were just awful singers and actors. I agree, that if you haven't seen the show, you shouldn't write negative things about it, but for me and obviously for Matty, and for others who were disappointed, we didn't see a show that's ready for the NYC critics. I have seen community and dinner theatre productions of West Side Story that were more exciting, better acted, and better sung than what I saw last night. It must have been one helluva good performance on Press Night to have gotten those reviews.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#138re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/11/09 at 8:25pm

How nice of you to join to post that.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#139re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/11/09 at 10:37pm

re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
I just hope they can find Mr. Akram a suit that fits by the time it hits Broadway.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#140re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/11/09 at 10:50pm

I hope they can find an actor/dancer who can play Riff.

Not that I think they will replace anyone.

And Mr. Akram's hair is a million times wrong.
And Green's also while I am at it.

Usnavi Profile Photo
#141re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/11/09 at 11:31pm

I finally went to see the show last night. This is the first professional production of WSS I've ever seen. It's my all time favorite musical and the film version is one of my favorite films, easily in the top 5 films of all time. When this revival was first announced I was extremely excited. After like what it seemed like the 10,000th revival of GYPSY had been produced WSS was finally being given it's long over due Broadway bound revival.
I was intrigued with the possibilities of Laurents re-imagining and was looking forward to how it all was going to come together.

What I saw last night at the National Theater in DC fell short of any expectations I had for this revival. The music and choreography is beautiful, but it always has been. One of the things that really bugged me about this production was it's pacing. It seriously needs to be picked up.

The lighting and sets were quite impressive. Some of the costumes were simply just off the mark. They need a massive over haul. Costuming Bernardo and Anita in purples and lavender is so predictable, if they wanted to do a total re-imagining they could have chosen different colors for their characters. They might as well should have stuck with Irene Sharaff's original designs.

It was quite exciting hearing that score played live in the theater. I got goose bumps just taking in every note of Bernstein's beautiful score. I can listen to it over and over and over again and it still doesn't lose it's power.

The highlights for me were undoubtedly The Dance at the Gym, America, Quintet and Cool. The dancers are really giving it their all and it shows up on the stage. I have to commend them for all their hard work. I felt the energy coming from the stage in those particular numbers.

They need to ditch the zodiac projection. Just do away with it.

I had no problem with the Spanish, I'm Puerto Rican so I understood every word that was said and sung but I couldn't help but think what the other members of the audience who didn't have that advantage must have been thinking or feeling for that matter. Especially if this was their first exposure to the show.
Lin Manuel Miranda's translations were fluid if not literal to Sondheim's original English lyrics but the meaning was not lost. Me Siento Hermosa was beautifully done.

And now for the performances:

Matt Cavenaugh - He has a beautiful voice but he makes Richard Beymer in the 1961 film version look down right menacing. I expected more of a sexual tension between his scenes with Josefina Scaglione but it just wasn't there. He doesn't bring anything new to the role.

Josefina Scaglione - So, so pretty and boy can she sing! She was quite a pleasant surprise. Her Me Siento Hermosa wasa highlight of the evening.

Cody Green - Great dancer.

George Akram - Great dancer and sooo sexy. He was a very effective Bernardo.

and then there's Karen Olivo.

She has some pretty big shoes to fill and the shadows of Miss Chita Rivera and Miss Rita Moreno looming large over her and...

she hits a home run in the part.

She easily stole this show. Her dancing, singing and acting were all ON POINT. I see her getting a Tony for this...easily.

Thank God they didn't put her in the customary short black bob they always put this character in. It was refreshing to see a new look for this character, now if they could only rethink the costumes....

The dancers in this show are a hard working bunch but for all of Laurents promises of a grittier, darker WSS this wasn't it. The gang members were just too, too pretty to ever be taken seriously as tough street wise hoods.

Pluses: The music, choreography, Scaglione, Akram, Olivo.

Minuses: Cavenaugh, the costumes, the zodiac projection, overall pacing.

I really hope they make some changes before March rolls around and the curtain goes up at The Palace.

I'll be giving it another shot once it transfers to B'way to see if it has improved.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#142re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/12/09 at 9:05am

Did Akram's hair look any different than it does in the pic above?

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#143re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/12/09 at 9:11am

In general, the guys hair has been toned down a bit from the 2 earlier previews I had seen.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany
Updated On: 1/12/09 at 09:11 AM

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#144re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/12/09 at 10:54am

Akram in a Venezuelan Pepsi commercial

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#145re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/12/09 at 12:07pm

I know people have said they think Matt is too old to play Tony, and while I know Chino is really not very significant, is it just me who thinks he looks too YOUNG?
But I must say, fingers are def. crossed that Olivo gets nominated for a Tony and, at the rate things are going with the other shows... this DEF has a shot at Best Revival of a Musical

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#146re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/12/09 at 1:09pm

orangeskittles need to take off their rose colored glasses and re-read the Washington Times, Washington Post and Baltimore Sun reviews.

Disagreeing with jaystarr's apocalyptic prophesies when he hasn't even seen the show doesn't mean I'm some wide-eyed delusional fan who thinks this is the most perfect show ever. Of course it has flaws and I've never said it doesn't. I just happen to place merit in the opinions of those who have seen the show as opposed to the countless who post with comments like "The pictures look bad," "it sounds bad [based on your review]," "this show is going to suck" and are then counted as "negative reviews" of BWW posters.

I am all for calling out problems about shows, but I tend to comment on the productions I actually see. I guess I'm out of synch with some of the college-aged, twenty-something theater experts here.

From what I've seen here, actually, the ones who are most vocal in their hate are middle-aged and beyond. I think the problem is less about age and letting go of expecations and biases.

Why couldn't Maria sing her part of "One Hand" in Spanish? That would have been great if they wanted to keep the concept pervasive and appropriate.

I thought of that the last time I saw it. Anita and Maria kind of have a role reversal in the second act, so people not familiar with the show would be able to understand the change in tone, and it would make sense with the concept they've already set-up.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

April Saul
#147re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/12/09 at 7:50pm

Hey ljay, I just want to say that I must be nuts because I saw it last night in DC and it gave me chills. Olivo and Scaglione were wonderful, but I didn't have big problems with Cavenaugh or the other guys per se. Dancing was wonderful, and I liked the incorporation of the Spanish...I've studied it and knew enough to understand at least part of it, and to converse with Josefina's mom, who'd flown in from Argentina to see her daughter do this for the first time and happened to be sitting next to me. I guess I'm with the critics on this one, I found it to be lovely and moving. Do you think the outcry about the Spanish here might say something about attitudes in America...or the result of Laurents tinkering with an all-time favorite...or both?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#148re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/12/09 at 7:55pm

I think it's a certainly a mixture of both reasons, April.

And I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. It's always encouraging to read a positive response.

#149re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/13/09 at 9:29pm

I saw the show and loved it. I loved Olivo and Scaglione and hated the Spanish. It's not that I hate Spanish, it's that I like to know what the characters are saying. Not an unreasonable request, I think. The Spanish broke the stride of the story as we waited to be invited back to hear and understand it. Others have said here that they're satisfied to get the gist of the scenes. Not me. And I had to laugh when the Sharks sang their part of the Quintet in Spanish except for the word "tonight" which they sang in English. It underscored the importance of each specific word in show music and undermined the reason for including any Spanish at all.
