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#950Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 12:32pm

Remember that tour where she sat on a bale of hay, wearing an acoustic guitar and a cowgirl hat and she tried to smile at the crowd but just looked like a baby having gas?  That was funny.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jane2 Profile Photo
#951Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 12:57pm

Yes, that was incongruous .


#952Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 1:06pm

It's like she rehearsed it a million times and the director said "Smile sincerely at the crowd in these two breaks" and she said "I can only do two of those things".

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

haterobics Profile Photo
#953Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 1:10pm

I think it was even more obvious to me, since I was attending Drowned World live two days after seeing it on HBO, and I was like, wow, I'll get to see how she mixes it up a bit, since I'm coming to the live show so fresh off the broadcast.


And, of course, I couldn't find a single thing that happened differently at all, so that really let the air out of things. Fortunately, I sold my second row seats for a grand earlier in the week, and was in an $80 front row, second level seat, so that made it a bit easier to swallow.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#954Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 1:41pm

FindingNamo said: "Remember that tour where she sat on a bale of hay, wearing an acoustic guitar and a cowgirl hat and she tried to smile at the crowd but just looked like a baby having gas?  That was funny."

The Reinvention Tour. Which if I remember correctly, you were a pretty big fan of at the time.

#955Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 1:52pm

Well, when you're a pretty bag fan you have a tendency to forgive the horrible (sandd does this to this day), like the  "I didn't write this next song, but I wish I did..." intro to "Imagine."  But yeah, I was still #TeamMadonna because she had only flipped the audience off twice at that point.


And DURING the show we all laughed our asses off at "Crazy for You."

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 9/10/15 at 01:52 PM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#956Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 5:10pm

Well sorry Namo but she could not look more relaxed and ease during this one ( tick that one off your insult list), she flipped nobody off ( tick that one off) she laughed a lot, didn't look like she was working 'so hard' it just looked effortless (tick that one off), the show was sold out (tick that one off ) she started on time (9. 30pm with Diplo on from Madonna bitch ( tick that off).



Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#957Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 6:49pm

Sounds, to use your word, great. 

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

haterobics Profile Photo
#958Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 6:54pm

DJs as opening acts? Blech. So would Amy Schumer open, then Diplo, then her Madgesty?!


In case there's a fire sale online and I end up going, I'd hate to miss Amy...


As to Namo reconsidering... once you knock a performer off the list of people you see live, it s typically a lot of effort to get back on it.

#959Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 7:21pm

Oh no.  She's never getting another penny of mine.  She got plenty of my money between 1983 and 2005.  When I think of how much money I spent on remixes during her peak years!


I suppose I could be like one of her real die-hard fans and steal her product like they do!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#960Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 7:47pm

Wait.  Sandd?  Were you there in Montreal?  Or what?  Because this clip looks strictly amateur hour.  Maybe you just had to be there? Cuz, awful.


Oh, and, WHAT A SURPRISE, she flips off the audience.  To borrow your phrase, sorry luv.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 9/10/15 at 07:47 PM

HorseTears Profile Photo
#961Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 8:03pm

Erik / S&D - actually, I prefer the MDNA "Vogue" as well.  I think the production/arrangement is a great example of how  to update the sound of a pop song without dismissing what made it great in the first place.  It's just the fact that she cut the song off and didn't perform the last 1/4 that bugged. That's some serious blue balling.  

Jane2 Profile Photo
#962Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 8:12pm

ewww, I remember watching that clip of M and Taylor. I thought Madonna looked awful. why? well, first of all, the heels were too high and in order to keep standing, she had to balance her weight in a strange way that looked like she was about to sit on a toilet. And her crotch which was thrust forward looked vulgar because the costume was very black in that section.




songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#963Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 8:22pm

Sorry Namo I haven't watched Unapolgetic Bitch ( and won't until I see her in Dec). And it's ok luv if you think it's bad, you think they are all bad, it's no great surprise to anyone. The fans seem to love the concert ( the ones actually paying to watch it) and so far so do the critics.



and what's this odd thing you keep going on about when it comes to fans stealing music? You are like a broken aged miserable unloved dusty old record. GET A LIFE, you seriously are the oddest person, it's worrying. 


HorseTears well hopefully next time she will get the whole of Vogue in for you and not mess with it too much, but I do still have to say that the Holy Water/Vogue mash up for me was perfection, and the Last Supper moment was thrilling. 


This has to be the only time she has made me enjoy the songs Like a Virgin and Material Girl as well. Seeing her just dance so freely on LAV was kinda infectious and the MG 20s inspired set up with the platform/slide was genius. I think the Heartbreak City/Love Don't Live Here Anymore moment was beautifully done as well. Not watched La Isla Bonita, Unapologetic Bitch, most of the gypsy section or BIM, will wait for the tour for them. Body Shop was also performed in style (loved the rockabilly/greaser look and the literal take on the song).

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 9/10/15 at 08:22 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#964Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 8:30pm

"It's just the fact that she cut the song off and didn't perform the last 1/4 that bugged. That's some serious blue balling."


I don't think there's a DJ for the shows in NY. Amy Schumer is the opening act.

I wonder if there's any possibility that this show could be something other than the greatest thing ever or the worst thing ever?

(edited to add...that Unapologetic Bitch clip was bad tho!)

Updated On: 9/10/15 at 08:30 PM

#965Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 8:32pm

^^^^  See?  But the fan who hasn't seen it seems to love it.



"The fans seem to love the concert"

You always say this.  And they always DO seem to love it.  And you are one of them and every queef she issues is "great" to you.


So where exactly are you getting all your "facts" like she didn't flip off the audience?  Were you just betting on terrible odds?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 9/10/15 at 08:32 PM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#966Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 8:57pm

Oh god Namo shut up seriously, you are too much, you are like a migraine that just won't go away. I was commenting on what I've seen which is about 80 percent of the show ( against the one clip you have seen, though why you watched it is beyond me when you can't stand her).


'"The fans seem to love the concert"

sorry but they do, the ones who paid who were there last night seem to be very positive about it, you only had to take to twitter to see that. With her other concerts it seems to always have some who are not happy with something, this one seems to have satisfied most. I didn't realise that by having a duff performance of a song in a tour means the show is bad, in that case I ain't seen a good Madonna concert yet. Even her best (Blonde Ambittion) had the awful Material Girl performance and the cringe inducing Cherish performance complete with awful vocal. But yes, if that clip of Unapologetic Bitch is bad ( and I trust Erik when he says it is as he ain't a bitch with an agenda) then the tour must STINK, I'm wrong, you are right Namo, she killed the whole thing with her finger. Damn her and that finger. Honestly I really should do what so many others do and just ignore you, I'm told on PM not to reply to you, I don't know why I do? I fear if I don't you will have zero life left what so ever, so really I'm performing a good deed. 


It seems that you just can't allow anyone to be happy about something and enjoy something, I used to think it was just me that you come after but it's not, I've seen you do the same to so many others ( your odd racism remark in the Hedwig topic). If anyone is a fan or likes something, especially that you don't like you seem to think you have to insult them. Honestly it says a lot about you,  to be so negative, and to alwsys think your opinion is right is a serious case of delusions of Granduer. Those 2 things are a depressing mix. You should really see somebody about that. 


and Namo, you said you liked Body Shop so here is the live performance of it. I'm sure you will slate it because that's your thing. Here you go anyway

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 9/10/15 at 08:57 PM

#967Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 9:04pm

It is LITERALLY the only clip I watched and it was because I came across it on Vulture while looking at other (interesting) things.  Of course I LAUGHED OUT LOUD when she flipped the audience off because of COURSE that would be right there in the only clip of hers I've clicked on in years and it would feature the very thing I had just read you said she didn't do!  You have to admit that's hilarious and [TICK!] told ya so!


And the reason I clicked on it was because somehow you gave the impression of an informed person and I watched it and I swear to god it's been as true as the day I first said it, if she ever did something that was exciting and good I would praise it.  I promise you I will give credit where it's due (although I think praising how somebody's looks when the somebody has so much plastic surgery is unearned) but it just hasn't been yet.  Instead, it's more terribleness.


And it's funny you're saying I don't let somebody enjoy something when you are criticize me for sticking up for the artist in Hedwig!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 9/10/15 at 09:04 PM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#968Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 9:21pm

Namo try watching the Body Shop clip because I would LOVE to hear your thought. And it ain't the first clip you have watched of hers in years you liar because you have commented on other things before such as a couple of her recent videos so don't talk crap.


And when you have to resort to making jibes at her appearance I kinda switch off. It's so lame and childish. And you were attacking people who were upset that their favourite show was closing and just randomly called out Americans as racist. It was odd ( well for a normal person, not you). And that's just one example, I've seen you do it many times when fans of shows are expressing their love for someone or something and you just bitch them out like a 15 year old bully. At 36 I believe you are older than me and that makes it all the more depressing. Just leave the people who love something that you don't alone, nobody needs or wants you to play the role of sarcastic bitch, leave that to the kids where it belongs, not grown adults. 

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 9/10/15 at 09:21 PM

#969Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 9:34pm

To be honest, it's the first I made it through to the end.


Now now, i didn't call you a liar for saying she didn't flip off the fans in Montreal.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#970Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 9:36pm

And and let me add something else, I've been enjoying these clips I have seen, they have made me feel great, put a smile on my face, something that hadn't happened in awhile as tomorrow I have a return visit to a specialist to find out if I have oral cancer. Something as small as a tour by my favourite artist can make me feel good (as well as the love and support of my friends and partner), that's what enjoying something can do. Everybody has stuff going on (plenty do on here I'm sure) so maybe think about that the next time you feel the need to come on here and bitch somebody out. Some people find things like concerts or posting on places like this as an escape from the nightmare  that is going on in their lives, do you really have to be the person to make positive things so unpleasant? Does it give you some gratification in some way? Do you feel you have achieved something? If the answer is yes then I pity you, if it's no then why do it all? 

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#971Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 9:36pm

I hope you don't have any form of cancer!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#972Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 9:38pm

'To be honest, it's the first I made it through to the end.


Sure it is Namo, sure it is. So basically when you were insulting the other stuff you hadn't actually seen it all? 


Now now, i didn't call you a liar for saying she didn't flip off the fans in Montreal.'


you can't, I was commenting and what I had seen.




Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#973Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 9:43pm

That wasn't clear.


I always posted at what point I had to give up on the awful videos.  You know, I didn't make it past 1:40.  Oh wait, maybe I made it to the end of that awful running through the party seeing celebs except the ones who were way too big to show up in person video?  I can't remember.  Fact is, I just want Madonna to be great again.  I'd like U2 to be great again too.  But, you know, some cars just run out of gas and rust by the side of the road.

ETA I made it to 2:23 in the Body Shop video.  The handheld was making me sick.  But good for Maddie figuring out how to smile and sing at the same time!  Good for her!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 9/10/15 at 09:43 PM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#974Madonna bitch
Posted: 9/10/15 at 10:03pm

But Namo that is your opinion, and that's fine, totally fine. Do you have to keep attacking and attacking though? There isn't a person on here who doesn't know that you ain't a fan, so why plague threads about her with your negativity, especially when you are just repeating what you always say? Why do you have to insult me ( and others) if we like something you don't? Just avoid the topics, or add something constructive and don't deliver it in a way that is bitchy or sarcastic way. It's really not that hard. 



And and most critics and fans agreed that Rebel Heart was her best work in a decade, but before the album had even come out you were all over it, you will NEVER enjoy what she does again because you are so blinded by the negativity in you towards her. The new tour looks like it's a hit but here you are banging on about your opinions on her performances on tours from years ago and how you don't like them. It's none stop. The New York Post (the Daily Mail of the US) says the tour is flopping ( the bloody NY Post) yet she's playing to sold out audiences last night and from the look of pics tonight on Twitter she's sold out again tonight (and she has just added an extra 6 venues today). You search out any negative and run with it, look at the top of the last page when you just write 'the tour is flopping', it's odd behaviour.



you don't like her, you think she's lost it, we get it, so just leave the ones of us who do still enjoy her to it, what harm is it doing you? 



'ETA I made it to 2:23 in the Body Shop video.  The handheld was making me sick.  But good for Maddie figuring out how to smile and sing at the same time!  Good for her!'


and there you go again, the childish sarcasm, what an earth is the point? I can't be bothered carrying on this conversation anymore, I've got far too much on my mind to waste it on silliness so I will leave you to it, it's far to exhausting trying to post something positive on threads like this only to know you will be there in a flash. 

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 9/10/15 at 10:03 PM
