
Azealia Banks Discusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards

Azealia Banks Discusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards

Kavana Profile Photo
#1Azealia Banks Discusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/18/14 at 3:39pm

She breaks down about Bill Cosby, Black Culture and how Media brought down an Icon. Says They are trying to Erase Black People
PLEASE WATCH It's Heartbreaking She Breaks down twice!


8:30 mark About Blacks being recognized in In America
12:30 Mark about Bill Cosby
Updated On: 12/18/14 at 03:39 PM

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#2Azealia Banks Discusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/18/14 at 3:44pm

Azealia Banks Discusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards

Thank god Azealia Banks is speaking out about something.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

haterobics Profile Photo
#3Azealia Banks Discusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/18/14 at 4:03pm

Err, where in the 47 minutes does this happen?

HorseTears Profile Photo
#4Azealia Banks Discusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/18/14 at 4:12pm

Kav - yeah, you might want to direct us to the specific time's in this nearly 50 min interview you're trying to highlight.

She's an interesting one. Once in a while she'll pop up with a comment that's pointed, funny and relevant and then, at others, she says the stupidest things and refuses to acknowledge her fallibility - see her insistence that her consistent use of the word "fag" to insult detractors is okay because, according to her, the word actually means misogynist. Not sure she'd feel the same way about a white gay man using the "n" word and deciding he gets to redefine its meaning.

All that said, her new album is really fantastic - may be my favorite of the year.

Kavana Profile Photo
#5Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/18/14 at 4:39pm

My bad, It's so deep! She starts About Media at the 8:30 mark. You have to listen to the whole Interview.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#6Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/19/14 at 1:36pm

She seems like a real twat.

#7Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/19/14 at 2:06pm

She's the one with the anti-gay problem, right?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#8Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/19/14 at 2:09pm

She is! I made a comment in this thread about it yesterday, but it got deleted. I guess the mods are Azealia [sic] fans or something.

tazber Profile Photo
#9Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/19/14 at 2:27pm

I never expected to hear "Azealia Banks" and "deep" in the same sentence.

At least not in this context.

....but the world goes 'round

HorseTears Profile Photo
#10Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/19/14 at 2:29pm

That's weird. I saw your post, Phyllis.

I think "anti-gay" might be a touch reductive, but while her music is a sophisticated genre-bending affair, her public commentary is often... less than sophisticated. She's falling back on outdated and ****ing offensive epithets to insult people she doesn't care for - sometimes gay, sometimes not. She apologies one minute and then the next uses the slur again and refuses to acknowledge its real meaning. I mean, claiming that "f*ggot" doesn't refer to gay men, but to "misogynists" is just dumb. If you're trying to make the point that there is more misogyny in the gay community than some people wish to acknowledge - a valid point - doing so by using THAT word repeatedly is just plain dumb.

Just wish she'd get a clue on this one.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#11Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/19/14 at 2:55pm

Updated On: 12/19/14 at 02:55 PM

HorseTears Profile Photo
#12Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/19/14 at 3:10pm

Yeah, I enjoyed that one, too.

EDITED TO SAY: Now my comment makes no sense. I was referring to a deleted post from PRS above.

Updated On: 12/19/14 at 03:10 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#12Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/19/14 at 7:09pm

Does anyone care what this untalented self-important homophobe has to say about anything?

This guy she calls a "faggot" says her 15 minutes ended a while ago and they're not renewable.

Stupid. Untalented. OVER.

Updated On: 12/20/14 at 07:09 PM

HorseTears Profile Photo
#13Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/19/14 at 7:22pm

PJ - I say this with all due respect, but I think you might be the wrong... demo?

She IS self-important, as are many hip-hop artists, but she's far from untalented. Her new album - her first full-length - is a sophisticated, stylish, genre-bending affair with some of the sharpest and smartest flow I've heard in a while and a slyly, bewitching singing voice to go with it. It's on a lot of 'best of' lists for 2014 for a reason.

She's also, on occasion, spoken quite eloquently and pointedly about issues of race, cultural appropriation, gender and class - not to mention rapped/sung about them. THAT'S what makes her Twitter rants so disappointing. If she were just some untalented hack like Nicki Minaj, it would be much easier to dismiss her outright.

I keep hoping she'll evolve on this one. Especially since she's an out bi woman herself.

Updated On: 12/19/14 at 07:22 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#14Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 12:25am

I don't give a SH*T if I'm the wrong demo.

She called me a faggot and I hope she self-destructs.

#15Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 12:27am

But but but Bill Cosby boo hoo hoo.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#16Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 1:25am

I have had the theme to The Cosby Show stuck in my head for weeks. It's usually an early to mid series one. Often it's that funky first season. It's occasionally that beezy, majestic, Caribbean-flavored one. It is NEVER that acapella one.

Bomp BOMP Bomp (enna nenna nenna) BOMP Bomp Bomp

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#17Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 1:27am

The Cosby Show was always very creative with their opening credits...

HorseTears Profile Photo
#18Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 1:29am

Azealia Banks called you a f*ggot, PJ?

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#19Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 1:33am

My favorite one was the Season 3 version....

Season 5 was EPIC.....loved that one as well...

Here are all the themes Seasons 1-8

THE COSBY SHOW OPENING CREDITS SEASONS 1-8 Updated On: 12/20/14 at 01:33 AM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#20Azealia Skanks
Posted: 12/20/14 at 1:34am

Often the theme that plays in my head is accompanied by images of Bill Cosby mugging and surreptitiously drugging these women's drinks that smash cut to him raping them while they are unconscious.

Dnnn Dnnnn Dnnnn (enne nenna nenna) Dn DNNN Dnnn

#21Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 1:34am

I watched a lot of that linked video and man, I just can't stand the free and copious use of the word "bitch." But then again, work puts me right in the middle of dance clubs (because I don't teach at a college) and there are currently some songs where the refrains are "Get out the way bitch" over and over and another with "Bitch bitch bitch bitch" and it's like, damn, this post-feminist world is SO misogynist.

Azaglia 's a c nt for being so free with faggot.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 12/20/14 at 01:34 AM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#22Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 1:36am

Thank you for saying what I can't!

#23Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 1:40am

I'll be your legs, Franklin!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

HorseTears Profile Photo
#24Azealia Banks DIt Iiscusses Bill Cosby & Grammy Awards
Posted: 12/20/14 at 1:45am

The orchestral/tropical season 5 opening is now my fav, but when I was a kid that final season version seemed so cool. I, uh, may have performed a tightly choreographed dance sequence to that final season theme music at my elementary school talent show. I can neither confirm nor deny that.
