
What do you think about theatre awards in general?- Page 2

What do you think about theatre awards in general?

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#25What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/19/17 at 2:05pm

Judging another's intelligence or the validity of his/her contributions to this board by his/her command of grammatical rules perpetuates the idea that theatre belongs to the elite. I would gladly sift through grammatical errors to be exposed to the ideas of individuals with educational backgrounds and experiences unlike my own. Wanting to only hear from a homogenized group of people is a disservice to the discussion that could be occurring here. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#26What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/19/17 at 2:45pm

Judging another's intelligence or the validity of his/her contributions to this board by his/her command of grammatical rules perpetuates the idea that theatre belongs to the elite.

No, it doesn't.  That is just you making the assumption that only those who use correct grammar are somehow elite or belong to a higher class.  Or that theatre is somehow connected to grammar.  It makes no sense.

I would gladly sift through grammatical errors to be exposed to the ideas of individuals with educational backgrounds and experiences unlike my own.

Misuse of grammar doesn't necessarily equate to a different educational background or experience.

Wanting to only hear from a homogenized group of people is a disservice to the discussion that could be occurring here.

How do you imagine this homogenized group of people who use correct grammar?  What do you think they look like?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#27What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/19/17 at 3:01pm

Reducing this matter to one that could be determined formulaically is obviously not the answer. While a perfect correlation does not exist between an individual's educational background and his/her command of grammatical rules, insisting that everyone abide by the ones that your educational opportunities have given you the chance to learn is far more detrimental than being open to the possibility of a difference in backgrounds. 

Jane2 Profile Photo
#28What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/19/17 at 3:36pm

Cupid boy, we're not judging anyone's intellligence or anything else except correcting grammar. A person can have a high IQ and use incorrect grammar. I think you've created a scenario that doesn't exist.


Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#29What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/19/17 at 4:36pm

And I think you're assuming my post was directed at your contributions, which it was not. Newintown made an interesting point about human nature, and my comment was in part an extension of that point. It was also directed at the tone of the original post that sparked this conversation, which is dripping with judgement. 

Jane2 Profile Photo
#30What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/19/17 at 5:21pm

Cupid Boy,  I have no idea what was in your mind, but on the written screen it was easy to infer that you were addressing those of us who were correcting grammar.

You never mentioned newintown's name, nor did you post any of his words in quotes. Your post wasn't anywhere near his, either.

So, whatever.


kdogg36 Profile Photo
#31What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/19/17 at 6:22pm

Just throwing this out there. :)


Dear Miss Manners: It seems that there is an alarming number of divinely endowed individuals whose duty is to correct the language of less fortunate speakers.

If these keepers of the flame confined themselves to the correction of small children and non-native speakers of English, they might be tolerated as merely well-meaning; but to correct the speech of other, presumably well-educated, individuals is an act of unspeakable arrogance, as well as extreme boorishness.

Experience has shown that corrections of as personal a nature as "Stand up straight" or `"'It is I,' not 'It`s me,'" are tolerated only when given by parents and primary educators, and then just barely. The same person who wouldn't dream of asking one to bathe more frequently seems to find nothing wrong with addressing an adult in a manner generally reserved for children and small dogs, and declaring loudly, "It's 'had eaten,' not 'had ate.'"

I am not addressing beliefs here, although as a linguist, I have some rather strong ones. Surely a truly superior speaker of any language can find enough gratification in merely sniffing condescendingly at another's despicable maltreatment of his native tongue, without resorting to public humiliation of the offender.

Gentle Reader: Allow Miss Manners to correct you: Many people do indeed dream of instructing others in such matters as frequency of bathing.

She knows, because her mailbox is overflowing with questions about the polite way to tell others what (according to the writer) is wrong with their behavior, looks and speech. It does not seem to occur to these people that there is no polite way, because it is rude to inform others that they do not measure up to your standard.

It amazes Miss Manners that people often assume that etiquette advisers run about the society giving unsolicited instructions and perhaps issuing tickets to violators. Being themselves perfect, etiquette advisers would be the last to do any such dreadful thing.

Miss Manners does not even agree with you that children and foreigners are open targets.

Children should be taught by those in authority over them, meaning parents and teachers, and corrected when necessary by temporary authorities, such as baby-sitters or grandparents. But that does not mean that any adult can feel free to bark instructions at any child, as a great many of them do. All this teaches is how to mind other people's business, and we have quite enough of that.

It is also destructive to correct someone trying to speak a foreign language, unless that person has specifically asked to be corrected. It inhibits one from speaking at all. That is why a lot less French is attempted by foreigners in France than, say, Italian or Spanish in Italy or Spain, where it is customary to assure stuttering foreigners that they speak beautifully.

And even those authorized to correct other people's speech must exhibit the tact to show that they value what is being said, in spite of the mistakes made in saying it.

So, yes, Miss Manners agrees that your complaint is justified. Perhaps she can make you feel better by assuring you that such behavior leads to its own punishment.

Inevitably, anyone who points out such errors commits a similar error. Those who write sarcastic letters to publications complaining, for example, of a grammatical mistake, always make at least one grammatical mistake in the letter.

#32What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/19/17 at 10:29pm

I do hate to interrupt the petty, juvenile bickering that so many posters seem to enjoy, but as to the OP's question: what I like about awards is the opportunity they offer for the community to come together once a year.  There are folks I may only see once a year at such events and it's fun to catch up and do a little back patting.  Who wins or loses is really beside the point (unless you're a producer or an ad agency).  It's just a nice excuse to get all dressed up for a big party.  

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#33What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/20/17 at 9:25am

insisting that everyone abide by the ones that your educational opportunities have given you the chance to learn is far more detrimental than being open to the possibility of a difference in backgrounds.

Which is an assumption being made on your part.  What do you believe are the different backgrounds for those who use correct grammar and those who don't?  It certainly would seem that you have made a judgment of those who prefer the use of correct grammar.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#34What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/20/17 at 9:48am

Let's not forget the indignant reaction followed by a correction if someone dares to say "soundtrack" instead of whatever the correct term is. The judgement comes from you theatre aficionados.


haterobics Profile Photo
#35What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/20/17 at 10:04am

Jane2 said: ""soundtrack" instead of whatever the correct term is."

Cast recording.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#36What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 2/20/17 at 10:09am

Haha, exactly!


SweetLips Profile Photo
#37What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/2/17 at 4:30pm

When I first discovered BWW[thank God] I devoured each and every article and loved all contributions, and shocked by the sometimes bitchiness to each other.

I had never been exposed to on-line bullying/comments and had no idea how to type.

So I ventured a comment--and was abused for being a troll? sox puppet? [no idea what these words meant] and corrected for my spacing, typing, grammar and spelling.

I retreated, regrouped, changed my name twice[Iknow I know] and ventured forth, confident that if attacked again, I would stand up for my thoughts and apologise if I was wrong.

We all have quirks, things that annoy-mine are table manners and on here, people who abbreviate or capitalise the name of a show--what the fukc is FJEOMV show?

Oh and posters who say they have a ticket-can't wait! , what's the view like from ?, When will Transit close?, and why does EVERY performance need to be told it is worthy of a Tony---notice how I segued back to the topic?

Agree with one of the 'licious' gals--it's all about the frocks and spunky men in tucks [that's a t not an f].

Never watch Awards live but will watch a clip if it has personal appeal like the stunning In Memoriam at the Oscars.


newintown Profile Photo
#38What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/3/17 at 7:49am

"Doing something thoroughly and well = elitism."

What a perfect summation of the Millennial weltanschauung.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#39What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 8:16am

"Cupid boy, we're not judging anyone's intellligence or anything else except correcting grammar. A person can have a high IQ and use incorrect grammar. I think you've created a scenario that doesn't exist."

I am curious if you think the comment made to me below was insulting or judged my intelligence. BTW - you spelled intelligence incorrectly in your post above - lol. I am sure it was a typo and you know how to spell the word but just giving you an example of posters being picky about spelling/grammar.

"Welcome to BWW and the world of chat boards!  I'm so honored I could provide your first experience with the mention of grammar or the use of apostrophes."


Updated On: 3/10/17 at 08:16 AM

madbrian Profile Photo
#40What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 9:41am

kdogg36 said: ",,,It seems that there is an alarming number of divinely endowed individuals whose duty is to correct the language of less fortunate speakers."

I have never been called "divinely endowed" before, and I expect I never will again.  Thank you.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#41What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 11:25am

I am curious if you think the comment made to me below was insulting or judged my intelligence.

Oops!  You forgot to include the missing context.  Eh...people can just scroll and read it for themselves.  It's not like I wasn't responding to something when I posted that.  Something that could be considered...insulting.  But I am curious...why didn't you use an apostrophe for "posters"?  You used it to pluralize a noun before, but not now.  What happened?  Why the change?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#42What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 11:44am

"Oops!  You forgot to include the missing context.  Eh...people can just scroll and read it for themselves.  It's not like I wasn't responding to something when I posted that."

You responded to me saying you need more of a life and if you read further down the line I apologized to you for making that remark. See below.
"Actually, I think I am a role model of chat board etiquette. I always treat people with respect here and I have seen a lot worse said to people than "get a life"  If that bothered you than I will apologize. "

Updated On: 3/10/17 at 11:44 AM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#43What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 12:00pm

"But I am curious...why didn't you use an apostrophe for "posters"?  You used it to pluralize a noun before, but not now.  What happened?  Why the change?"

Take your pick. It changed because of your wonderful teaching (lol) or I had a day where I was careless in posting item on a chat board.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#44What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 12:45pm

So, you were just stripping the context in an attempt to prove a different point.  Got it.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#45What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 1:41pm

"So, you were just stripping the context in an attempt to prove a different point.  Got it."

I really did not think I had to add context since "Jane2" had responded to this discussion about grammar. 

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#46What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 1:41pm

"So, you were just stripping the context in an attempt to prove a different point.  Got it."

I really did not think I had to add context since "Jane2" had responded to this discussion about grammar. See her post below.

"Also, those people who love to command "get a life" don't seem to realize we have lives. Active and full ones. It's possible to have a life and also post here. You people are doing it, aren't you?"

Updated On: 3/10/17 at 01:41 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#47What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 2:36pm

For me,  good grammer and proper spelling/punctuation are not pet peeves. I have to side with Matt on this one. It annoy's me too.

Just give the world Love.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#48What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/10/17 at 3:26pm

I bet your won of those who hate's Cat's to.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#49What do you think about theatre awards in general?
Posted: 3/11/17 at 9:15am

"sox puppet? no idea what these words meant"

I had no idea either and had to look it up, see below- lol

"A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception"


Updated On: 3/11/17 at 09:15 AM
