
Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!- Page 2

Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!

#25Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 3/17/17 at 2:19pm

Hi PJ/babybernies!

Mother to Petra and Anezka. Am evil like Petra

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#26Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 3/17/17 at 7:45pm

Trump is vengeful. The NEA decision is an F YOU to the Arts Community, for their campaigning and speaking out against him before and after election, #1 Target being Hamilton who received funds from the NEA (and has made $10,000,000 since) and campaigned against him. They even lectured the VP in public and raised funds for HRC

The School Lunch is probably an F You to Michelle and her school lunch platform

Which perfectly describes the behavior of a Fascist dictator.  Not to mention, he's a complete sociopath.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

A Director
#27Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 3/18/17 at 1:35am

Petra, you wrote,
 "As I have said countless times, just because I like Trumps embracement of strong women, does not mean I like him."

BS!  The story and video proves Trump is afraid of strong women. http://shareblue.com/trump-blows-off-handshake-from-angela-merkel-following-white-house-meeting/#.WMwcysLjsTg.twitter





Petralicious Profile Photo
#28Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 3/18/17 at 9:09am

A Director, This was beyond rude. It was an insult and very unpresidential 

But It isnt that shes a strong women. Its because in his view and many others in Europe and Germany and United States, she is morre responsible than anyone else for her irreresponsible and reckless immigration policy. That has directly led to the rise of the populist movement throughout the continent and Brexit. She herself now admits it was a huge mistake. for the chaos it caused if only to save her political life and that of her party.  He wouldve done the same if she a man.

Your own article says as much:

Trump has repeatedly attacked Merkel over the issue of immigration, describing Germany’s decision to accept Syrian refugees as “a catastrophic mistake.” Trump also attacked Merkel while he was on the campaign trail in 2016, accusing her of ruining her country.

When They Go Low, I Go High

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#29Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 3/18/17 at 9:19am

I am willing to bet anyone on this board that the final budget passed by Congress if they actually pass something that funds the government for more than 3-4 months, will look nothing like the Trump budget.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#30Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 3/18/17 at 10:26am

yankeefan7 said: "I am willing to bet anyone on this board that the final budget passed by Congress if they actually pass something that funds the government for more than 3-4 months, will look nothing like the Trump budget.


I would agree with you, but many of these cuts are things conservatives have been eying for years. Cutting funding for Meals on Wheels and school lunches is bad politics and won't play well back in the congressional districts, so I'd expect movement there. However, I wouldn't count on PBS or the NEA receiving any funding, despite the fact that it's a sliver of the overall budget. 

Its the fact that Trump even offered as a possibility the idea of cutting programs like Meals on Wheels or school lunches that's disturbing and shows what a sociopath he is.


Marianne2 Profile Photo
#31Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 3/18/17 at 1:14pm

^ I agree with this. They were interviewing a woman on NBC Nightly News last night because she receives meals from Meals on Wheels and voted for Trump.  Of course she acted surprised that Trump wants to cut funding to it. And the sad thing is,  she is still willing to support him. 

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#32Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 3/18/17 at 3:23pm

It's not about strong or weak women.  Like anything else in this world, tRump "embraces" whatever benefits him personally.  If a woman wants to help him get further and make more money, he'll hire her.  If not, he'll publicly shame her or treat her as nothing more than a sex object and possibly sexually assault her (and brag about it).  If she criticizes him, he'll attempt to personally humiliate her on the largest media forum he can find using immature middle-school name-calling tactics and bold-faced lies.  He does not embrace "strong women". That is ludicrous.  If you like his "embracement of strong women" you have not paid attention to anything he's said in the last 20 years.  He is a textbook sociopath.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#33Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 3/24/17 at 10:06am

"However, I wouldn't count on PBS or the NEA receiving any funding, despite the fact that it's a sliver of the overall budget. "

I am not a liberal but I have always thought it was good to have the arts get funded by government which has upset people I know who are really conservative. One point I made to them is that government gives all kinds of tax breaks to sports teams for stadiums and I don't hear them complaining. I also have two daughters who have a career in the arts and I know how hard it is to fund things. Like you said, it is a sliver of the overall budget and why this is an issue is beyond me.


Updated On: 3/24/17 at 10:06 AM

#34Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/2/17 at 11:04am

The federal government funding the NEA, PBS Legal Aid "and more" is unconstitutional.  Funding the military and defense is specifically enumerated in the Constitution, therefore the federal government has a legal obligation to fund those.  

The idea that we must "say goodbye" to these things because they will not be federally funded does not make much sense.  Much of the Corp. for Public Broadcasting is already funded by (THE HORROR!) big corporations.

 And as for the federal government funding of the arts, that is an easy path to government censorship.  

When you've got $20 trillion in debt, it might be time to "readjust". 

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#35Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/2/17 at 11:55am

mikey2573 said: "The federal government funding the NEA, PBS Legal Aid "and more" is unconstitutional.  Funding the military and defense is specifically enumerated in the Constitution, therefore the federal government has a legal obligation to fund those."

I'm a libertarian and I basically agree (although Legal Aid can probably be justified, and the creators of the Constitution didn't intend for there to be a permanent army). However, if what we're talking about is cutting tiny line items while building a multibillion-dollar wall to keep "them" out and spending more billions on the already bloated and over-active military, that's not fiscal conservatism. That's big-government nationalism and it gives real fiscal conservatism a bad name.

#36Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/2/17 at 12:14pm

The bottom line is we have a federal government that spends trillions of dollars doing thousands of things that is not supposed to be doing, while those few things which it is supposed to be doing fall by the wayside.  Any effort to remedy that is a good thing in my opinion. 

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#37Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/2/17 at 12:55pm

mikey2573 said: "The bottom line is we have a federal government that spends trillions of dollars doing thousands of things that is not supposed to be doing, while those few things which it is supposed to be doing fall by the wayside.  Any effort to remedy that is a good thing in my opinion."

If you're talking about the military, then that's just ridiculous. The US military has a budget of more than half a trillion dollars. No war has been declared for 75 years, yet the US has soldiers stationed in 150 countries and is bombing people daily in a number of them. Sanity has fallen by the wayside, but the military surely hasn't.

I'm in favor of smaller, constitutional government, but given that no one is really going to give us that, I'd much rather my tax dollars be spent on the arts and PBS than on the killing machine.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#38Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/2/17 at 6:33pm

PalJoey said: " 

So is Captain Creamsicle planning a huge war or simply expecting one based on his foreign policy?


Yes, they want to declare war on North Korea. They're just waiting for a good moment.


The moment they will go for is in three years just before Trump comes up for re-election.





Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#39Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/2/17 at 7:45pm

Well, I am not just talking about the military. I am talking about all of the enumerated powers listed  in the Constitution (which are clarified with the 10th Amendment).  Those are the only things the federal government need concern itself with; all other powers (including taxing people to fund the arts if you are so inclined) belong to the individual states. 


PalJoey Profile Photo
Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#41Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/3/17 at 2:08pm

I am talking about all of the enumerated powers listed  in the Constitution (which are clarified with the 10th Amendment).  Those are the only things the federal government need concern itself with; all other powers (including taxing people to fund the arts if you are so inclined) belong to the individual states.

Except that the 10th Amendment was ratified to intentionally omit the term "expressly" (as in "the powers not expressly delegated to the United States by the Constitution..."Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more! in order to allow for powers implied by the "Necessary and Proper Clause" in Article One.  This foresight wisely recognized the fact that not every single potential situation for the lifetime of the entire country could be considered by the current Congress.  If the NEA were truly "unconstitutional", I doubt it would have been created and sustained for the last 52 years despite previous attempts to attack, challenge and abolish it.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#42Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/3/17 at 2:38pm

I know this isn't the kind of thing that will enhance my popularity around here, but I think the NEA is probably unconstitutional. Which of the enumerated powers requires the existence of the NEA to be carried out? The writers of the Constitution could not have meant for the "necessary and proper" clause (or the "general welfare" clause, as addressed in one of the Federalist Papers) to license any law Congress deemed good for the country; otherwise, why enumerate anything at all?

That being said, it's not something I'd waste any time worrying about. As I wrote above, given how things work in the country right now, I'd rather the money go to artists than killers.

Personally, the Ninth is my favorite amendment. :)

Updated On: 4/3/17 at 02:38 PM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#43Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/3/17 at 5:10pm

The NEA is a waste of money.  If you want things like that pay for it yourself.  I know it's not much and yeah I'd much rather have that than a hundred other things like increased offense spending but let's be true, people who don't give a rats ass about the arts, and that's most of the population, shouldn't have to pay for our indulgences.


#44Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/3/17 at 6:56pm

The enumerated powers to do not list funding the arts as a Constitutional function of the federal government, therefore the NEA is unconstitutional. 

And, as I stated before, the NEA leads to government censorship. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#45Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/3/17 at 9:58pm

The enumerated powers to do not list funding the arts as a Constitutional function of the federal government, therefore the NEA is unconstitutional. 

Say it again!  Maybe it will come true!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

PalJoey Profile Photo
#46Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/3/17 at 11:09pm


Historically, the agency has awarded thousands of grants for orchestras, jazz, operas, chamber music, and beyond. And just looking back through the past year or so, the array of specific programs affected by the endowment is dizzying. If you saw a video last year of David Bowie talking about working with Lou Reed, that was part of an NEA-funded digital archive. An Esperanza Spalding performance at Manhattan’s Baryshnikov Arts Center, a Steve Reich 80th-birthday celebration at Carnegie Hall, and a Quincy Jones tribute at the Monterey Jazz Festival are among endowment-boosted events from 2016.

Such funding has been crucial to at least one adventurous music festival contacted by Pitchfork. “The NEA’s support of Mission Creek Festival, via our parent organization the Englert Theatre, has been essential to our growth as a festival over the last two years,” says Andre Perry, co-founder of the Iowa City-based event, which this year has a lineup running the gamut from Floating Points to DIIV. “The funding specifically applies to our literary program and helps us support independent voices from across the literary spectrum—writers, publishers, editors—as well as connect them with our increasingly diverse communities here in Iowa. The bottom line: this funding is helping us to build and connect communities through culture. We think it’s important work.”

Underscoring that importance, synth pioneer Suzanne Ciani included a booklet of her successful 1976 NEA grant application in a limited vinyl edition last year. Going back further, no less a jazz luminary than Don Cherry reportedly received NEA funds in 1982 to put on music workshops in Watts, the primarily black community in L.A. where he spent his teens. In jazz alone, one of the NEA’s most lasting contributions is its Jazz Masters Fellowship, which over the years has gone to everyone from Miles Davis and Sun Ra to Freddie Hubbard and Von Freeman. 

The current White House occupant’s ties to music are famously extensive, and the Obama administration has worked at the margins to keep music close to the heart of what the NEA does. The first Obama appointee to the National Council on the Arts, which advises the endowment chairman, was the violinist Aaron Dworkin. Obama-era recipients of the National Medal of Arts, an honor based on nominations through the NEA, have included Philip Glass, Berry Gordy, Quincy Jones, Meredith Monk, Sonny Rollins, Linda Ronstadt, James Taylor, and Allen Toussaint.


PITCHFORK.COM: What’s at Stake if Trump Kills the National Endowment for the Arts

A Director
#47Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/4/17 at 1:14am

South Florida -  Here's a list of the 2015 NEA Grants for Florida.  The arts are not an indulgence!


Number of Grants: 24 Total Dollar Amount: $575,000

Arca Images, Inc.

$10,000 Coral Gables, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Theater & Musical Theater

To support performances of "Lorca en Vestido Verde/Lorca in a Green Dress" by Nilo Cruz. The surrealistic play is set in 1936 "Purgatory" where Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca finds himself after his death and mourns his own execution by the Spanish government. Pulitzer Prize-winner Cruz describes the many facets of the poet's life throughout the play. He includes Lorca's complex relationship with artist Salvador Dali and the challenges of creating art under a military dictatorship. The production will be performed in Spanish with English supertitles and may be directed by Cruz. Educational activities will set the historical context of the work and may include an "Artist Talk" with the playwright, free bilingual theater workshops for local artists, and a question-and-answer session after each performance.

Expanding and Preserving Our Cultural Heritage, Inc. (aka Spady Cultural Heritage Museum)

$10,000 Delray Beach, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Challenge America

To support the Spady Living Heritage Festival and related activities. The event will celebrate African-American culture in South Florida and will include interactive activities such as artist workshops and a concert featuring selected guest artists. Artists under consideration include African-American storyteller Mary J. Kelly and the Sherman Holmes Project, a blues and gospel music ensemble.

University of Florida

$55,000 Gainesville, FL


To support "Aftermath: The Fallout of War - America and the Middle East," an exhibition and an accompanying catalogue. The exhibition will examine present conflicts and past histories through artwork about veterans, families, displacement, loss, and environmental dangers. The exhibition will feature fine art and documentary photography as well as video installations by a dozen photographers from diverse backgrounds. It will be accompanied by a symposium with scholars and photographers involved in the exhibition, individual lectures by catalogue authors, workshops for educators, and tours intended to serve students from middle school through college.

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company, Inc.

$10,000 Jacksonville, FL

Some details of the projects listed are subject to change, contingent upon prior Arts Endowment approval. Information is current as of December 1, 2015. Page 61 of 243

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Challenge America

To support the Aurora Jacksonville Black Arts Festival. The festival will feature guest artists, speakers, multi- visual theatrical performances, and post-performance talk-back sessions centered on the theme of Harlem in the south. Stage Aurora is located in the Northside community of Jacksonville, Florida, which is predominately African-American and low-income. .

Bakehouse Art Complex, Inc.

$10,000 Miami, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Artist Communities

To support artist residencies and related activities for visual and media arts. Artists creating new work will be provided with studio space, access to equipment, exhibition opportunities, and professional development assistance, as well as interaction with master artists, curators, and collectors. Artists also will have the opportunity to interact with the public through open studios, critiques, teaching opportunities, pop-up shows, and community activities.

Community Arts and Culture (aka C.A.C.)

$10,000 Miami, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Challenge America

To support a concert series, featuring performances by musicians from different genres of music, and related activities. The series is intended to mirror the community's eclectic cultural mix. Cuban singer-songwriter December Bueno, composer of the 2014 hit song "Bailando," will headline. Other proposed performers include South America's Uma Galera, Miami's AfroBeta, Latin Funk group The Baboons, and Chad Bernstein's Guitars Over Guns, a music education program that showcases youth performers from low-income neighborhoods playing with professional musician mentors.

Historical Association of Southern Florida, Inc. (aka HistoryMiami)

$20,000 Miami, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Folk & Traditional Arts

To support the Miami Street Culture Project. HistoryMiami will conduct fieldwork to identify and document the communal recreational and occupational traditions found on the streets of Miami's various communities. These traditions will include artistic expressions such as murals, graffiti, displays of street vendors, and parades, as well as decorations found on cars and bicycles. The documentation - including interviews, photographs, and artifacts - will be assembled into an exhibit that will share and interpret these traditions with the larger community.

Miami Dade College

$40,000 Miami, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works

To support a multidisciplinary performing arts series. The MDC Live Arts Performance series will present national and international artists such as singer/songwriter Aurelio (Honduras), circus company Casus (Australia), dancer and choreographer Nora Chipaumire (Zimbabwe/USA), contemporary dance troupe Grupo Corpo (Brazil), and multidisciplinary hip-hop theater artist Marc Bamuthi Joseph. Performances will take place in venues throughout Miami-Dade County.

Performing Arts Center Trust, Inc. (aka Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts)

$40,000 Miami, FL


Some details of the projects listed are subject to change, contingent upon prior Arts Endowment approval. Information is current as of December 1, 2015. Page 62 of 243

To support the presentation of orchestral concerts by the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. Featured as part of the Masterworks Classical Music Series, the guest artists are pianists Jeremy Denk and Jean- Yves Thibaudet, violinist James Ehnes, conductors Peter Oundjian, Stephane Deneuve, and Giancarlo Guerrero, The Cleveland Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orchestra, and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Programming will include the premiere performance of a new work by Israeli-American composer Avner Dorman, and will be augmented by pre-concert lectures, a young musicians workshop and a composer's forum for local college students with Dorman, and community engagement activities.

FUNDarte, Inc. (aka FUNDarte)

$25,000 Miami Beach, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works

To support Out in the Tropics, a contemporary performing arts series. Presentations will include performances by theater company La Saraghina de Stalker (Spain), Flamenco choreographer and dancer Juan Carlos Lerida (Spain), and music group Toshi Reagon & BIGLovely. Engagement activities will include panel discussions, master classes, artist mentoring sessions, and post-performance discussions.

Miami City Ballet, Inc.

$60,000 Miami Beach, FL


To support the creation and presentation of George Balanchine's "A Midsummer Night's Dream Re-Imagined." As envisioned by Artistic Director Lourdes Lopez, the company will perform Balanchine's choreography to the original Felix Mendelssohn score, however the ballet will be set in a completely different space and time- Miami's ocean floor. The company will engage Michele Oka Doner to create sets and costumes and Tarell Alvin McCraney for dramatic direction. Community outreach and engagement opportunities will include free and reduced tickets, open rehearsals, and panel discussions to accompany the performances.

New World Symphony, Inc. (aka New World Symphony)

$60,000 Miami Beach, FL


To support the Musician Professional Development Program. Under the artistic direction of Michael Tilson Thomas, the program will utilize performances, coaching, and community outreach activities to prepare young artists for successful musicianship in the orchestral field. More than 100 conductors, composers, soloists, and orchestral/chamber musicians will train and mentor more than 80 young musicians on aspects of musical technique, audience engagement, communication skills, orchestral auditioning, stage presence, and health issues unique to musicians.

Rhythm Foundation, Inc.

$25,000 Miami Beach, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works

To support Dance Band Night, a participatory music and dance series. Each night in the series, a different regionally based band will play music for a specific social dance, such as swing, salsa, samba, tango, or ballroom. Before the band performs, professional dance instructors from local studios will give a lesson so participants may learn the evening's dance.

South Florida Art Center, Inc. (aka ArtCenter South Florida)

$20,000 Miami Beach, FL


Some details of the projects listed are subject to change, contingent upon prior Arts Endowment approval. Information is current as of December 1, 2015. Page 63 of 243

To support a residency program and related activities for contemporary artists. As many as twenty-five artists from approximately ten countries will receive access to studio space and production facilities, career development support, teaching and exhibition opportunities, and administrative and technical support. A visiting artist program will include travel and housing, studio space, and production support. Residents' work will be shared with the community through exhibitions, studio crawls, performances, and artist talks.

Atlantic Center for the Arts, Inc.

$25,000 New Smyrna Beach, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Artist Communities

To support artist residencies and related activities. Interdisciplinary residencies will provide mid-career and emerging artists a chance to work with master artists. The master artists will determine the focus of the residency session and set the criteria for the competitive application process for their potential resident artists. Former master artists have included poet Richard Blanco, writer Rick Moody, and visual artist Mildred Howard. In addition, the center will support a summer creative writing residency for teens with mentorship from veteran writers of varied genres.

College of Central Florida (aka fmrly Central Florida Community College)

$10,000 Ocala, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Challenge America

To support "Stickwork," a site-specific, outdoor sculpture constructed by artist Patrick Dougherty. The artist will visit the city of Ocala and the Appleton Museum of Art, drawing inspiration from the environment and working with the community to develop his final project, which will be built on the museum grounds. In addition to this site-specific work, Dougherty's work (drawings, video, and photo documentation of his past projects) will be on display in the museum during the project period in this mostly rural, north central Florida community.

Association of the Performing Arts of India, Inc. (aka APAI)

$10,000 Pembroke Pines, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Challenge America

To support a performance and lecture-demonstration featuring Indian classical music. Sitar player Krishna Mohan Bhatt will be accompanied by tabla player Anindo Chatterjee, Saraswathi Rangnathan on the veena (a traditional Indian stringed instrument), and percussionist Ganapathi Ranganathan. The proposed lecture and performance will engage students from diverse socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds who are participating in the South Florida Youth Symphony and students from high schools and colleges throughout the community.

Florida Studio Theatre, Inc. (aka Florida Studio Theatre)

$10,000 Sarasota, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Theater & Musical Theater

To support the development and production of "For the Ages." Artistic Director Richard Hopkins will collaborate with commissioned playwright K.J. Sanchez and her New Jersey-based theater company American Records on a multi-year cultural initiative on aging. The initiative will produce a docudrama comprising interviews with community members and experts on the subject of ageism, a more prevalent issue as American culture appears to put more value on youthfulness and the young. The theater will empower its audience by creating a play that directly addresses their struggles with aging and will create a theatrical event that will serve as a conduit for conversation, understanding, and social change.

Thomas Armour Youth Ballet Inc.

$25,000 South Miami, FL

Some details of the projects listed are subject to change, contingent upon prior Arts Endowment approval. Information is current as of December 1, 2015. Page 64 of 243


To support the Dance as a Vehicle for Success project. The year-round program will provide free, weekly classes to students focused on developing ballet, tap, and Horton Modern technique and repertory and will help prepare them for auditions to middle and high school dance magnet programs. The Horton technique, developed by Alvin Ailey's trainer Lester Horton, incorporates multicultural dance elements such as Native American, Balinese, and Afro-Caribbean, and emphasizes flexibility, strength, coordination, and dramatic freedom of expression. During the summer months, youth will participate in field trips and classes, including conditioning, vocabulary, and ballet history. Students will be provided with appropriate dance clothing and jazz, tap, ballet, and pointe shoes. The program serves students in four Neighborhood Outreach Centers in underserved neighborhoods in Miami-Dade County.

African Caribbean Dance Theatre, Inc. (aka ACDT)

$20,000 Tallahassee, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Folk & Traditional Arts

To support the Annual Florida African Dance Festival. The festival is a conference featuring African immigrant artists from Guinea, Senegal, Mali, and the Republic of the Congo presenting dance and drum workshops as well as a public performance. Students will learn the dance vocabulary, rhythms, and cultural significance of dances and drumming from the African nations represented by the instructors. A special dance workshop for children is planned, as well as a health care forum that will address some of the diseases (such as high blood pressure and diabetes) that disproportionately affect the African-American community.

Artist Series of Tallahassee, Inc. (aka The Artist Series)

$10,000 Tallahassee, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Challenge America

To support an artist-in-residence outreach program led by a classical music ensemble, the Carpe Diem String Quartet. Project activities will include performances, as well as real-time online streaming of music workshops held in Title I primary and secondary schools in Leon and rural Gadsden Counties. The quartet will also present a workshop in an assisted living facility, a master class for advanced string students, and a public concert held in Opperman Music Hall at Florida State University.

Tallahassee Ballet

$10,000 Tallahassee, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Challenge America

To support an artist residency by choreographer and dancer Christopher Huggins. The residency by the former Alvin Ailey dancer will include setting his choreography into a performance with the Tallahassee Ballet, performances at area cultural venues, master classes, and lecture demonstrations for Title I students in area school districts. The school lecture demonstrations will emphasize African-American history in ballet. .

Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center (aka Straz Center)

$20,000 Tampa, FL

FIELD/DISCIPLINE: Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works

To support the Cultural Intersections performance series. Featured artists including Black Violin, tabla musician Zakir Hussein (India), and the Parsons Dance Company will perform at the Straz Center. Irish musicians and dancers Celtic Nights, as well as globalFEST's Creole Carnival featuring songwriter Brushy One String (Jamaica), samba band Casuarina (Brazil), and vocalist Emeline Michel (Haiti), also will be presented. Engagement activities will include master classes, lectures, and school visits.

Some details of the projects listed are subject to change, contingent upon prior Arts Endowment approval. Information is current as of December 1, 2015. Page 65 of 243

Norton Museum of Art (aka Norton Museum of Art)

$40,000 West Palm Beach, FL


To support the exhibition "New Women: Four New York Modernists, 1910-35." The exhibition will examine for the first time the parallel careers of Marguerite Zorach, Florine Stettheimer, Helen Torr, and Georgia O'Keeffe. All four artists were working in New York at the beginning of the 20th century. Approximately 60 paintings, works on paper and textiles will be presented, allowing the public to directly compare and contrast the different styles. A scholarly symposium, docent-led tours, and lectures are planned, along with the production of a full color catalogue. 

#48Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/4/17 at 7:41am

"And, as I stated before, the NEA leads to government censorship."

Of course, any kind of sponsorship, governmental or otherwise, is going to involve some "restrictions" on the work being produced. A wealthy individual donor probably isn't going to support an artist he or she hates and who creates work antithetical to their worldview. In the case of artists who are more "out there," that may mean that their work never gets produced at all. 

In other words, you're going to have "censorship" either way - but at least with the NEA we get a wider variety of works being produced. Plus, so far, the NEA has been pretty "liberal" in what it's willing to support - it has allowed for the creation of plenty of adventurous, challenging works of art that aren't always in lockstep with any official "government" viewpoint or narrative. 

To put it another way, your "policy" would result in a less adventurous arts community in the United States - one where the almighty dollar and a handful of generous donors decide what does and doesn't get made. 


Also - sponsorship of the arts shouldn't be a government's number one priority or expenditure - but the arts, far from being some "indulgence," are essential to any functioning society. Art wouldn't die without the NEA, of course, but American art would be considerably less vibrant and diverse. 

Fortunately, even if Herr Trump does abolish the NEA, the next Democratic president in 4 or 8 years will turn around and re-establish it. So that's nice, at least.  

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South Florida
#49Trump's new budget: say goodbye to the NEA, Legal Aid, PBS, and more!
Posted: 4/4/17 at 7:42am

Director, there were many things in that list that are elitist.  If you're familiar with South Florida many of those venues are in the heart of the wealthy areas of town and cater only to elites.  This administration has finally gave me the impetus to contribute to NPR, others like me, who have been getting these services for nothing are going to have to pony up.  To me this issue is so low on my priority list compared to the other things going on.

