
The True Blood Dumb Gossip-Head Weirdo Bitches thread- Page 6

The True Blood Dumb Gossip-Head Weirdo Bitches thread

Wynbish Profile Photo
#125TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 10:48am

Phyllis, when Nan said that she and Pam could have been friends in different circumstances, did you wish you could have that spin-off?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#126TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 11:16am

Yes! An alternate reality where Nan and Tara are still alive and they and Pam (and Jessica) just hang around being awesome.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#127TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 11:27am

True Blood meets Golden Girls.

Pam - Blanche
Jessica - Rose
Nan - Sophia
Tara - Dorothy

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#128TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 11:35am


ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#129TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 1:56pm

I want an 80's Nan doll.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#130TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 2:19pm

This stupid human woman in the 80s that Eric had to Sophie's Choice - nothing about that flashback rang true to me.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#131TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 2:30pm

Agreed. But I liked Nan's hair and outfit.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#132TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 2:38pm

Of course. Nan transcends all!

Wynbish Profile Photo
#133TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 2:48pm

Why is this the first time we've heard about this woman?

javero Profile Photo
#134TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 2:52pm

"This stupid human woman in the 80s that Eric had to Sophie's Choice - nothing about that flashback rang true to me."

True dat. Also, for once Pam wasn't so convincing when she revealed to Eric that she felt Tara meet the true death. Both Pam and Eric swiftly kicked their progenies to the curb. Why is the Willa character still on the show? Violet and Willa just don't interest me like the other vamps and I'm growing weary of Lettie Mae and Reverend what's-his-name.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#135TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/7/14 at 2:55pm

I thought Sookie was the first human woman he made a real big stink over, or that caused trouble with him and Pam.

And the Authority has him over a barrel this whole time? I guess that works, though, because NOTHING about the Authority ever made sense.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#136TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/8/14 at 11:16am

The evil Asian corporation makes me uncomfortable. Terribly, terribly uncomfortable.

And was I supposed to care about Alcide gettin' it, cause it was all very Morales up in my house when I watched last night.

I still wanna feast on Sam's man titties.

#137TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/8/14 at 11:19am

"I still wanna feast on Sam's man tithes."

That reads like a vocal warm-up. In every sense.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#138TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/8/14 at 11:20am

I say it five times just before I go out there and knock 'em dead with Chekhov.

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#139TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/8/14 at 11:20am

I felt NOTHING either for Alcide...as a matter of fact lately I don't care about any of these characters. Glad this is the final season.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

#140TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/13/14 at 2:43am

"The Authority had Eric over a barrel this whole time?" --Yeah, what is that about? They're going to tie in some "Authority" storyline? The whole Authority blew up, 2 seasons ago.

Why are they killing off these good characters? I mean, yes it's moving toward the end so it's bound to happen, but does it have to be in such unceremonious ways? Maxine...really? I mean, with her gone, Kenny the goofy cop gone, and Kenya becoming less snarky and more militant...who will be the comic relief for the remainder?? Even Pam is depressed and depressing. Violet is lame. Willa...is obviously being saved for something. We need...someone...

I also had a weird thought today--not sure exactly how this ends (though a big teaser is one of the "goodbye" clips from the show-runners saying "it's a love story, in the end," so guess who Sookie probably ends up with), but I have this hunch that if Sookie and Bill or Sookie and whoever ride into the sunset, Adilyn will be the new town telepath...

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#141TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/13/14 at 11:06pm

I really liked seeing Ginger's backstory, even if the poor dear got screwed.

I guess there are no hard and fast riled with hep v, either? I kept thinking the poor vampire who fed Arlene was going to get it from her. Maybe there's a window period.

#142TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/13/14 at 11:18pm

Good episode tonight. Yay, Ginger backstory.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

javero Profile Photo
#143TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/13/14 at 11:26pm

One of the better episodes in the entire series. I too liked Ginger's backstory as well as the repartee between Lala and Jessica. Last week, I wondered if Hoyt would be reintroduced in the wake of his mama's demise.

For once Jason was the most level-headed character in this episode doing his best to console Hoyt remotely, getting Sam to calm down, and rallying the troops at King Bill's place. Sadly, I have no interest in Sookie at this point, nor Willa. And Sam is bordering on boring as the town's mayor. It's a shame when Sam is more interesting as a rat.

I guess it's fair to say that I'm watching the final season out of loyalty. I can't believe the writers are still trying to polish Salome's turd.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 7/13/14 at 11:26 PM

#144TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/13/14 at 11:31pm

Hoyt is totally hot in Of Mice and Men.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Wynbish Profile Photo
#145TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/13/14 at 11:44pm

Man, this episode bummed me out. From Jason having to call Hoyt (and refer to himself as Officer Stackhouse, with Hoyt not remembering him as his friend, Jason) to the finality of everything going on with my favorite Viking vamp. His talk with Sookie, though... And how I wish they would have had a throwaway line about how he took some time in the early 2000's to live in a model apartment with some guy named Zoolander

I really hope they surprise us next week with the direction of the last 5 episodes. I never fully bought in to the Hep-V vamps being the big bad, since they were clearly the weaker kind. I still wonder if the reverend is somehow involved, and we don't know who whistled in the first episode.

#146TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/14/14 at 3:05am

Well, they've said that the Hep-V vamps weren't the Big Bad, per se, but the Hep-V is. I had to record and watch the episode tonight for being out, but I kept falling asleep and having to rewind. I was like "ok, is it this boring that I keep falling asleep?" Then I finally perked up and saw the reruns in their entirety. Kind of a chock-full episode, with Sookie having all these "closure" type of conversations with everyone already (heck, it's only Ep. 4 of 10), and the fight scenes were hard to follow, except for likelihood that we could expect the Hep-V vamps at Fangtasia to die. It still feels kind of rushed.

Was it that believable that Sookie and Eric should have that tender of a reunion? I can't remember their attitudes toward each other last season back when Eric was stuck in vamp camp with everyone else; he wasn't much of a factor, as she was getting together with Alcide at the time, correct? And she was still sort of sore at Eric after he had to sign her house back over to her, correct? I think that was the last time we saw them in the same room together.

I felt bad for Hoyt too, since he had made Jessica glamour him before he left, even away from his best friend Jason. I thought Hoyt might come-to when Jason called him "Bubba," though. It will be nice to see Hoyt back for at least part of the rest of the season, since they said he was coming home.

Love the way they brought back Todd Lowe to play Terry in Arlene's coming-to-the-white-light sequence, and the Jess/James/Lafayette stuff was cool.


"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland
Updated On: 7/14/14 at 03:05 AM

Wynbish Profile Photo
#147TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/14/14 at 10:18am

As someone who loved Season 4's Eric and Sookie storyline, I take any tender moment I can get, now! Also, Sookie was with Warlow when everyone else was in camp. Yes, she rescinded Eric's invitation when he signed back over her house, but that was because she was just done with everything supernatural at that point. She wanted to be that simple girl in the dress who he met in the first season. And this happened after she tried to stake Billith when it looked like he was going to kill Eric.

As for the whistling, it may be nothing, but the Hep-V gang that attacked the party in the first episode left after someone whistled. It may have been their Hep-V leader, or it may have been something else that will be exposed soon.

Updated On: 7/14/14 at 10:18 AM

Luscious Profile Photo
#148TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/14/14 at 12:19pm

Really enjoyed this episode. My favorite of the season, thus far. Liked the way it slowed down a bit and took a break from the chaos and mayhem (until the last 5 minutes) and focused on the personal relationships. Also like the way Jason is "growing up" and coming into his own. At this point, it appears fairly obvious in which direction most of the story lines are headed. Hope it doesn't turn out to be as predictable as it seems and they have a few surprises up their sleeves. As long as Lafayette and James end up living happily ever after, of course.

Updated On: 7/14/14 at 12:19 PM

#149TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 7/14/14 at 6:35pm

>>As long as Lafayette and James end up living happily ever after, of course.

Haha. You know, I started out really hating that new James. Now I find it refreshing whenever the two of them are onscreen. Two hippies, born decades apart. And apparently Jess has a cow next week over his bi-sexual-ness... But Lafayette really does deserve some happiness, already, and it sounds like he gets it, based on one of the preview clips. Even Bill is mellowing out and is sort of returning to being charming, again, so I guess we know where *that* is going, since they said twice last night that he's "not an asshole anymore."

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland
Updated On: 7/14/14 at 06:35 PM
