I don't have a problem with the tempos at all. The new orchestrations are extremely lush and beautiful. Dare I say better than the original orchestrations. Much better orchestrations than the two minimalist Doyle productions had.
I know Michael Cerveris said he would love to play the role, and I would've liked to see him in it...
^ He played it at Ravinia. I've heard audio. He sounded good - but I don't think it was a natural fit for him
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/16/05
Since I loved the original cast/recording/video of the 1984 production so much, I couldn't wait for this to come in the mail.
I listened maybe twice and shelved it never to bother with it again. Not only did the mental image of paint dripping down a freshly coated wall come to mind, but I believe I prayed hard enough to Jesus to make it end that I had a near-death experience. Evans was perhaps one of the only tolerable aspects.
However, since entire hordes of people can't be wrong in saying how brilliant it was, I'm willing to give Jenna Russell another go when she comes because she has probably had so much time adjusting to it after that cd was made. I'm excited for Evans and Russell, but even moreso to have normal orchestrations again. Grandeur and vibrancy to be embraced once more!
I've heard nothing but praise for Jenna Russell and Daniel Evans but I was hoping they would cast "name" actors for the leads in the Broadway revival just because there's an array of American actors that I've always wanted to see in the role.
I don't think Evans and Russell match the performances on the OBCR but they both sound fantastic, IMO. I particularly love "Color and Light," my favorite song in the revival recording.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/12/04
Sunday... is easily my favorite Sondheim score and show.
That being said, I couldn't be happier that we're getting Evans and Russell. First of all, I think they sound FANTASTIC on the new cast recording, which I am absolutely in love with.
Also, I was praying it wouldn't be Esparza or Cerveris or Errico or O'Hara (whom I love). I would have been really disappointed to see of them in these great roles I just don't think they're that right for.
As for Americans I would love to see, Jayne Paterson as Dot/Marie.
Any word on the understudies?
This comment re tempo keeps coming up on US based boards....
An interesting point - it does seem any recording that is different from the OBCR is slated as being either too fast or too slow. People seem to think that the first cast album they listen to is 'right' and any subsequent recordings are wrong...
Back on topic: I loved both of the leads in London - Jenna Russell especially - and the new orchestrations by Jason Carr are tremendous. One thing I'm not sure about is the use of accents in the first act - in London they were used to point up the different social spheres of the characters within the show. Will they bother putting this in the Broadway production?
Ok... I saw the DVD of the OBC and I LOVED it (apart from Mandy... duno y... that guy just bugs me... his voice so weird ~)
Anyway... but I do think the 2nd act was still very weird for me when I was watching it. Then I went to see the show live in the Wydham's Theatre in London and can I tell you sth? It's one of the most beatiful nights I've had in my life in the theatre!
The production was just perfection, the use of projection just really enhanced the whole 'painting comin to life' thing. And the cast... just WOW! NO ONE can EVER replace Daniel & Jenna in this production cuz they were just so suited in this production. Don't take me wrong, I would LOVE to see others perform in the role, but not in this production! Daniel & Jenna (for Anna in fact) have such voices, such clear voices but not very characteristic like Bernadette's or Mandy's (ew) that they blended into the show really.
Not quite sure whether you'll understand what I'm saying but... you're in for a treat ppl! You just don't know it yet!
I cant imagine Jenna dropping that northern accent. It fitted her character choices so well. Surely the broadway audience is smart enough to get the differences? Well the audience that this show will be attracting anyway!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/6/05
Firstly, I think the comment about the tempos is valid. Some people also tend to think that just because you prefer the original, you don't have a fresh ear and an open mind.
While I'm not a fan of this recording, I've seen and heard other productions of it that I've liked very much. It's THIS recording I'm not a fan of. I prefer Micahel Starobin's orchestrations and yes the tempos are better to me. I wonder how much input Sonhdeim had in them. I guess he's got his original so you can change it up. Oh well.
Kringas, in regards to the Northern Accent. What do you mean they'll get the differences. Get the differences in what? Different from who? The acting? From Bernedette?