
"The Normal Heart"- (5/1) --- Page 2

"The Normal Heart"- (5/1) --

adamgreer Profile Photo
#25'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 12:43am

Ellen Barkin will win Featured Actress in a landslide. No one in the category comes close.

It will be a tight race between Rylance and Mantello, though.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#26'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 8:03am

Certainly. I feel like Barkin and Hickey are the favorites in their categories, but Mantello is certainly in a tighter race. I hope he takes it though.

dtzumbrunnen Profile Photo
#27'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 8:29am

Completely agree with everyone's comments. So glad I added this at the very last minute (Saturday while waiting for BTW, Meet Vera Stark to start it's evening performance). It was by far the most moving piece of theatre that I've witnessed, and each member of the cast delivered an exceptional performance. Joe Mantello's energy was electric and so intense you could feel every outburst he had from the last row of the rear mezz!

Ellen Barkin's monologue was incredibly powerful as well - hearing the 45 second ovation for her was so rewarding. I think overall the most disappointing part of the show for me was the house lights coming up so quickly, shutting down the standing ovation that was so deserved and would have likely continued for several more minutes.

Each and every member of the cast was phenomenal. Our $26.50 tickets in the back of the house were worth 10 times what we paid for them, easy.

On a lighter note, Luke MacFarlane looks great in gym shorts. Really great.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#28'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 8:58am

I also saw the matinee yesterday; my second time and definitely not the last. I came up to the city for the day specifically to see this again. And I'm already planning another day trip.

I can't say what exactly it is about this play that has drawn me back like this. I loved the play when I read it in college; I literally sobbed from Bruce's monologue through the end. I've wanted to see it onstage for years, and I'm so glad my first time could be a production of this calibre.

I can't give Joe Mantello and Ellen Barkin enough praise. It's been so long since I've found myself completely lost in someone's performance, and it's such a privilege to experience that with both of them in this play. It's hard to believe that after this, he is just going to walk away from acting again.

I have a family member going through a very slow death right now and this play has been very cathartic to me. It's such a relief to be able to cry.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#29'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 11:22am

I'm going to be just slightly cynical in regards to the Best Actor Tony race.

Do you have any idea how many Tony voters have made money (and a lot of it) because of Joe Mantello? Unless he's a total a$$hole (which I know he's not), I think it won't even be a close call. The Tony is his.

Oh...and he deserves it, too.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#30'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 11:59am

I was going to say something akin to that myself Robbie- I also think Mantello could possibly be helped by weightiness of the material- I think many will feel The Normal Heart as the most socially 'important' play of the season and will be swayed thus in their voting-- especially since Jerusalem as a play is so divisive. Its been said voters (in any award race) vote for the character as well as the actor. In this case, meaning a vote for Joe is a vote for Ned, which is a vote for Larry Kramer and the work he did 25 years ago. It will be a cliff hanger, but really think Heart could win three out of the four acting nominees as well as revival

dreaming Profile Photo
#31'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 12:08pm

I think The Normal Heart could take three of the four acting categories and the directing Tony as well. I think the significance of the piece is only now being realized. It's my favorite production of the season-play or musical. It's amazing, heartfelt and truly a revelatory piece.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#32'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 12:15pm

Ha, usually that kind of insider trading Tony votes would bother me since it usually rewards financial success over critical success, but since I'm in favor of this, I'm all for it.

BTW, Testing, did you see the fight in the middle of the street outside the theatre after the matinee? I was on the phone and two women were smacking each other with a man in the middle of them. One was screaming "That's my husband, b*tch!" From where I stood, I could see Jim Parsons was about to come out the stagedoor and he waited in the alleyway, staring like the rest of us until a policewoman came to break it up. It was kind of crazy, WTF moment.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#33'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 12:27pm

It's too bad they weren't fighting over him. 'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --

I think Robbie makes a good point; we all know the Tony votes can often be based on factors outside of the specific performance. And not that he doesn't have Tonys already, but since he's such a part of the community, a good investment, and is making this triumphant return to acting, I could see all of that helping him. I'd also like to hope that what Michael Bennett is saying ends up being true as well, and that the weightiness and importance of this material will swing votes in its favor.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#34'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 12:40pm

>> BTW, Testing, did you see the fight in the middle of the street outside the theatre after the matinee? I was on the phone and two women were smacking each other with a man in the middle of them. One was screaming "That's my husband, b*tch!" From where I stood, I could see Jim Parsons was about to come out the stagedoor and he waited in the alleyway, staring like the rest of us until a policewoman came to break it up. It was kind of crazy, WTF moment.>>

nO !!! Thanks goodness--- hate that crap !!! I was in the Mezz--- took me a bit to get downstairs, and was gonna get a t-shirt at that little cart thing outside, but decided to hold the money to see the show again !! Wow... that is nuts !!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#35'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 12:42pm

I also think that the unanimous (Matthew Murray excepted, apparently) praise for this production might swing the scales in Mantello's favor. Jerusalem, as Michael Bennett mentioned, is a divisive play, with those that love it claiming those that don't just don't "get it." Everyone seems to love The Normal Heart.

The first time I saw the play, I was undecided between Mantello and Rylance. But, after seeing the show again last night, I'd like to see Mantello win.

I too think it's a definite possibility the show could take 3 of the 4 acting awards. In addition to Mantell, Barkin, and Hickey winning, I fully expect Lee Pace to be nominated tomorrow morning.

EDITED because I wrote Rylance where I meant to write Mantello. Oops! Updated On: 5/2/11 at 12:42 PM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#36'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 12:59pm

If Rylance does win, it will obviously be an award 'in part' for his other performance this season as well. That plays in his favor. The fact that Rylance won the Tony two years ago works against him. If JERUSALEM somehow gets snubbed for Best Play tomorrow (it could happen) Mantello will have another advantage. Rylance gives a large over the top performance which will appeal to those who think bigger is better- advantage Rylance. JERUSALEM seems to be appealing most to younger audiences and the Tony Voters are not young - advantage Mantello...

Its really six of one half a dozen of the other in this catagory. I think it will be a nail biter to the very end.

uncageg Profile Photo
#37'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 1:04pm

I have been on the fence about seeing this. Although it has been about 16 years since I lost my best friend in the world to AIDS, I don't know if I can handle the show without bawling my eyes out. I was very much a part of his "preparation" to die as his family wasn't co,pletely there for him since they were in denial. But maybe I need to see it.

Just give the world Love.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#38'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 1:06pm

Whats wrong with bawling your eyes out?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#39'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 1:12pm

There were people bawling their eyes out both times I saw the show- lots of people hugging and consoling one another at the end. It seemed a very cathartic experience for those that were "there" in the 1980's. The whole production is sort of theatre as therapy, if that makes any sense.

April Saul
#40'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 1:31pm

I really hope it wins a bunch of Tonys because even with those terrific reviews, it's back on TDF again...great for people like us to keep going back, but generally not a good sign! The more people that see this, the better. I loved Rylance in Jerusalem but I thik that I, too, am now rooting for Mantello to win.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#41'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 1:35pm

Most straight plays on Broadway end up on TDF for the majority of their run. That isn't the curse of death. Word of mouth is strong and hopefully more people are buying full price tickets, but NORMAL HEART isn't likely (even if it sweeps the Tonys) to be an SRO hit until perhaps the very end of its run.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#42'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 1:54pm


I saw this three and a half months after I lost my partner of 8 years suddenly. You can and should do it. It's just too good to pass up.

The only time I really lost it (in an undignified way...until then I was weeping with perfect grace) was when *very slight spoiler* the town of Wellfleet was mentioned. My partner spent his summers there as a kid, we vacationed there with his family, and we're spreading some of his ashes there next summer. I almost screamed 'OH F*CK YOU, LARRY KRAMER! YOU COULDN'T PICK TRURO???'

But other than that, you'll be fine! 'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#43'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 2:12pm

I dont think you can help but cry at this show--- Even if you havent experienced a loss, you can feel the pain-

I cried due to the rage that I felt (amongst other things) --- Other people around me were sobbing because they HAD lost a loved one suddenly.

***** SPOILER ALERT ***************

And if the death (that ultimately lead to cremation) doesnt tug at your heartstrings, you should be checked for a pulse... left the entire audience gasping !

Chad Eberle
#44'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 2:18pm

How likely is it that Mantello and Rylance could tie for Best Actor? Has there ever been a tie in the Lead Actor or Actress category at the Tony Awards before?

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#45'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 2:30pm

I know there has been at least two ties in Best Actress in a Musical:

Anna Maria Alberghetti and Dihann Carroll
Thelma Ritter and Gwen Verdon.

Or am I making this all up?

nealb1 Profile Photo
#46'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 2:41pm

Absolutely - the creamation story was shocking - everyone just gasped.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#47'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 3:03pm

That scene was emotionally devastating !!!

#48'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 3:10pm

Can you please tell me what TDF is? (Speaking as a newcomer).

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#49'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
Posted: 5/2/11 at 3:17pm

