Rent on Regis and Kelly

#0Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 7:29am

I searched and couldn't find anything about this, so please forgive me if something was posted. I was just wondering if anyone saw Idina Menzel, Taye Diggs, Adam Pascal, and Rosario Dawson talking about the Rent movie yesterday on Regis and Kelly.
It wasn't on the Regis and Kelly schedule, but there was an item in the Liz Smith column in the NY POST this morning talking about it. I'm so upset I missed it! (I'm hoping that they were taping a segment for a future show and I didn't miss anything.) Sorry- I'm, can anyone tell me anything about it?

KelRel Profile Photo
#1re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 8:08am

I hadn't heard anything about it either. I hope that they will be showing it later because I would love to see it.

"All the while making faces like a baby platypus who forget to take some Beano before eating a chimichanga." FindingNamo in reference to Jessica Simpson's singing.

stephygirl51 Profile Photo
#2re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 8:14am

I don't think it was on...I just checked the Regis and Kelly website and it said nothing about the cast of Rent for this week. Also, I have my TIVO setup to record anything with the cast of Rent or with the mention of the movie, and nothing recorded yesterday. The only thing I can think about is maybe they taped a show yesterday for a day when they won't be live. Sometimes they do that. I just really hope I didn't miss it!!

There's Only Us There's Only This Forget Regret Or Life Is Yours To Miss No Other Road No Other Way NO DAY BUT TODAY!

Once upon a time I was a shy young thing
Could barely walk and talk so much as dance and sing
But let me hit that stage I wanna take my bow
Cause Mama I'm a big girl now!

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#3re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:04pm

I think at least the Rent blog would have something about the appearance ahead of time, so they probably taped it for a future segment.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#4re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:07pm

I think it's actually going to be on next Thursday. October 13th!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#5re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:09pm

They *taped* it recently, but it shouldn't have aired yet.

I almost freaked out. But it shouldn't have been on TV yet.

ETA -- I'm wondering why you only listed four of them. I was under the impression that it was the whole cast (or at least that Anthony was in there?) even though eight people is a lot to interview.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 10/6/05 at 01:09 PM

#6re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:34pm

NOPE - saw the whole show - they were not on...

#7re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:36pm

I also heard Thursday Oct 13. :)

teth Profile Photo
#8re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:38pm

Wait if they taped it already...but it's not aired...does that mean Regis and Kelly isn't live? !!O_O!!

(I always thought it was...)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#9re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:39pm

Well, I'm looking on the website, and unfortunately they don't list a schedule for more than the current week.

But, I was told that they were filming it on Monday, I think (I can't remember for sure which day), and they definitely aren't actually live. I wouldn't worry too much -- I think it's supposed to air on either the 12th or the 13th. Sorry, I've got my dates all mixed up.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#10re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:44pm

I just saw posted somewhere else that it's definitely October 13th- Charlize Theron and Reverand Run (from Run DMC) are on the show too.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#11re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:44pm

Teth- sometimes they tape early when they have vacations, I think...

#12re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:44pm

Regis and Kelly are live Mon - Thurs

Sometimes there are not live on any given thursday - they definitely have taped shows on friday becuase of Kelly's taping schedule for Hope and Faith

teth Profile Photo
#13re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:47pm

How interesting.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#14re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 1:50pm

I think our illusions are shattered! re: Rent on Regis and Kelly

A work of art is an invitation to love.

SWTaffy Profile Photo
#15re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 2:31pm

Regis' daughter is getting married soon so maybe that's why there are taping everything in advance. I haven't watched in a couple of days but I know he mentioned something about it earlier. ALso, I think they record the Friday's show because kelly tapes her sitcom on Friday nights.

It's worth a shot/ :)

#16re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 3:31pm

Even better: "a performance from the cast of the film "Rent"" (according to, october 13th). I think I love all the singing they will be doing for promos - even if it is SOL over and over and over again. Better than no singing. :)

#17re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 3:36pm

Yeah singing is better than no singing at all but would it kill them to do something other than SOL?

Musical Reviews & Profiles:

#18re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 3:45pm

It's a tough call...They're obviously not going to do anything like "Today 4 U" or "Take Me or Leave Me" on national tv. Some of the songs are too jarring as a teaser ("Rent")...are too action-packed ("La Vie Boheme")...others don't actually tease if you don't know the context ("Glory")... "What You Own" was a pretty cool decision on the Today Show. They might be able to do "Life Support" as a short and pretty choral number. Otherwise...we've pretty much narrowed the options. And, of course, they could do "Love Heals", now that the secret song has been unveiled. I'd be a big fan of seeing that a few times.

#19re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 3:52pm

like every talk show, there are some segments that are taped in advance, so everyone's schedule could be taken care of.

Wavetree Profile Photo
#20re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 4:19pm

Once in a while they switch it up a bit on TV appearances. Back when the OBC was making rounds they did a bit of Rent on Leno, Without You on GMA, a SOL/LVB combo on Letterman, and Take Me or Leave Me on the Today Show when Kristen Lee Kelly and Gwen Stewart were Maureen/Joanne. And then of course there was my all time fave- Adam singing an acoustic version of OSG on Rosie. Wearing overalls and singing with his eyes closed the entire time. And yes, it was sexy as hell.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#21re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 4:20pm

ugh, if he sings Glory....

I will :
(a) hate myself for not going to see
(b) sit in front of my TV and watch it repeatedly for hours

A work of art is an invitation to love.

zippyjen Profile Photo
#22re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 4:30pm

i might join you emcee!

"At the opening night party, they had clowns on stilts, jugglers, a chocolate fountain, popcorn, hot dogs. [My son] looked at me like I had been holding back. Like, 'This is what you do?' I had to tell him, 'No, no, darling. Opening nights don't usually look like this.' It's usually a dark bar with a bottle of vodka." ?Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Jan Maxwell plus i proudly share the title of the shortest member over the age of 10 with wickedrentq!

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#23re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 7:51pm

I concur, Emcee, I concur.

I hope they're on like, every show. So I can get my RENT fix ... and when they do do the shows, cue me dyyyying.

TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#24re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
Posted: 10/6/05 at 9:50pm

allie i absolutely LOVE your avatar!

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.
