
Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee- Page 2

Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#25Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/9/14 at 7:43pm

Since you don't know anything about their relationship personally, you can't guarantee anything. Your statement doesn't make mine any less true.

#26Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/9/14 at 8:36pm

Teeny tiny lady's face vs pro football player's ham fisted muscle? Real level playing field.

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Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#27Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/9/14 at 8:41pm

Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee

Her "teeny tiny" face is the same size as his face.

Men shouldn't hit women. Women shouldn't hit men. They are both abusive. End of story.

Updated On: 9/9/14 at 08:41 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#28Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:00pm

What is really crazy is she is standing up for him.

Poster Emeritus

#29Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:18pm

You should mansplain to her that she's crazy, Roxy.

"Men shouldn't hit women. Women shouldn't hit men. They are both abusive. End of story."

Thanks for mansplaining it to me, SR. I totally agree now that you've spelled it out.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 9/9/14 at 10:18 PM

#30Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/9/14 at 11:25pm

This article's by a woman, so it can't be as astute as a simple mansplaination, but worth a read nonetheless.

Domestic violence survivors stay for a million reasons. Janay Rice's is her own

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 9/9/14 at 11:25 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#31Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/9/14 at 11:30pm

I don't need to explain anything to you. If you're stupid enough to think she wasn't abusive in that video, you won't understand much else. No one should hit anybody. It's pretty crazy you simply cannot admit that.

#32Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/9/14 at 11:32pm

@Sutton Ross

You couldn't be more incorrect about how this is at all like what happened to Hernandez as far as the NFL is concerned. For Hernandez, he committed what many would consider the worst possible crime one can. Murder. Not to mention the fact that he did so multiple times. However, while the Patriots kicked him to the curb and terminated his contract, the NFL didn't need to get involved because they took a step back, allowing the police to do their work for them.

For Rice, the NFL had not choice to but to get involved. The Atlantic County DA has refused to press charges against the guy. And, as far as the Ravens are concerned, if he did time for this or did whatever the courts mandated him to do, they would put him back on the team. Just ask Ray Lewis.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#33Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/9/14 at 11:35pm

Islander, I wasn't actually serious about Hernandez, I know there was really no reason for the NFL to get involved. I just think it's crazy that if acquitted of these crimes, he could play for the NFL tomorrow.

Broadway Joe Profile Photo
Broadway Joe
#34Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:00am

If he's acquitted then he should be allowed to play. Why would it be crazy for someone who was found not guilty to go back to work afterwards.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#35Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:08am

People who are found guilty can go back to work for the NFL. People who are found non guilty can go back to for the NFL. Unless you're suspended indefinitely. Again, Aaron wasn't suspended, but Ray Rice was on much, much less serious charges. It's just bizarre.

#36Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:09am

Ladies, do not hit back at your abusive partner or he has every right to knock you unconscious and kick your legs closed before he drags you around. -- The World Mansplained According to Sutton Ross

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#37Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:17am

Nope. Don't be an abusive person in life. Man or woman. The fact that you can not admit she hit him is so funny to me, it's IN the video. You seem to see the world in black and white, where she was 100% right and he was 100% wrong. It's a dumb view to have, but you're free to have it.

Both toxic. Both abusers. Both dysfunctional.

#38Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:18am

You seem to presume that what he was video taped doing was the sum total of his abuse toward women. You naive, girl.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Everlast85 Profile Photo
#39Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:19am

They both seem like really messed up people to me. No, she should not have hit him, but he is a million times stronger than her, and he knew it. I think they are both being punished here.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#40Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:29am

"You seem to presume that what he was video taped doing was the sum total of his abuse toward women. "

Oh no, I'm sure they beat the sh*t out of each other in private, too. He broke the law, and his life is ruined, as it should be.

Do not judge Ray Rice until you've walked a mile in his shoes, presumably while dragging your wife behind you.

#41Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:43am

If walking in his shoes means blaming his victim then no, I won't be.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

tazber Profile Photo
#42Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 5:49am

I wonder what her punishment will be for causing him to get fired and expelled from the league.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 9/10/14 at 05:49 AM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#43Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 8:25am

I don't know them personally but I've been working with domestic violence victims and perpetrators for over 10 years. Not to mention the countless hours of post graduate training I've had in the subject.
And what I can guarantee is violence of that magnitude doesn't just come out of nowhere. It escalates. So if he felt bold enough to knock his fiance out in a public place then yes, I can guarantee this is not the first time he's hit her.
And you don't have to be a rocket scientist or an expert in domestic violence to figure out who had the power and control in this relationship. Both physically and financially.

#44Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 11:27am

What scares me about the whole thing is that Rice's wife is clearly showing signs of battered woman syndrome. Between the press conference where she apologized (without doing anything wrong) and the tweet she posted after the Raven's kicked Rice to the curb, led me to think that she feels that she played a part in what Rice did rather than simply being the victim and not having done anything wrong.

Liza's Headband
#45Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 11:33am

According to Sutton Ross, she did do something wrong. She slapped him and spit in his face. Apparently that action warrants a response ten times more violent and powerful. She was abusing him. End of story. Supposedly.

#46Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 11:43am

Liza, so what you're saying is, is that you agree with Sutton? Wow, I mean saying that she did something wrong is taking the whole "blame the victim" approach that is beyond dumb to do.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#47Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 11:52am

I'm pretty sure Liza was being sarcastic.

Liza's Headband
#48Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:07pm

What Erik said.

Despite the view that both Whoopi Goldberg and Sutton Ross wrongfully espouse, there is never any justification for a man to hit a woman (unless he is in genuine fear for his life). Obscenities, slaps, and spitting could never warrant such a harshly violent reaction. The response was not even an "eye for an eye," it was a "nose, ear, and eye for an eye." Ray Rice is extremely lucky it wasn't a fatal blow and that there was no brain damage, since she fell on the metal railing on her way down.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#49Ray Rice Cut by Ravens After Video of Elevator Punch of Then-Fiancee
Posted: 9/10/14 at 2:05pm

I disagree with Liza's only to the extent that there are instances when a man should be able to hit a woman that fall short of him believing his life is in danger. I agree with the law on this:

A person (male or female) may hit another person (male or female) when and to the extent he or she reasonably believes such to be necessary to defend him/herself or a third person from what he or she reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of unlawful physical force by the other (male or female) person.

In other words, I and the law generally agree with the spirit of what Whoopi said (although Whoopi's explanation may be a gross oversimplification of the law).

Basically, if one hits another person the other person has the right to hit back. However, there remain issues as to the extent of the force used and why it was used (to prevent further imminent force by the other person is one thing; to merely retaliate or punish is another).

Having said that, unless there is something pertinent that the video doesn't show us (which would require a high degree of speculation to conceive of - a threat the known presence of a weapon, etc.) Janay Palmer's physical contact with Ray Rice (and yes, she does subject him to physical contact, though they appear to be petty slaps rather than hits, one definitely before they enter the elevator, perhaps another inside though it is harder for me to discern exactly what happens before she approaches him in the other corner just before he hit her) does not appear to be the kind that would support a defense of justification, least of all to the extent of his punching her like that.

Updated On: 9/10/14 at 02:05 PM
