Newsies, Finally?

#0Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 5:54pm

I heard a rumor from someone who might actually know what he's talking about that the rights to produce Newsies will come out sometime in 2005 or 2006. Does anyone know anything about this, or anything about a musical version at all? I hope this is true, I love Newsies!

Brodybaby03 Profile Photo
#1re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 6:57pm

Yes, it is me and 30 of my BEST gay boyfriends!
We all got Newsboy caps @ H&M this afternoon, and I will be playing Metta the Swedish Meadowlark, the performance begins @ 8pm and we ask that you make a small donation to each of our college funds!

iRuvPrinceton Profile Photo
#2re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 6:58pm

Sorry to be a nickpick, but it's Medda... *ducks under newsie hat*


I get lost, unless, of course, I'm getting found.

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#3re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 7:03pm


#4re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 7:03pm

Don't know if I believe it, but I'd be excited!

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#5re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 7:30pm

Oh gawd..another "well placed" source for information? Just like our friend who had the RENT movie all cast? (yeah...and what happened to him??)

I think if it were happening, we would know. There is a kids theater version.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#6re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 8:24pm

Though I'm not sure I believe you, I would love to see it. That's a really great movie :)

but most of all i yearn to be astonishing...

lostwallflower Profile Photo
#7re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 8:27pm

I heard 3 years ago that a 2005 production was starting to come together, but I lost touch with that person so I don't know what's new. I love it, but I really don't think it'd last. Oh well. Guys, start workin' on da accents.

"I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber. Please don't take me to the pickle farm."- Brak

#8re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 9:30pm

i would SOOOO love that to be true. I have a little (or rather, huge) obsession on Newsies.
...but most likely, seeing as you don't really have a source, it ain't true.

-If you don't like your fate, change it. You are your own master.- Aida

Jus B
#9re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 9:34pm

You could always print the script offline and get the Disney song book; put two and two togther (or really one and one) and you have a complete show! Atleast, thats what a company did here in my hometown. Come to think of it, isn't that illegal?

#10re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 10:46pm

Well I said I think it's true... the person to whom I was talking is trying to see if he can buy the rights to produce the show next fall. He definitely was sure they're coming out. I don't know how. But he's a director and has been performing/directing/choreographing for 20+ years, so is kind of up on this stuff.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#11re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 10:48pm

First, what they need to do is come out with a SPECIAL EDITION dvd with the making of it and bloopers, deleted scenes, etc. Then we will talk about the show. Oh yeah, I better get the part of the "Cowboy" re: Newsies, Finally?

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

lostwallflower Profile Photo
#12re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 10:49pm

Yeah, I was in an illegal production, with the online script and everything. I was Sarah re: Newsies, Finally? Anywho, Disney keeps a pretty tight hold on their rights. So good luck.

"I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber. Please don't take me to the pickle farm."- Brak

edenespinosalover Profile Photo
#13re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/3/04 at 10:52pm

I've always thought that this would be a great Broadway musical.

PennyLou Profile Photo
#14re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/4/04 at 1:05am

I did a (I'm sure not so legal) prduction of Newsies a few years aor and I had a great time! I played RaceTrack and I got todo the first monolog whihc I still know by heart.. that would be awsome to do again in a better writen from.

Grace: My love for you is like this scar (points to elbow) ulgy but permanent!

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#15re: Newsies, Finally?
Posted: 11/4/04 at 1:27am

Let's examine this...

your "source" is waiting to get "rights" to do a musical that Disney created?

ahhh..yeah...why would they want to do it themselves?

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.
