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Profile for Jayar2

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Member Name: Jayar2
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Bombshell Benefit Concert
 May 20 2020, 09:12:20 PM

I was looking up some of the concert cast, and I learned that Michael McArthur died earlier this month. Did the folks here know that? Sorry-- I searched, but didn't see anything.

Girl From The North Country - Broadway Previews
 Feb 11 2020, 09:30:01 PM

I saw the first preview. The story line was horribly crafted, and I didn't care about of the characters-- especially either of the sons. The singing was somewhat delightful, but this show is on my top 10 worst list. It was so bad that a man behind me said out loud in the second act, "Does anybody even know what the hell is going on right now? What is the point?"

Issues at Mean Girls last night
 Nov 15 2019, 02:58:09 AM

bk said: "Why would she say "I can't hear you" to the conductor? He's not talking. He has nothing to do with the sound at all. Walk offstage at the first opportunity and tell someone she can't hear. That said, how can she not hear LIVE MUSICIANS who are playing directly in front of her. "


As a performer, I can tell you that this can definitely happen. I've been in situations when I can only hear one or two instruments, and if y

No, Tootsie is NOT closing next.
 Aug 7 2019, 03:55:58 PM
I've seen Tootsie, and personally, I don't see this--
adjective: transphob
Non-Smoking Contract for Actors
 Jul 22 2019, 06:04:25 PM

LuPita2 said: "Jayar2 said: "Well, first off, she is breaking the law. She is 18. You have to be 21 to buy tobacco in NYC. As of November 2019, you will have to be 21 to buy tobacco in all of New York state."

Adorable. Does it show her buying a pack? No? Then shhhhh..........

I'll be more specific then-- it is illegal to SMOKE under the age of 21 in NYC and will be in the entire state in November.

Non-Smoking Contract for Actors
 Jul 22 2019, 05:58:10 PM

Well, first off, she is breaking the law. She is 18. You have to be 21 to buy tobacco in NYC. As of November 2019, you will have to be 21 to buy tobacco in all of New York state.

Rush for What the Constitution Means to me?
 Jul 10 2019, 12:52:11 AM

Kea4 said: "I got here at 8:50 today and am around 12th in line. I’m surprised but still expecting to get a ticket. Just thought I’d update if anyone is planning on coming later."

I rushed the same day-- I got there at 12:15 and I got a ticket. I was in the last row on the end in the orchestra. Was a fine seat :)


Ryan Murphy To Develop Film Adaptation Of THE PROM For Netflix
 Jun 25 2019, 11:06:37 AM

"I can't be arsed with Broadway because it's hard, but let me take these roles away from actors who carefully crafted and created them."

Independence Day performances
 May 20 2019, 07:38:37 PM

Hi there-- If I may be lazy for a moment. Does anybody know if there are any Broadway performances on the evening of July 4? I've searched the web and can only find schedules from previous years. Outside of looking up the schedule of every show, does anybody have a different suggestion or information they are willing to share?  Thank you in advance.

Saddest songs in musical theater
 Jun 27 2018, 04:41:58 PM

You can really see the diversity in age groups in response to this thread. The 'kids' are all about the current shows while us old queens bring up the classics.   I will say that the quintessential sad song for me is 'How Could I Ever Know' from The Secret Garden.

Anyone know the REAL reason Hello Dolly refused to perform at the TONYS?
 May 24 2018, 01:24:45 PM

RicardoMagon said: "UncleCharlie said: "RicardoMagon said: "Alas, Scott Rudin is rich, so I don'thave sympathy for the shows he produced that didn't make him as rich as Dolly did."

Probably in the same way that really poor people who work two jobs just to make sure their kids don't go to bed hungry don't have sympathy for you not getting to see Bette in Hello Dolly.


Shouldn't Broadway b

What do you want them to perform on the tony awards telecast
 May 21 2018, 03:34:16 PM

Does anybody think that TBV would do a medley of Welcome to Nowhere/Omar Shariff/Concert? I know it would be quick, but it would touch on the flavor of the show.

If You Could Guarantee One Nomination...
 Apr 30 2018, 11:51:57 PM

Can I pick three? Joshua Henry, Lindsay Mendez, and The Band's Visit.

HEAD OVER HEELS at the Curran - Reviews
 Apr 16 2018, 01:02:11 AM

I saw it last night, and I was underwhelmed. The opening is fantastic-- it gives an impression that we're going to be taken on a ride through the Go-Gos song catalog, but then it just kind of fizzles out. Individually, I think that the performances were nice, but given how new everything is, there was little chemistry within the cast. I also think that this needs to be a one act-- there was a lot of fluff, and I hope that they rethink making it a two act show by the time it gets to Broadw

R.I.P. Jan Maxwell
 Feb 12 2018, 01:36:57 PM

I have nothing profound to say, but I will echo what all of you have already said. Too soon, too young, so much talent, and I am very sad about this loss. She was an amazing performer, and I will miss her.

Blocked By The Boys In The Band - Now Planning Peaceful Opening Night Protest
 Jan 31 2018, 07:42:45 PM

GeorgeandDot said: "ArtMan, he's about 26, so when he was growing up, those shows weren't even on. It's much better today, but there are still problems."

Please. I am 45 years old, and there were NO gay people on TV save for Jody from Soap when I was growing up, and I am doing just fine.

My Fair Lady
 Jan 28 2018, 02:37:08 PM

I will be in the city celebrating my birthday over opening for this show. I've never experienced a Broadway opening before, and I would love to be able to attend with my husband. Any tips on getting tickets as they are not for sale?

Most Tony losses without a win for an individual
 Oct 31 2017, 08:26:39 PM

I know it's moot at this point, but in her acceptance speech, Ms. Greenwood stated that she had 21 nominations.

Lin Manuel's Acting
 Aug 8 2017, 11:19:20 AM

I will say this this-- Every time I've seen him on stage or TV, I wonder if there is a Married With Children reunion anytime soon.

Dear Evan Hansen Stage Door
 Jul 3 2017, 09:10:38 PM

I don't stage door anymore. First of all, I go to see the performance which is what really fills my soul. If I feel so compelled to do so, I tweet something about the show, actor that I specifically enjoyed. Not only does it make me happy to be able to talk about the show, but if people read the actor's or show's feed, it's a plus that say positive things. And secondly, I am 45 years old. I'm ready for bed after an evening show! Lol!  And back on topic-- if I wer

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