From the reviews I have read here there has not been much discussion about the pirate queen music. Could someone comment on more of the songs like are there any good power ballads?, what are some of the titles of the songs?, how does the music compare to les mis and miss saigon?
I truly believe this is what could sink the Pirate Queen, the lack of strong, memorable songs. The band sounds wonderful in the house, with Irish pipes, fiddle and *believe it or not* an honest to goodness real, not synthetically produced harp. (Let's hope that becomes a Broadway trend. I think it's pathetic that they cut live harp from the Chorus Line revival.) I just wish this band had better songs to play. Here are some specifics. I might not have the song titles correct.
"I'll Be There" I think it's the strongest song in the show, a power ballad sung by Grace's broken hearted suitor. Still, I think it would have been considered the weakest song in Les Mis if it had been included in that score.
"Sail To The Stars" A funeral march, and the closest thing to an anthem in this score. Not a bad little melody actually, and I love the subtle Irish dancing that goes along with it.
"Because I Am A Wife" Angry 6/8 character song by Grace. Desperately needs better lyrics.
"Boys Will Be Boys". Act I charm song, a shameless rip off of "Master of the House". They can't seriously believe they'll get away with keeping this in the show.
"Here On This Night" A totally generic love ballad early in the show. This is a number that should be replaced ASAP.
There is some really fun Irish dance music used in various ceremonies onstage. You'll hear a lot of this stuff if you watch the Castcom clips. It's quite good if you like that sort of thing. Also I think the overture is stunning, although others have commented that it's not particularly energetic.
Although there have been lots of suggestions of how to improve Pirate Queen, I honestly think one or two songs of the calibre of "Bring Him Home", "I'd Give My Life For You" or "Come to Me" would save this show.
Go ahead and flame me for this, but right now there isn't one song there that I could imagine being sung on American Idol.
"I have got to have some professional music!" - Big Edie
ACT ONE Intro/Overture All Aboard the Ceol Na Mara [Dubhdara, Tiernan, Grania, Oarsmen and Company] My Grace [Dubhdara] Here On This Night [Grania, Tiernan, Oarsmen and Company ] Battle at Sea [Graania, Tiernan, Dubhdara and Company] The Waking of the Queen [Elizabeth and Ladies in Waiting] Rah-Rah, Tip Top [Elizabeth, Bingham, Lords and Ladies in Waiting] The Choice Is Yours [Grania, Bingham, Dubhdara and Company] Boys'll Be Boys [Donal and Mates] The Wedding Ring [Grania, Tiernan, Donal, Dubhdara, Evleen and Company] I'll Be There [Tiernan] Boys'll Be Boys (reprise) [Donal and Mates] Because I Am a Wife [Grania] Trouble at Rockfleet [Grania, Tiernan, Donal, Bingham and Company] A Day Beyond Belclare [Grania, Tiernan, Donal and Company] Go Serve Your Queen [Elizabeth and Bingham] Dubhdara's Farewell [Dubhdara, Grania] Sail to the Stars [Dubhdara, Grania, Tiernan, Donal, Evleen and Company]
ACT TWO Entr'act Son of the Irish Seas [Grania, Tiernan, Donal, Evleen and Company] Enemy at Port Side [Grania, Tiernan, Donal, Evleen, O'Malley Apprentice and Company] I Dismiss You [Grania, Donal and Oarsmen] If I Said I Loved You [Grania and Tiernan] The Role of the Queen [Elizabeth, Bingham and Company] The Christening [Evleen, Grania, Tiernan and Company] Let a Father Stand By His Son [Donal, Grania, Bingham, Tiernan, Evleen and Company] Surrender [Bingham, Tiernan, Elizabeth and Company] Each in Time [Bingham, Tiernan, Elizabeth and Company] She, Who Has All [Elizabeth, Grania, Tiernan, Bingham and Company] Lament [Grania and Company] The Sea of Life [Grania and Company] The Queen Will See You Now [Company] Woman to Woman [Elizabeth, Grania and Company] Grania and Elizabeth in Private [Company] Grania's Exit [Elizabeth, Grania, Bingham and Company] May Long We Sail the Sea [Grania, Tiernan, Evleen and Company]
Tech, I do take your point...but I also have to take exception to the notion that a successful musical piece is one that could be sung on _Idol_. Some songs from musicals might work, but others most definitely wouldn't...and, in my opinion, it has less to do with quality than with content/song type. Examples? "Bring Him Home" and "Maybe This Time" would work. "Rainbow High" and "Trio" (sorry, I happen to love PASSION), not so much. I'd actually rather NOT have musical theatre stuff show up on _Idol_; if it doesn't go over well because the audience expectations for those two types of theatre are entirely different, it looks like an indictment of musicals.
Still--I DO take your point. I think some of the songs may be a bit better than some reviews are giving them credit for being, but I also have hopes they can tighten this show in time for the critics 10/29. We know they're doing quite a bit of revision. Guess we'll wait and see...but I think this one has potential, and I confess I'm hoping for a big, blockbuster musical that will serve as a vehicle for Stephanie J., who is one of those actors who really deserves it!
(Yes, others do, as well. Yes, I'm aware that you don't get a big musical just through deserving it. This is just my opinion, and I hope nobody on the boards gets bent out of shape about it.)
Songs like Because I am a Wife or I'll Be There weren't even long enough to fully enjoy. Not like I want the show to be longer, but you start to realize a song has potential and then it's over. Boys'll Be Boys and Rah Rah Tip Top were by far the catchiest.
"but I also have to take exception to the notion that a successful musical piece is one that could be sung on _Idol_"
Thanks bardolator, but I stand by my point. If I was putting together a couple of nights of American Idol, it would be great fun to use songs from Les Mis one night and Miss Saigon another. "Bring Him Home", "On My Own", "Sun and Moon", "I Still Believe". So many others. These would be two of the best nights of AI ever, even though I shudder to think how the songs would be arranged. The same thing applies to Hairspray, Lion King, Wicked and any other successful "mega musical" I can think of. Each of those shows could easily fill a night of AI.
Great songs are the heart of a great musical.
I think much of the Pirate Queen score is lovely, and "I'll Be There" is a strong song. I just think they need one or two "hits" to fill it out. Let's look at this another way. Suppose the Today show wanted to devote a whole morning to The Pirate Queen before its Chicago opening, with four musical segments. After "I'll Be There" and an Irish dance number, what two songs would you suggest they perform?"
It's an old cliche, but the audience doesn't leave a show humming the scenery.
"I have got to have some professional music!" - Big Edie
I have to agree that I feel the songs are much better than majority of the reviews on this board. My theatre hating, was forced to go stap father went away humming some of the songs. Just don't expect Les Miz and Miss Saigon and you will be fine!
(Martha Graham from a letter to Agnes de Mille) "There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening That is translated through you into action, And because there is only one of you in all time, This expression is unique. If you block it, It will never exist through any other medium And be lost. The world will never have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, Nor how valuable it is, Nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, To keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware Directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, A blessed unrest that keeps us marching And makes us more alive than others."
Going against what everyone else seems to be saying, I loved the music. It was absolutely beautiful. Some of the lyrics that go along with it need a little tweaking, but who is the say that won't happen? It annoys me to now end comparing Boys Will Be Boys to Master Of The House. I fail to see the similarities. Is it just because it is a catchy tune set in a bar? Would you rather it have been set somewhere else?
StephanieStar, it's great that you love Pirate Queen so much. If we could just get you a job writing theatrical reviews for the New York Times I'd feel a lot better about the show's prospects. Personally I love the potential I see in this show, but I think there's a lot on that stage right now that needs work. I saw one of the first previews, so it's possible my comments are no longer relevant.
"It annoys me to now end comparing Boys Will Be Boys to Master Of The House. I fail to see the similarities. Is it just because it is a catchy tune set in a bar?"
No, it's because you could easily take the rhythm tracks from "Master of the House" and perform "Boys Will Be Boys" over them. It's the identical groove, the identical tempo, the same lame honky tonk piano sound, and very similar rhythmic motifs. "Master of the House" is one of the most famous and well loved charm songs of any modern musical, and the Les Mis revival is going to playing right up the block from Pirate Queen this spring. (There was even once a Seinfeld episode about how catchy "Master of the House" is.) It annoys me no end when I go to see a new musical and feel like the creative team has just recycled something that worked previously.
"I have got to have some professional music!" - Big Edie
I guess we'll agreet to disagree. Master of The House is my least favorite song from Les Mis, but I quite liked Boys Will Be Boys. Perhaps it was the performance of it. I thoroughly enjoyed the dancing.