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Will Anyone Be Able to Replace Sara Ramirez?- Page 3

Will Anyone Be Able to Replace Sara Ramirez?

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#50will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/27/06 at 12:47pm

I'm sure she could do it but i would love to see Ems do it somewhere down the road, i mean hell that woman is sooooo talented and funny.

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#51will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/27/06 at 1:28pm

Lady Of The Lake should be a larger than life in person.... size of the person doesnt matter, but her character must be SO over acted I think.
Sara could NEVER be replaced I think!

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LouieLovesTheater Profile Photo
#52will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/27/06 at 1:38pm

While I love Skinner as well, I have to admit that for all the crap Sara took on these boards for being out all the time...the same thing would probably happen to Skinner. She's not known for having the best attendance record.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#53will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/27/06 at 1:41pm

Yes but it isn't like they fired Sara so they are use to it....

And wasn't Ems for the most part actually because she was sick.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#54will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/27/06 at 1:42pm

For all we know, so were Ramirez' absences.

LouieLovesTheater Profile Photo
#55will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/27/06 at 1:44pm

Does it really matter if she is actually sick? I know I've made some comments on here about being frustrated when a performer is out constantly and gotten totally roasted because of it.

I'm just saying, people on here tend to be awfully hard on stars that are out a it due to sickness or other.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#56will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/27/06 at 1:44pm

I say we just put a big paper weight on top of the can of worms we could possibly open.

LouieLovesTheater Profile Photo
#57will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/27/06 at 1:48pm

I agree.

Let me say, though...that I've been VERY fortunate to see Skinner and Sara live in various shows and I can see why people would be disappointed to not see them. Excellent performers both.

Is that a good enough paper weight?

Let's talk more about Simone...

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#58will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/27/06 at 1:57pm

Orfeh's the only person who should even be considered. She's such a phenomenal performance, and can pull of anything. Someone give this girl a great part and a Tony already.

Lady of the Talkies
#59will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/29/06 at 12:03pm

I'm pretty sure Sara had a documented illness. Emily not only missed in Side Show but has a track record for missing in every single show she's in. It's been an on-going record, not just for a single run. That's not to say that she doesn't have an on-going illness either, but that is her business, not ours.

I'm positive she would catch some major slack if she were to enter a long run of a show right now. Especially following in the footsteps of someone who caught serious slack for the exact same reason.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#60will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/29/06 at 2:25pm

The entire show is being played much less over the top than when it first opened. Its a fair complaint to say that Kennedy should be playing the Lady of the Lake "bigger" but so should just about everyone else on that stage.

#61will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/29/06 at 3:53pm

Sara oops SADA LOL will be soooooo easy to replace. The part is non existant and is completely a throw away role. She isn't that good in it to begin with and with as much trouble and a pain in the butt she is I'm sure the producers will be happy to see her go. Lets just hope she doesn't show up in another show to enact her vengence on.
Personally I hope no one hire her ever again. By the way most of those rumors about her being a pain are true.

#62will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/29/06 at 4:07pm

Feng Shui, do you have a problem with decent performers?

#63will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/29/06 at 6:14pm

I really didn't like Lauren Kennedy. Her voice was average and she had no comedic prescence or timing. I personally don't think that anyone, no matter how hard they try, could do a better job than Sara.

I am a bagel on a plateful of onion rolls. If you know what I'm talking about, good. If you don't, you're on your own!

#64will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/29/06 at 6:22pm

i started a thread about this a little whle back but ive heard that Simone (Aida) was going to play the part from some good friends of mine who were in a show with Simone

matiboi Profile Photo
#65will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/30/06 at 10:05am

Emily's vocals would not be nearly as strong as Lauren's . . . she only has a belt to a certain point, while Lauren's is virtually limitless. Acting-wise, she'd be great, but I don't think the vocals would be there.

SCBWannabe Profile Photo
#66will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 7/30/06 at 10:19am

Feng: Your post gave me a headache. I needed to open a box of Cocoa Puffs to get out the decoder ring prize just to decipher what it said.

For one thing, Sara is already out of the show. Been for a while. For another, she has been on Grey's Anatomy since February.

#67will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 8/2/06 at 3:02pm

Supposedly Lauren Kennedy was amazing!


#68will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 8/2/06 at 4:24pm

Well, I guess the answer is Marin Mazzie. She starts October 31.

wickedfanatic34 Profile Photo
#69will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 8/2/06 at 5:15pm

my mom always says that you are always replaceable and so it doesn't matter how much you liked sara she has been replaced by lauren who in my opinoin is awesome and their is nothing you can do about itso stop bitching about how no one can replace her because it seems that people are very excited about the cast being changed especially the part of the lady of the lake.

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#70will anyone be able to replace sara ramirez?
Posted: 8/2/06 at 7:27pm

marin will be just as good if not better than sara (who i loved as well). i can't wait!
