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re: Kristin Chenoweth Concert -- ST. LOUIS
 Jan 18 2009, 05:13:02 PM
Here's a YouTube video someone took during this particular concert.

re: Kristin Chenoweth Concert -- ST. LOUIS
 Jan 12 2009, 12:48:10 PM
She certainly did forget the words during the interlude, but she covered it well. Only people who know the aria would have noticed
re: Kristin Chenoweth Concert -- ST. LOUIS
 Jan 12 2009, 02:07:26 AM
Kristin did shock me a little bit to make a political statement. She's definitely more liberal now than what she might have been if she stayed in Oklahoma (no offense to the moderates and liberals in that state). I always knew she loved the gays, but it was great to hear her on CBS' Early Show stating that she's pro-gay marriage despite how conservative her upbringing was. Nevertheless, I think that it's tough to talk about having hope in these hard times without referencing Obama--because I
Kristin Chenoweth Concert -- ST. LOUIS
 Jan 12 2009, 01:13:02 AM
Hey all,

It's been ages since I have posted, but I'm dying to know if any of the St. Louisans that post here attended the Kristin Chenoweth Concert @ the Fox Saturday night. She was backed up by the Saint Louis Symphony, conducted by none other than Andrew Lippa. Kristin also brought two male Broadway dancers with her as well (I think one of them was David Elder, but I forgot the other's name).

The evening was an eclectic mix of Broadway (Kern, Berlin, Willson, Schwartz,

Les Miz to come back to Bway
 Mar 10 2006, 05:04:53 PM
I don't know if this has already been reported here, but here goes anyway: I just found out that the 3rd National Tour of "Les Miz" will be coming to Broadway this summer. I only know this because it was just announced that Cameron Mackintosh selected St. Louis as the last city stop before the company comes back to Broadway. The St. Louis engagement is in July.

Go to for more details.

St. Louis MUNY 2006 Season
 Dec 19 2005, 02:00:30 AM
Hey all,

For those of you that keep up with the St. Louis MUNY, I have it on good authority that this is the 2006 Summer Line-Up:

The Wizard of OZ
The King and I
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
White Christmas (same show that played SF)
Gypsy (with Karen Mason, I hear)

Wizard of OZ was a no-brainer since it's a KID show and a CASH-COW. The King and I is an old favorite t

re: Kendra Kassebaum Absences Solved
 Dec 8 2005, 02:38:40 AM
Just to add to the conversation... I went to see Wicked twice in St. Louis.

The first was a Sunday Evening performance (Nov 20) and both Kendra and Stephanie were out, and replaced by Emily Rozek and Jenna Leigh Green respectively. Rumor has it that Kendra was battling a slight cold and that Stephanie's voice was shot partially due to the amount of smoke (or fog) generated onstage.

The second time was a Sunday Matinee performance (Nov 27) and both Kendra and Stephanie were on

The Dear Old GOP
 Aug 29 2004, 10:17:46 PM
If I ran the world (or owned the New York Times) those Republicans would be seeing the following shows, and here are some funny after-the-show quotes:


"Puppets having sex? A gay Republican investment banker? A swipe at our beloved President?!? ARRGH! Time for a good old Kulturkampf!"


"Were they making fun of our beloved Gipper and Karl Rove in the SAME SHOW??"

[What I just said could hav

re: CAMP (the movie)
 Aug 17 2004, 03:14:06 AM
I have to admit that I was somewhat disappointed in this film.

Don't get me wrong-- CAMP has a lot of funny one-liners, and I was very amused by the seemingly endless references to Sondheim shows topped off by a cameo by the composer himself.

However, beyond that, the story was not well written with a lot of clichéd characters that one sees time and time again:

1. the misunderstood, unaccepted gay guy
2. the love-sick suburban pretty boy with no real "pai

re: Wicked Tour Info
 Aug 17 2004, 03:00:29 AM
I know that a major Chicago Theatre website has WICKED as one of the several tours coming to town...including the pre-broadway tryout of SPAMALOT!! Ok...done rambling...
re: The Muny---42nd Street
 Aug 17 2004, 02:45:20 AM
St. Louis people are idiot hoosiers

Think before you generalize, bronxboundexpress. I'm from the STL area, and I am NOT a "hoosier" as you put it. In fact, I consider myself a decently cultured theatre fan.

However, I do agree with you--to a point--about the MUNY. There have been many FLAWED artistic decisions and gross gimmicks put forth in past seasons [I shamelessly blame everything on Paul Blake], but sometimes the theatre gets a show right. It's not 100

re: DeGarmo as Elphaba
 Aug 14 2004, 07:44:18 PM
What about Stephanie D'Abruzzo sometime in the future?

I actually LOVE the idea of Stephanie D'Abruzzo appearing in Wicked in the future, though not as Elphaba...I'd actually like to see her as Glinda. She has the kind of voice with a good belt AND a strong soprano, and she's got great comic timing. Though, I'm wondering if she would look convincing as a blonde. Stephanie definitely has slightly darker, though beautiful, Italianate features.

Plus, wouldn't it b

re: lol lines
 Aug 9 2004, 12:14:01 PM
"Mucho masturbation" in RENT. Especially when it gets a gasp from the audience...

I remember seeing RENT for the first time a couple years ago. I knew very little of the score, and when the "mucho masturbation" line came, my jaw dropped to the floor. That alone made my friend laugh.

One really big LOL line for me is from Avenue Q during "You can be as loud..." where Princeton says: "You can't put your finger there-- OH! Put your finger there!"
re: KC's 'Glitter and Be Gay'...
 Aug 8 2004, 08:49:44 PM
This is pretty cool...

Isn't it though? I have to say that I prefer Kristin's operatic, classical voice to that of the kind of voice she has used on Broadway. This is not to say her belting/cutesy voice is can be a bit too nasal for me at times.

I'm just glad to see that Kristin doesn't feel so pigeonholed into one area of singing, as so many classical/opera singers are pretty much pressured to stay with ONE type of singing and/or performance arena (i.e. opera

re: Have you ever overheard funny comments in the audience?
 Aug 7 2004, 03:03:52 AM
This wasn't during a show, but I was once trying (in vain) to get some last-minute cancellations for Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) at the Lyric Opera of Chicago. In front of me was an older woman who happened to be a season subscriber, picking up her tickets at Will-Call. I told her how badly I wanted to see this production because I was so much in love with Die Zauberflöte. The woman came off to me as one of those old ladies that go to the opera simply because they CAN, but
re: The BEST costumes youve ever seen?
 Aug 7 2004, 01:13:08 AM
In no particular ranking:

1. Edna's dress during "Welcome to the Sixties" -- Hairspray

It's just wild and crazy, and such a break away from the woman's agoraphobia.

2. The chorus girls with beer, pretzels, nazi crows, and wienerschnitzel headdresses during "Springtime for Hitler" -- The Producers

When I saw the show, I was with a friend that got really happy/tipsy after one pre-show drink. (She's a real lightweight when it comes to alcoh

ASSASSINS to tour???
 Aug 7 2004, 12:50:58 AM
I was perusing the website for The Booking Group, and noticed that one of the shows they had listed for touring that they were supposedly managing was the most recent Broadway staging of Assassins.

Does this mean anything at all? There were no details that you could access by clicking on the show's logo, so I'm not sure. Personally, I would love to see it on tour, but I don't really see it making good out here in the hinterlands.

They also list tours of Annie

 Aug 3 2004, 02:48:15 AM
I can't see why Lyon wouldn't do that. It sounds like a very smart deal for him, as puppeteering is a very limited field, and he could keep supporting himself--not that he's in any great need to. It looks like Avenue Q has a long life ahead.

Of course, it would be expensive as all get out, but I can see some edgier theatre companies willing to pay some money to rent those famous puppets to do this show in the future.

Oh...and to DefyingGravity2: do you even attempt to

Standing 'O'
 Aug 3 2004, 02:36:32 AM
So, I’ve been thinking about standing ovations. We all know that people will say that standing ovations are given too liberally nowadays, especially at the curtain call.

Now, how often today do we see/experience standing ovations during the show? I know I hadn’t ever seen or been in an audience that did a during-the-show ovation until a production of Show Boat at the MUNY in St. Louis last summer. Michel Bell was Joe, and nearly every time he sang “Old Man River” in Act One, t

re: sweeney todd role help
 Jul 29 2004, 11:36:02 PM
I second those who have recommended Anthony. In fact, just from reading your personal description, Anthony was the first role to pop into my head.
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