Broadway Replacements

Lorelai Profile Photo
#0Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 12:42am

Sometimes actors or actresses who do not originate a role on in a show can be as good as or maybe even better than the original cast member. I wish there was a Tony award of some kind for show replacements.
In my humble opinion, one example of this is Carolee Carmello as Ms. Pennywise in Urinetown. I saw Nancy Opel in the role twice, and she was wonderful, but Ms. Carmello just totally blows me away every time I see the show.
Anyone else care to comment on this?

(formerly bronte604) "You really just love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back." "Things happen for the best...I don't even believe that myself."
Updated On: 8/19/03 at 12:42 AM

Duane Reade
#1re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 12:48am

What an intriguing post. I can't wait to see what kind of insight comes from this one.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 6:09am

I have always wondered why they do not have an award for this. Some times the replacement is better than the original star. I also think a Best Song in a musical should also be a category.

Poster Emeritus

#3re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 8:39am

Every few years, this does get tossed around by the Tony nominating committee. It happened when Reba took over Annie Get Your Gun and it also happened when Micheal Moriarty took over in the lsat revival of My Fair Lady.

I think that the big issue has been that the award shouldn't be created so that a specific person can win it. In other words, creating an award the year that Reba took over would look like an award was being created just to give her one. However, in years when there is not great acclaim over a replacement's performance, no one thinks to create the award.

#4re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 12:13pm

the Tony awards, depending on the year, is a mixture of lots of common sense and often embarassing or foolish thinking....

It is just lame to me how the Tony committee decides to nominate two people or a group of people for an individual competitive Tony award. It makes the theater community seem foolish I think. The people on the Tony commitee couldn't tell which actress was giving which performace in Side Show?? How ludicrous. And they did the same with Sizwe Banzi is Dead a few years back and "the children" nomination in the best supporting actress in a musical category in The Sound of very odd.

So we can't take the Tony Awards, I don't think, as a do all or end all indication of excellence in theater. They are bestowed based on the thinkings of the committee in place that year.

I love the idea of a competitive replacement Tony award. Aside from everything else...the category would be great fun.

It would also be OK if more special Tony awards were given. Pearl Bailey was given a special Tony for being a Dolly replacement and Mary Tyler Moore was given a special Tony for being a replacement in Who's Life Is it Anyway?(even though the committee decided she was eligible for the best actress category--she did not receive a nomination, but the Tony committee decided to grant her a special Tony for taking "the ultimate theatrical risk." ---whatever that means... that is what they said at the time.)

I hope there will be a replacement category in the Tonys in the future or at least more "special Tonys" for some of those who create unforgettable performances, but simply were not the performer to create the role on Broadway. It does not seem right that being a replacement in a Broadway production should not be eligible for our theater's most highly coveted and recognized award. Does it?

Updated On: 8/19/03 at 12:13 PM

#5re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 12:48pm

The next time this issue is debated by the Tony nominating committee they should consider voting to create the award, but to wait until the next nomination cycle to do it. That way it is there, but they do not risk creating the impression that it was created for a specific performer. I do think its an important award to have. Its just another great way to recognize outstanding performances. And maybe instead of having two and featured actor...for example, it is just one award "Outstanding Replacement Performer" or something similar.

"Best to take the moment present as a present for the moment."-ITW, Sondheim

#6re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 12:54pm

it sounds very sensible to me Starlight......:)

let's hope they do it.


DavidMegg Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 12:56pm

I may be ignorant to how the nominations work, but say there was an award for replacement.
That would mean that the judges need to revisit EVERY show on Broadway first to decide who to nominate, then again to decide who they will vote for.
With only a short amount of time for the nominating process and then choosing, then awarding, it may not be realistic.
I know in London, you can be nominated for an Olivier award even if you were not the original performer cast in the role, but I would venture to guess that there is much more going on in NY than over there.

#8re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 1:01pm

You bring up an important point DavidMegg.......

just what would the viewing requirements be and how could it be determined that all replacements were seen by the Tony Commitee?

Perhaps for noncompetitive special awards, a replacement performance need not be seen by all Tony committee members, but nominated by one and approved by a certain amount of commitee members???????


SueleenGay Profile Photo
#9re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 1:25pm

Would the committee be obligated to give this award every year or just on those years where someone is truly deserving? Would they have to nominate 4-5 actor’s or just pick one.

On the topic of two people being nominated for the same slot (i.e. Skinner/Ripley in SIDESHOW and Philip Seymour Hoffman/John C. Reilley in TRUE WEST) I was under the impression that the actor’s requested this. It was their way of saying, “We are equal in this show and we do not want to compete against each other.”

Here is a question that has always bugged me. How did Larry Kert get the Tony nomination for COMPANY when Dean Jones originated the role? Has this ever been done before or since?


#10re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 1:41pm

Sueleen, Larry Kert is the only replacement nominee I can think of.

If I remember correctly, I think the production made an appeal to the Tony committee that was accepted.

I suppose any show at any time could make an appeal to the Tony Committee:)


robbiej Profile Photo
#11re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 2:07pm


You are correct that the actors (along with the producers) must request being nominated together. Although John C. Reilly and PS Hoffman tried to be nominated together (as did Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick), the Tony Committee felt (rightly) that they should be nominated seperately. Fascinating that they allowed Ripley and Skinner to be nominated together. Wasn't Ripley nominated for the Drama Desk, but Skinner was not??

Quel scandale!

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#12re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/19/03 at 2:17pm

You are correct, RobieJ. I thought the True West boys were nominated together, but I can admit when I am wrong. (Blushing)


BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#13re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/20/03 at 10:10pm

Some replacements are, I think, better than the original cast members. As much as I LOVE Marissa J. Winokur, I think Kathy Brier can sing better than her, and Kathy is hysterical and a great dancer as well. So, sometimes the replacement can be better. Imagine, though, if a show opened right after the tonys, and the next year, 2 people were nominated for the same role- replacement and original cast member?

Lorelai Profile Photo
#14re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/20/03 at 11:02pm

i think the idea of replacement actors being nominated by their peers or by the tony committee. one drawback about being nominated by other actors is that actors are usually in shows of their own and don't have a chance to catch other shows.
maybe this is why they don't have an award for this... :)

(formerly bronte604) "You really just love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back." "Things happen for the best...I don't even believe that myself."

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#15re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacemen
Posted: 8/21/03 at 1:14am

Jeanine Morrick is hysterical as Tanya in Mamma Mia!

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

#16re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacemen
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:10am

I think that getting the voters in is probably a huge issue. Never mind the nominating committee. It would require every show to get the 100's of voters in to see every replacement. That's quite an exorbatant amount of tickets to give away each year.

robbiej Profile Photo
#17re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway Replacemen
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:12am

Especially in a month's time. That's how long the voters have to see the shows.

And there are HUNDREDS of voters. I feel pretty confident in saying it will never happen.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

magruder Profile Photo
#18Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/21/03 at 10:22am

As it happens, like most awards, most of the Tony voters DON'T make it to see all of the nominated shows, but vote anyway.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#19re: Broadway Replacements
Posted: 8/21/03 at 11:13am

I agree with the original poster about Carolee Carmello as Ms. Pennywise in Urinetown. She was amazing in that role!

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~
