Woman in White CD

#0Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 3:21am

does anyone know if there are plans for a OBC recording for Woman in White? I haven't seen anything and want a recording with Michael Ball!

AlmostFamous Profile Photo
#1re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:40am

Last time I was there (about 2 weeks ago) I had asked the man selling the items if there were any plans for one. He said he didn't think so, because the three leads are the same. But I thought the three other leads are different! So what does the souvenier guy know! I would be thrilled if they did come out with one though!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#2re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:42am

Fosco, Walter, and Percival are different. The three females are the same.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

kec Profile Photo
#3re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:14am

Per a response I got from the Querymaster at RUG, they are still waiting on a decision about the CD, which is not expected for some time.

#4re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:28am

At least they haven't made a categorical decision not to record one at this point, Kec. Maybe there is some hope.


chernjam Profile Photo
#5re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:31am

Hey guys,

For those of you who didn't see it before, here's a thread from about a week ago


It's got RUG email to ask them to consider re-recording Woman in White. Kec, you're the first one I know who's gotten a response. I've emailed them twice and never heard back from them.

kec Profile Photo
#6re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 8:03am

Correction to my previous comment. They are awaiting a decision. If they do decide to do a cd, it won't be for some time. As you say Jo, at least it wasn't an outright no.

chernjam Profile Photo
#7re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 12:56pm

Kec - when did you hear from them? Yours is the most hopeful response we've gotten.

My main reasons for re-recording it are
1 - To take into account all the improvements they've made to the score and changes in lyrics and story line
2 - To have a full orchestra rather than the over-synthesized theatre orchestra
3 - To get the new leads (vast improvements over their London counterparts) recorded for posterity too.

Hey - if they could do a whole Symphonic Miss Saigon with some of the same people from the original London cast, why not a new WIW??? Geez, they even recorded "The Likes of Us" with a better orchestra, surely there would be a bigger demand for this...


lovinlife Profile Photo
#8re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 1:17pm

It's always a shame when they don't re-record the OBC to me, for all of the musicals I have seen in London changed at least somewhat by the time they arrived in New York (Miss Saigon, Mama Mia, Saturday Night Fever, Woman In White, Bombay Dreams). I also tend to think that the quality is just plain better when you get to Broadway (i.e. Mama Mia's not so hip OLC & Saturday Night Fever's almost laughable orchestrations). In some cases like Miss Saigon and Woman In White, the leads were the same. This makes me think though, why do recordings like Les Mis OBC with half the original leads from London? Is it due to the amount of new stars per opening, or just how the creative team feels the show will do? It just does not make sense. I hope they do a recording of the OBC WIW. I think either way, they sound better and with all of the changes in score, it would be a nice updated album.

"All I want is the truth, just give me some truth!"- J. Lennon

juice23 Profile Photo
#9re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 2:22pm

is it wrong if i want them to record a broadway CD with Lisa Brescia as Marian? I like her voice a lot better than Maria's.

(in the finale has anyone heard Maria scream the "I close my eyes..." part? It's really scary.)

I'm not knocking her at all- you can tell she plays the role with a great deal of power and emotion... I just like Lisa better.

My Music Classroom Giving Page: https://www.donorschoose.org/MrHMusicRoom

kec Profile Photo
#10re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 4:29pm

Jim, it was about 10 days ago, not long after you posted the suggestion to write them.

DirtyRottenGirl Profile Photo
#11re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 4:48pm

I liked the understudy but not nearly as much as Maria. I know what note your talking about and when I saw her she cracked really bad when she sang it so apparently she really hits or misses.

lovinlife Profile Photo
#12re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 4:55pm

Lisa is a wonderful vocalist and it would be great to hear her on CD, but I dont know of all that many shows who have used a diffrent lead or understudy/syandby on recording (well, Rocky Horror Show Live used Kristen Lee Kelly instead of Joan Jett for Legal/Equity reasons). Maria did not crack when I saw her and I like her raw voice. But, I know that I have always thought she sounded a little sick when she sings. It is probably just the way her voice is. She uses massive amounts of emotion when singinng, so maybe Andrew likes that more than a crystal clear voice, such as Lisa's.

"All I want is the truth, just give me some truth!"- J. Lennon

chernjam Profile Photo
#13re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:13pm

Kec - thanks for the update... never heard from them, so you are one of the chosen ones!

When I saw Maria, it was her second night back, not only didn't she crack - she was as perfect onstage as I've ever seen an actor/actress (and WIW was still in previews). Wouldn't mind a different leading lady on the recording, but would be just as happy to have Friedman do it again as she's grown into the role so much.

For example, the live clips of her "All for Laura" where she slows down the line "I DEDICATE MY LIFE" and holds "I WILL LIVE TO RIGHT THIS WRONG" sound so much more powerful now.

It reminds me of how they improved "As If We Never Said Goodbye" by holding the line "I've come HOME at last" - you need those dramatic punches, and once they've been added, you miss them when they're not there.


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#14re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:17pm

Were any numbers from London cut for NY ?

I know know why people got sick over some of the projections. It is a bit dizzying @ times but we got thru it

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 1/18/06 at 06:17 PM

C is for Company
#15re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:42pm

Idk, I could see if this was a critical success or bringing in some serious money, but I don't know if their money intake is well enough to persuade another recording to be made

Eastwickian Profile Photo
#16re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/19/06 at 5:09am

'If not for me, for her' was cut from the London show in July. They also rearranged several bits, including the 'revelations' scene between Walter, Mr Fairlie etc near the end.

J.J. Profile Photo
#17re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/19/06 at 10:55am

I've noticed there are two different recordings for WIW...wondering what people's thoughts are on them. Which is better/ more complete? Original recording, or Original London Recording?

"Mutate or perish."

Eastwickian Profile Photo
#18re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/19/06 at 11:07am

Unless I'm going mad, they're both the same. I think one of them is an import and the other one is the US release of the London recording.

chernjam Profile Photo
#19re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/19/06 at 11:08am

They are the same recording, just different packaging. The Original Cast Recording included the Libretto. The Original London Cast has the new Broadway art work on the cover and no libretto

dramaparoxysm23 Profile Photo
#20re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/19/06 at 11:24am

Does this apply to the Mary Poppins CD? There are two: "Mary Poppins (Original London Cast 2005)" ($28 ) and "Mary Poppins [CAST RECORDING]" ($15). Other than the price, they look the same...are the songs different? Which would you recommend?

I remember days
Or at least I try
But as years go by
They're sort of haze
And the bluest ink
Isn't really sky
And at times I think
I would gladly die
For a day of sky

And Starbucks will use the words 'large' and 'small', not pretentious crap like grande and tall.
"You could get away with anything if you call it art and tell people who don't like it that it's cutting edge culture." --vmlinnie
Updated On: 1/19/06 at 11:24 AM

kec Profile Photo
#21re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/19/06 at 11:32am

I think the $28 is an import. I bought the $15 one as a Christmas gift, and it looked just like the one I bought for myself in London.

dramaparoxysm23 Profile Photo
#22re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/19/06 at 11:38am

Ah, then I'll order the cheap one. :p Thanks, kec.

I remember days
Or at least I try
But as years go by
They're sort of haze
And the bluest ink
Isn't really sky
And at times I think
I would gladly die
For a day of sky

And Starbucks will use the words 'large' and 'small', not pretentious crap like grande and tall.
"You could get away with anything if you call it art and tell people who don't like it that it's cutting edge culture." --vmlinnie

#23re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/20/06 at 12:54pm

Here is the reply to my inquiry into the Woman in White cd:

Hi Meghann – not at the moment I’m afraid.

With best wishes


AlmostFamous Profile Photo
#24re: Woman in White CD
Posted: 1/23/06 at 3:24pm

IF there is a CD and IF Lisa is not Marian
then we will atleast get to hear her say "You'll wait outside till you see sense my girl" & "She's trying on me dress"
