Well, this is... interesting? I can't say I saw this coming. I also can't imagine many others did either.
This is just so out of the blue?... I love the show, so... cool, I guess?
Murphy has an overall production deal with Netflix, so he must’ve saw the show, loved it, and brought it to them. I’m interested to see if it’s an adaption or more along the lines of what they just did with AMERICAN SON. On instagram he called it a “Movie Event” which leads me to believe it might be a filmed on Broadway.
The fact that this is totally random and out of the blue notwithstanding, I kind of like that Netflix is dipping its toe into taking on theatrical adaptations like they are doing with AMERICAN SON.
My only question is if Murphy is going to be maintaining a decent chunk of the main cast because their roles are very specifically tailored to them.
At first I wanted to say “April fools day was nine days ago” but this is actually pretty cool and I hope Netflix begins to do more of this
This is great, and like others I'm very interested in what a "movie event" means. From HOLLYWOOD REPORTER:
It's unclear if any of the ensemble will also get their chance to appear onscreen. But what is known is that Murphy and his new collaborators are going to hustle to get it done. He announced that the Netflix adaptation is going to be a "huge Netflix movie event" and that they are gearing up for a September 2020 debut.
I wonder if Murphy is the one who put up the money to keep the show from closing?
I could see this as a movie easily. But I’d imagine they’ll just record the Broadway version which is cool!
I am wondering that as well, SomethingPeculiar.
If they’re casting “names”, I hope they get Krakowski for Angie.
Stand-by Joined: 9/14/08
Broadway Star Joined: 1/15/18
I doubt they are going to make a movie adaptation per se. I believe this will be a filmed stage production of the Broadway show, but will be more cinematic than something like the She Loves Me recording (think Miss Saigon 25th Anniversary/Newsies).
Looking forward to this! I believe this will make a great transition to screen.
This is great but in terms of timing it was probably better to announce this after the Tony Awards or before the show closes.
I just think a lot of people will simply wait until it goes on Netflix rather than spend $$ to see the show live.
This is so exciting!! I know broadyHD is a thing, but it'd be smart for Netflix Imo to get into the theatre business. Show us one or 2 plays a year and a musical. American Son and The Prom are fantastic choices. I hope they do something for What The Constitution Means To Me as well.
BroadwayHD has filmed like two actual Broadway shows since they started. They’re hardly anyone’s competition.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/1/14
Jordan Catalano said: "If they’re casting “names”, I hope they get Krakowski for Angie."
And Patti Lupone for Dee Dee!!
Wick3 said: "This is great but in terms of timing it was probably better to announce this after the Tony Awards or before the show closes.
I just think a lot of people will simply wait until it goes on Netflix rather than spend $$ to see the show live."
It is Tony season, however, so this is good buzz for the show for sure.
I’m very excited about this. Netflix will help bring this show to the homes of young people whose parents saw the Thanksgiving Day Parade performance and would refuse to bring them to the touring production.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/10/16
This is excellent strategy leading into awards season. The fact that it’s been picked up for an alternate format tells people that the pieces of the puzzle are good enough and strong enough to move it forward. The article listed above seems to shoot for a September 2020 release which is probably when the 1st national would be starting to hit the road. Think about the marketing strategy there for Road Votes. The big Netflix adaption is premiering just weeks or months before it hits stages in your area. I think this could be a huge plus for this show and give it a real fighting chance in several of the categories.
I love this show and I’m grateful for Ryan Murphy for giving it continued life. I agree with the person above that he probably is the person who put up the funds to keep the doors open. There’s been yet another slight marketing shift and I’m guessing he has some of his people on it trying to turn the ship around.
I love this show too and have seen it 5 times on Broadway. Have the producers announced a national tour? I think it would do very well in areas that are accepting of LGBT issues but not sure it would fare well in other areas. Would be interseting to see this in Indiana though! I wonder if Mayor Pete has seen this show?!?!
A national tour sounds costly though given the large number of cast members. Either way I really wish and hope this show will succeed this coming awards season.
Apparently the following names were in the audience last night with Ryan Murphy, could they be a potential cast?
Sarah Jessica Parker (homophobic mother character?)
Glenn Close (Dee Dee?)
Jane Krakowski (Angie?)
Ben Platt (Maybe Christopher Sieber's character?)
Im assuming, like others, since its a movie "Event", its not a movie. The event is that its a recording of a Broadway show produced by Ryan Murphy. Id expect the OBC.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/3/17
Littleshopofcarrie said: "Apparently the following names were in the audience last night with Ryan Murphy, could they be a potential cast?
Sarah Jessica Parker (homophobic mother character?)
Glenn Close (Dee Dee?)
Jane Krakowski (Angie?)
Ben Platt (Maybe Christopher Sieber's character?)"
Ben Platt is WAY too young to play either male lead.
I could see Ana Gasteyer in basically any of the adult roles. But her Dee Dee would be especially outstanding.
If this is to be a recording of the Broadway cast (as opposed to filming a "movie version" of the story), why would it take until September of 2020 to complete?
Ben Platt lmaooo. No offense to him he just doesn't fit any role in this show. I'm hoping they do "names" for the broadway stars and cast hopefully young adults for the high schoolers. It would be amazing if they actually did someone 18 or younger! The "movie event" saying makes me think he will not be filmed on a stage. This is genius promo before the tonys! Props to whatever marketing person was behind the timing of this announcement.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/5/03
Does this mean they won't tour? Maybe looking at their grosses, they're figuring they'll make more money on Netflix?
Lot666 said: "If this is to be a recording of the Broadway cast (as opposed to filming a "movie version" of the story), why would it take until September of 2020 to complete?"
Editing, likely. And just general scheduling. If I recall American Son, which closed in January, isn't premiering for awhile either. Production on it began in February. I think its mainly just making sure they can get the absolute best shots possible, along with sound, lighting, etc to fit it on the screen to the best of its ability. I agree thats a long time though