
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - anyone watch?- Page 2

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - anyone watch?

#25Crazy Ex-Girlfriend ( watch this show! )
Posted: 11/7/15 at 11:22am

hork said: "And Rachel Bloom is great, although isn't she basically Lena Dunham 2.0?"


I would personally say no, because I find Rachel Bloom to be funny. I couldn't imagine Lena Dunham being able to have other characters joke about and tear down a sudden conversion to veganism the way it was handled on this show. I also couldn't imagine Rachel being shocked and offended when the rest of the world didn't find her writing about "using the same techniques as a child molester" to get her kid sister to explore her body with her to be particularly funny or cute.

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#26Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Hanukkah / Christmas show
Posted: 11/9/15 at 9:18pm

DP Chrome

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?
Updated On: 12/5/15 at 09:18 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#27Crazy Ex-Girlfriend ( watch this show! )
Posted: 11/9/15 at 11:59pm

I'm still enjoying it. Mrs. Hernandez's song was a highlight. 

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#28Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Hanukkah Christmas show
Posted: 12/5/15 at 7:07pm

I was just able to watch CEG from this week and they had a really fun episode about mothers at holiday time. Tovah Feldshuh played Rachel Bloom's Jewish mother and she is a riot; they should bring her back as a regular. She even gets her own production number at the start of the show. (I won't spoil it). I think it's great that she stays so much in demand. She's a regular in the Starz ballet show Flesh and Bone; she's just finished two years on The Walking Dead (yes, they got her!) I saw both she and Andrea Martin in Pippin and she was equally as good. 

Catch this holiday episode of CEG this month On Demand. I just read CEG was picked up for the whole season on CW. Watch!


I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

haterobics Profile Photo
#29Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Hanukkah Christmas show
Posted: 12/5/15 at 7:30pm

I honestly watched this expected to check out after an episode or two, and it's become one of my favorite things to watch, heh.

jasonf Profile Photo
#30Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Hanukkah Christmas show
Posted: 12/6/15 at 7:54pm

The closest I've ever been to California was a couple of trips to Las Vegas, but I LOVED that California Christmas song.  It was easily my favorite number in the series so far.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#31Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Hanukkah Christmas show
Posted: 12/7/15 at 5:35am

I am a little late to the party on this.  Heard an interview on the radio the other day where the TV reviewer discussed CEG and Mom as being 2 of the best written funniest shows on.  Since I already watch Mom and love it, I decided to try CEG.   What a surprise.  I laughed out loud several times and really enjoyed it.  I watched the last show that was available through TIme Warner Cable On-Demand and it was the episode that featured "Hey Sexy Stranger".  I was cackling over the "please don't harvest my kidney" line.  I had to re watch it on You Tube.  This show will be added to my queue.





~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#32Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Posted: 12/7/15 at 3:03pm

I love this show so much, I can't handle it. I WANT TO BE ON IT.

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#33Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Posted: 12/9/15 at 12:18pm

Just caught up with the latest episode last night.  Tovah Feldshuh was HYSTERICAL.  Her musical number at the beginning of the episode was one of the funniest, most wacky scenes on television this fall.  She absolutely deserves to become a series regular.  The show has been picked up for 18 episodes (not quite a full season of 22 episodes), but we should savor these last 10 episodes if they indeed end up being the final episodes of the series.  Such a fun show, and I wish the ratings were a bit better.  Everyone should binge on the first eight episodes and tune in when it returns on January 25th.

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#34CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/18/16 at 12:16pm

Let's hope these awards will encourage people to watch and enjoy. Rachel Bloom has now won the Golden Globe and the Television Critic's Choice Award. Her speech at the Critic's Choice was very heartfelt and sincere. She said of this company of actors, producers, and writers, they are trying to keep the "musical" alive and modern and a very viable art form.

Let's hope that Rachel Bloom gets nominated for an Emmy and takes that one home too.

The second half of the season starts in a few weeks, so let's keep watching and talk it up.   

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#35CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/18/16 at 1:40pm

I love this show! These first 8 episodes were terrific, I hope the rest of the season stays consistent with the first 8. I just discovered this show after Bloom won the Golden Globe, I'm so glad I found it.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#36CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/23/16 at 8:07pm

FYI,  CEG is back for the second half of this season on Monday night 1/25. Hopefully Jane the V and CEG will be two more superheroes for the CW. Set your DVR if you can find it under all this SNOW! CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards 

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#37CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/23/16 at 9:47pm

I can't seem to find this on, ondemand. Is there anywhere I can watch this?

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#38CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/25/16 at 6:55pm

Snowy reminder! Crazy EG is back tonight at 8pm on CW, that is of course, provided you're not watching the # ?? Dem Debate on CNN. ( Each one gets to give a 30 minute stump speech )

"pick a little talk a little, pick a little talk a little, pick pick pick, talk a little little little"

I'm going for CEG and I'll DVR the town hall CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?
Updated On: 1/25/16 at 06:55 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#39CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/26/16 at 11:00pm

I loved it. I think it was one of the best episodes so far.   It maybe felt a little light on music, but I loved getting a "West Covina" reprise!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#40CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/29/16 at 1:35pm

I tried really hard to love this,  but finally gave up after about 5 episodes.   It just got so repetitive and tedious.  I think she's an amazing talent.   I just wish I want watching the same basic conceit in every episode.  Some of the songs were very funny.   I sorta wished they would occur less frequently so they could be more surprising and special.  Once I started to expect them,  I started noticing similarities and weaknesses by comparison and they even started becoming something of a distraction.


At least it's nowhere near the sheer awfulness that is Galavant.  That is unwatchable.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#41CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/29/16 at 10:46pm

I really liked Galavant last year, but I lost interest this year. 


Mister Matt, did you at least watch through Tovah Feldshuh's appearance?  You're not wrong that it is repetitive plot-wise,  though, and I've wondered at times where it can go, but it's pretty good in the character department. I still wonder if this is ultimately going to be a darker meditation on mental illness more than anything else.  The last episode kind of blew up the plot a bit, which is promising.


The only thing about the songs is that the lip syncing is bad. Still. 



Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#42CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/30/16 at 11:41am

No, I saw all the episodes leading up to that one.  I might watch one more just to see that episode since everyone seems to like it.  I gave up pon Galavant after two episodes the first season.  It just seemed like a less witter and less clever Spamalot.  I watched one episode this season only because it featured Sheridan Smith and I immediately regretted it.  I just felt sorry for her.  Her material was just horrible and everything we witnessed before her scene was like watching high school kids trying to perform their own Monty Python sketches.  I can only assume kids unfamiliar with comedy or musicals keep this show on the air.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#43CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 1/30/16 at 1:01pm

I know it's not CEG, but I just wish CEG could have the money and promotion behind it that Galavant does.

MM, Galavant stays on, I think, probably because ABC/Disney knows how much they owe to Alan Mencken and if it's a vanity thank you , so be it, and I'm not saying this to be mean; I really like him. Galavant has moments of brilliance but not often. And some of the songs are really terrific. It's a limited run and not on during sweeps. Again, it makes me happy to see so many singers and dancers WORKING ! CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#44CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 2/2/16 at 1:09am

Well Crazy Ex Girlfriend really did it tonight! (and in great style). Not only did the storyline between Rebecca (Rachel Bloom) and Josh (Vincent Rodriguez) really get moving, but all the other characters advanced in their storylines. Especially a "blooming" (no pun intended) relationship between White Josh (David Hull, who has Broadway cred in Wicked, How To Succeed In Business.., Vanya & Sonia...) and Rebecca's boss (Pete Gardner) that even ended the episode with a hug and a wink and a kiss.  

There was only one big production number tonight but that's okay. The more this show progresses the better it gets. By the way David Hull has a body that's super and he's usually shirtless. What a bonus! WATCH this show.

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#45CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 2/25/16 at 7:59pm

CEG was back this week with another charming episode. Again with two productions numbers, and Rebecca's craziness, we got more of the developing storyline of Rebecca's boss Darryl and his bi (?)GAY) relationship with hunky White Josh. Plenty of double entendre and cuteness with the "Music Man" homage ending in a swimming pool! No spoilers but the end of the episode paid off nicely along with setting up next week's episode and the return of Tovah Feldshuh (Yay!) as Rebecca's mother.

Am I the only one watching ? I know it's ratings challenged and hope it gets some Emmy noms and hopefully the CW will give it a renewal. Watch this show!

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

liotte Profile Photo
#46CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 2/27/16 at 7:33pm

This is my new favorite show and I'm trying to get everyone I know to watch. 

Loved the teaser for next week- The JAP Rap Battle and "So sheket b'vakashut the hell up" was amazing. 

adam.peterson44 Profile Photo
#47CEG Rachel Bloom wins Golden Globe and Critic's Choice Awards
Posted: 3/1/16 at 10:00am

Loved this week's homage to Les Mis (the 'leaky faucets of truth' and 'flooded basement of justice' made me laugh out loud from the sheer unapologetic zaniness).  Also loved the Music Man homage last week.  The story is definitely getting more interesting as well.  I watched the first half of the season just because it is a musical, but aside from the Fred/Ginger number "Settle for Me", and "she gives good parent", didn't really love the songs that much.  But i've been enjoying them more lately - it seems that the show is really finding its groove, at least from my perspective.  I now am looking forward to it even more, especially with the water storyline. 

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#48CEG Confirmed for Season 2
Posted: 3/11/16 at 3:37pm

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has been renewed for a second season!

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Craig Profile Photo
#49CEG Confirmed for Season 2
Posted: 3/14/16 at 8:14am

Love the show. Surprised no one here has yet brought up the brilliance of Donna Lynne Champlin who plays Paula, the best friend.  She's pure comic gold on this show.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka
