


americanboy99 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/29/09 at 4:47pm

I feel like this review had a lot to do with the simple plot, which IMHO is fabulous in the film.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 7/29/09 at 4:48pm

HHA1, I know you probably work for the show in some capacity (and it's fine, I'm not condemning it for a second. I've worked many times with producers asking interns, staff members to do this) but you really need to know if your boss sees you being mean to others on this board (no matter what they say to you) it doesn't reflect well on the show you're working for.

You can yell at me, mock me, whatever. I'm honestly just trying to give you some good advice and I wish your show all the best.

blaxx Profile Photo
Posted: 7/29/09 at 4:50pm

In "Jump for Oy" it's the lesbian daughter who says "one for the sisters" and makes a gesture, or is it just some random dyke?

Ha ha ha, funniest post of the day AMAAAAAZING SHOW!

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Posted: 7/29/09 at 4:51pm

Ha Ha Ha

you really have lost your mind!
I merely a person who loves musicals.
Me, work for this show? Im far beyond that
its not my life at ALLL! I merely hate when people
only have negative things to say.... FIND AN AUDITION
and when you book the job, let me know where your performance is....

Posted: 7/29/09 at 4:52pm

'you must look like your photo!'

blaxx's AVATAR is HOT!!!!

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 7/29/09 at 4:55pm

If one must be an professional performer to know when a show sucks, does one have to be a professional chef to know when food tastes like shi*t?

tazber Profile Photo
#31Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 5:12pm

Or conversely, to know when a show doesn't suck. Ergo, the review has been negated by your own logic.

....but the world goes 'round

#32Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 5:17pm

Excuse me, I know the movie was good, but I don't get HOW this could work on Broadway even in a good community.

It's geared towards women and I very doubt many men would go see this. It's also not really a kids show. I think a show like this would have a tough time making money.

ABB2357 Profile Photo
#33Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 5:28pm

Pgenre - yes, the girl with the "one for the sisters" line is the Ziemba character's lesbian daughter. However, the role was played by a different actress when I saw the show (the blonde in the video must have been replaced, since there was no mention of an understudy in the program). No clue what the circumstances were, just noting the change.

In terms of the plot being simple, that was one of the biggest disappointments of the show. The storyline in the film is direct and to the point - its simplicity is a huge asset. The title says it all. Here, everything was muddled and overextended to the point of incoherence.

I've got no problem being positive when the performer or material warrants it. For example, Ziemba. She's fantastic and a trouper, but I can't go out of my way to praise her when the creative team does nothing to showcase her talent. A friend of mine, who was unfamiliar with her before the show, couldn't believe when I told him she's an accomplished dancer and won a Tony for CONTACT. Why? Because the choreography is so random and undeveloped that Ziemba can't flaunt the skill that makes her such a formidable stage presence. (I also really liked her in CURTAINS).

madophelia Profile Photo
#34Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 5:32pm

Ignoring the unfortunate agist slurs in ABB2357's review, he did say the audience loved it.

Of course, the subscription audience (who looked happy to be out of their recliners, regardless of what they were seeing) loved it.

But who here values what a provincial audience thinks? They're mostly dismissed as total rubes, the ignocenti.

jennafan -
It's geared towards women and I very doubt many men would go see this. It's also not really a kids show. I think a show like this would have a tough time making money.

Perhaps you're not aware that women (mature, older women) are the largest demographic attending Broadway shows.

Pgenre Profile Photo
#35Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 5:36pm

Some random actress, not some random dyke. Got it.

Thanks for this, ABB. Today is a good day at BWW largely due to you!

To Whom It May Concern: blaxx happens to have one of the best avatars in BWW history (it should be in "Pick A Little..." if it isn't) and since blaxx is a BROADWAY LEGEND and you are a mere SWING in BroadwayWorld Universe, maybe you should heed your own advice, darling.

Kisses and Hugs - I bet I'm not the only one waiting with abated breath for those reviews!


#36Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 5:46pm

Ill step down to opinion and wisdom
but I witnessed an audience that was filled
with laughter and smiles.

By the way: Im no swing! But this site isn't who you are is it?
Its about what you think of what you see. I happen to think its a good show.

I just hate when people bash things and refuse to post some positive things
about what they see.

I gave positives and negatives in my post. Yes, I used a lot of !!!! but so what.
What happened to change? Why does every show have to be like the other and
why does everyone have to be like the next. We are no longer in the 80's or 90's!
Its a brand new day everybody! A BRAND NEW DAY!

I respect everyone's opinion!

ABB2357 Profile Photo
#37Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 5:48pm

My apologies if my comments about the audience struck anyone as harsh or inconsiderate. The overall reaction WAS positive and while I disliked the show, I can't deny that. I'd be interested to hear what the response was like at other performances.

And yes, it's true that older women make up the majority of Broadway audiences, perhaps more so than families. But case in point: 9 TO 5 announced its closing today, with an estimated $14 million loss and less than 200 regular performances. Certainly the older female audience didn't turn out for a show that was targeted straight at them, despite the built-in appeal of Dolly Parton, Allison Janney, and a recognizable title. Sometimes you just have to trust the material, and when the material doesn't work, audiences don't come.

Pgenre Profile Photo
#38Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 5:56pm

"We are no longer in the 80's or 90's!"

The absolute height of theatrical innovation and artistry was, of course, in the 80s and 90s. Just ask ALW and Cameron MackIntosh. How I yearn for those days...

Hilarious thread


madophelia Profile Photo
#39Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 6:04pm

But case in point: 9 TO 5 announced its closing today, with an estimated $14 million loss and less than 200 regular performances. Certainly the older female audience didn't turn out for a show that was targeted straight at them, despite the built-in appeal of Dolly Parton, Allison Janney, and a recognizable title.

I know I posted in another thread that I didn't believe the theme of 9 to 5 would play as well as FWC's. It is so stuck in the 1970s and '80s, without the kitch factor of a Saturday Night Fever. Women who broke into the workplace during that period would never look back at it with fond nostalgia. Who wants to be reminded of that?

Sometimes you just have to trust the material, and when the material doesn't work, audiences don't come.

No disagreement from me.
Updated On: 7/29/09 at 06:04 PM

madophelia Profile Photo
#40Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 6:26pm

One more thing, ABB2347, I don't agree that the film's storyline is "direct and to the point - its simplicity is a huge asset."

I've seen the movie numerous times. The women initially embark on a course of simple revenge against their husbands/exes, and they muddle along with little success, disagreements, and the near complete demolition of their resurrected friendship. It isn't until they redirect their energies toward achieving a more noble objective (yeah sistas!) that you get the real satisfactory conclusion of the movie. Not so simple IMO. Not so direct.

#41Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 7:24pm

As someone who has seen the show, the closing of 9 to 5 (which I have also seen) does not bode well for this musical. 9 to 5 has a similar theme of female empowerment and had production values, cast, and songs 100x better than First Wives Club. I loved the First Wives Club movie and really wanted this show to be good and do well. I would not have flown in to San Diego had I known that I would be greeted by a mediocre show. No, it's not BAD. But it's not good either.

dented146 Profile Photo
#42Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 7:44pm

HHA, I understand how you feel. I hate being too negative on a show in previews simply because I've seen how hard everyone toils on a show when it's at that stage. Having said that, I feel the review by ABB is closer to my true opinion than one extolling this musical. I feel the actors were let down by the material. And yes, many people left the theatre saying good things but it was not the kind of enthusiatic response you'd see following a great show.

Chase and Harris were good. I did not like the sets. The choreography was very ordinary but I did like the grace of the simple ballroom scenes. I personally can forgive almost anything if the music is beautiful,catchy, or unique. But it just isn't. I wish I felt otherwise.

ABB2357 Profile Photo
#43Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 7:51pm

Wildcard and dented, what was the general reaction at the performances you attended? Also, did you notice Holmes, Zambello, or the composers somewhere in the theatre taking notes? I was sitting in the orchestra and didn't see anyone, but was very close to the stage so maybe I missed them.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#44Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 8:01pm

HHA -- you are the only one bashing the people on this board. Everyone else just posted their OPINIONS on what they say.
Say what you will....but for you to just "stumble across" this site on the same day someone happen to bash this show....makes you smell like the shill you are.

PS....the reference to you being a 'swing' has to do with your rating HERE on BWW. Look under your name on the left...both you and ABB are 'swings' because you just joined and have only a few posts....we all have rankings.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

dented146 Profile Photo
#45Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 8:15pm

ABB, I was in the first row of the balcony. I did not see any of the creative team but I would bet they were present.

The audience reaction on Friday when I attended was pretty positive but people didn't jump to their feet to applaud at the end. They mostly remained seated until the three female leads took their bow, at which time most stood.

I mentioned on another thread that women clearly enjoyed the show more than the men. I have no doubt about that statement. I felt that the portrayal of the men was often heavy handed and not particularly fun for men to watch.

jovie27 Profile Photo
#46Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 8:50pm

So, ABB2357, tells us how you really feel about the show...LOL

#47Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/29/09 at 11:58pm

I have only seen one clip of the show,bu i think that was enough. The movie had a message and was fun this looks really bad whats with the white outfits and colored shirts looks like something out of miami vice.

#48Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/30/09 at 3:44am

Pgenre - yes, the girl with the "one for the sisters" line is the Ziemba character's lesbian daughter. However, the role was played by a different actress when I saw the show (the blonde in the video must have been replaced, since there was no mention of an understudy in the program). No clue what the circumstances were, just noting the change.

The blonde in the clip who says "one for the sisters" is Mrs. Jenn Colella(Jenifer Foote). Jeny Foote is the dance captain.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#49Hilarious thread
Posted: 7/30/09 at 3:54am

Just because someone called a turkey for what it is doesn't mean they have an axe to grind. Just means they have higher standards than those who can forgive criminal choices in favor of campy schlock.
