WanderingChild, I think you have to consider that that much comes with the territory. You have to try to have a thick skin, even though there is only so much crap you can take and try to deflect. If you're going to expose yourself to it, you've got to force it not to get you down, as best you can. And if someone's being mean to you, being mean back fixes absolutely nothing in the long run.
Yay! I'm 31st in line at the library for the DVD... which means I'll probably just end up buying it. I'm also 7th in line for the Rent bible and 14th in line for the OBCR album. Anthony's book isn't even on the "soon available" list yet (even though it comes out next month) but i'm going to keep watching so I can get that first... I'm surprised the DVD is coming out so soon, since the movie just came out like two monthes ago. I'm excited. Commentaries! Yes!
For what it's worth, the simple explanation is that he is/was taking a break. Lots of *gasp* regular posters even take breaks.
"We were on a break!"
It just called for a Friends quote.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/13/05
yep i have links here ya go
and what ended it:https://forum.broadwayworld.com/readmessage.cfm?page=5&thread=879066&startthread=1675796&boardname=bway
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
I'm always disappointed about how people can be so disrespectful. And always impressed with how respectful Anthony is anyway. God my love for that man just grows every day.
opiv, I can connect anything to Friends. :)
My cousins, siblings, uncle and I were playing Football and there was this play (for my team) were my little cousin got the ball and my older cousin picked him up and ran him down the field. So, my older cousin got tagged and still ran because the person with the ball didn't get tagged. He finally did and everyone except my other younger cousin loved it. He goes: I tagged Joe! And my sister replied: It doesn't matter.
So I blurt out: The only thing that matters is that the Dutch girl picked me!!!
What a lovely story. Hehe
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I think that everything can be connected to Friends, because a) it is a long-running show that covers a lot of topics, and b) I am obsessed with it. Same goes for Rent.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/06
Every episode's name starts with "The One..." except for the first and last episode. They are "Pilot" and "The Last One", respectively.
I've seen every single episode multiple times in their original and DVD versions.