Posted: 8/18/11 at 5:39am

Julie Taymor was lots of fun..

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

Posted: 8/18/11 at 5:40am

Julie Taymor was lots of fun..

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

Posted: 8/18/11 at 9:03am

BTW has anyone seen or even heard anything about GLEEAM? It was on my list but at this point I haven't seen any reviews or discussions. I'll go either way but I'm trying to see if my fussy 12 year old should come with.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/18/11 at 9:50am

Parker and Dizzy is awful.

Gleeam was ridiculously boring. Not child appropriate with a burlesque stripper going down to her pasties and cellulite.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
Posted: 8/18/11 at 11:07am

I saw GLEEAM last night and I LOVED it! I was laughing hysterically the whole time. The dialogue was spot-on, the actors were perfect, and the songs were pretty good. If you're not a Glee fan, you might not enjoy it because it's full of little references to actual episodes. I'm telling all the Glee fans I know to see it, because I thought it was a brilliant parody that was still fond of the show. Whoever wrote it is definitely a Glee fan, and it shows. Definitely don't bring your 12 year old, though. Aside from the burlesque number, they also simulate oral sex at one point.

Side note: Most burlesque strippers have cellulite. It's one reason I love burlesque, because the women very rarely have perfect bodies. If you're going to complain about the burlesque stripper in this show having cellulite, stick to strip clubs.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

Posted: 8/18/11 at 1:00pm

Ok thanks. I see the reviews are mixed to say the least, but to me that's what makes Fringe so much fun. Thanks to both of you as the one thing you agree(to take my son or not) is the most important question I had.

Posted: 8/18/11 at 2:11pm

I wasn't big on Gleam but I'm not a Glee person. Fringewise.
I'll see stuff in my right after work time slot and theeasiest to get to parameter.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

metaphorical Profile Photo
Posted: 8/18/11 at 8:43pm

Since there doesn't seem to be much discussion of the Fringe on this, um, discussion board, I won't take up a lot of space here; instead, here are links to three additional reviews. I'll just mention that I can't recommend Fourteen Flights strongly enough. It's an endurance test, but well worth it.

Em O’Loughlin was a BIG FATTY BOOMBAH!

1h 0m
VENUE #16: Players Theatre
Performance seen: Tue 16 @ 6:45
Remaining performances: Thu 18 @ 9:45 Wed 24 @ 3:30 Sat 27 @ 9:45

Rating: 3
(using the BroadwayWorld rating system of 10=effusive praise; 9=excellent; 7/8=positive with some reservations; 5/6=respectfully unenthused; 3/4=mostly negative; 2=little to recommend; 1=offended, insulted, angered)

Review at:

22 Stories

0h 45m
VENUE #10: IATI Theater
Performance seen: Fri 12 @ 9:15 Wed 17 @ 5:45
Remaining performances: Fri 19 @ 2 Sun 21 @ noon Fri 26 @ 7 Sun 28 @ 3:15

Rating: 7
(using the BroadwayWorld rating system of 10=effusive praise; 9=excellent; 7/8=positive with some reservations; 5/6=respectfully unenthused; 3/4=mostly negative; 2=little to recommend; 1=offended, insulted, angered)

Review at:

Fourteen Flights

2h 30m
VENUE #3: CSV Kabayitos
Performance seen: Wed 17 @ 8
Remaining performances: Sun 21 @ 4 Mon 22 @ 4:15 Fri 26 @ 8:45 Sat 27 @ 4:45

Rating: 10
(using the BroadwayWorld rating system of 10=effusive praise; 9=excellent; 7/8=positive with some reservations; 5/6=respectfully unenthused; 3/4=mostly negative; 2=little to recommend; 1=offended, insulted, angered)

Review at:

iflitifloat Profile Photo
Posted: 8/18/11 at 11:58pm

Just a fly by to mention that Fourteen Flights is absolutely worth an extra trip downtown and the 2 1/2 hour running time investment, even on a work night. (OK, I'll be honest. I called out sick the next day...but still...)

It's one of the strongest stories, and among the most skilled and charismatic acting I've seen at the Fringe this year or any other. And I'm still mulling it over; it really packed a wallop.

I have tickets for Julie Taymor and Yeast this week. Looking forward to some music!

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

Posted: 8/19/11 at 11:14am

I saw 'Theater of The Arcade" yesterday which I thought was pretty good.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

After Eight
Posted: 8/19/11 at 8:28pm

Saw the Julie Taymor musical. There were some amusing moments, but the satire was facile and obvious.

One depressing thought about what passes for humor nowadays, whether it be Mormon, Bloody Jackson, this, or so many others: why do twenty and thirty year olds write with the mindset and sensibility of twelve year olds? What ever happened to the notion of growing up?

metaphorical Profile Photo
Posted: 8/20/11 at 1:58pm

Four more reviews:

The Apartment: A Play With Four Sides
1h 15m
VENUE #1: Teatro SEA
Performance reviewed: Fri 19 @ 8:30
Remaining performances: Mon 22 @ 9:30 Wed 24 @ 2 Sat 27 @ 4:45
Rating: 7

1h 0m
VENUE #13: Bowery Poetry Club
Performance reviewed: Fri 19 @ 6:30
Remaining performances: Wed 24 @ 9:30 Sat 27 @ 2
Rating: 6

The Day the Sky Turned Black
0h 55m
VENUE #10: IATI Theater
Performance seen: Fri 19 @ 3:30
Remaining performances: Wed 24 @ 9:15 Sat 27 @ 2 Sun 28 @ 4:45
Rating: 3

Bette Davis Ain’t For Sissies
1h 10m
VENUE #3: CSV Kabayitos
Performance seen: Thu 18 @ 5
Remaining Performances: Thu 25 @ 9 Sun 28 @ 4:15
Rating: 5

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 8/21/11 at 8:02pm

I *loved* The Legend of Julie Taymor this afternoon. Fringe is usually more miss than hit for me, but I might actually go and see this one again if it makes it into Fringe Encore.

metaphorical Profile Photo
Posted: 8/22/11 at 9:51am

My review of

Yeast Nation (the triumph of life)

2h 30m
VENUE #9: The Ellen Stewart Theatre @ LA MAMA
Performance reviewed: Sun 21 @ 2:15
Remaining shows: Mon 22 @ 8:15 Tue 23 @ 8 Thu 25 @ 2

Rating: 10

uncageg Profile Photo
Posted: 8/23/11 at 1:26am

Saw "Yeast Nation" last night(Mon). Not bad but not quite as good as I had hoped it would be. It runs 2 1/2 hours with intermission. It could use some trimming. The music was pretty good but the lyrics aren't quite as smart as "Urinetown". Neither is the book. Harriot Harris was a riot though. Her "sidekick", I think it was Rick Crom, was also very good. The "hook" to this show is that everyone is named Jan the __. It caught on as I heard people calling themselves Jan at intermission. The cast as a whole was good. They seemed to be having a good time and had great voices with a few exceptions. Wasn't crazy about Emily Tarpay (Jan the Sweet). Her vocals were kind of all over the place and off key at times. It will be interesting to see if this show goes any further. A lot of industry people were in attendance.

The show reminded me a lot of Urinetown. Harris (Jan the Unnamed) was the Officer Lockstock and Crom was Little Sally. In this case they have depleted most of their saline food supply at the bottom of the ocean and are rationing it. Thinking about it it is pretty much Urintown in a different setting with an added storyline. I was wondering if they plan to do this with all of their musicals. I hope not. In my opinion, Urinetown was one of those one time brilliant pieces of theatre that just can't be topped or duplicated.

In reading the Playbill, one of the producers, Gregory Rae, lists "BARE" as one of his current projects. It doesn't say if it is the musical.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 8/23/11 at 01:26 AM

rougeduck Profile Photo
Posted: 8/23/11 at 11:58am

74 Minutes of Stereo Radio Theater

1h 15m
VENUE #18: The Studio at Cherry Lane Theatre
Performance reviewed: Friday, 19th.
Remaining performances: Tue 23 @ 8:45 Thu 25 @ 7 Sat 27 @ 5 Sun 28 @ 2

Rating: 10

Honestly one of, if not the best, two person sketch show I have ever seen. Maureen Fitzgerald's script features spot-on observational humor and absurdity at its finest. Andrew Shulman disappeared into each character, executing each joke and quirk to their fullest potential. Environments and relationships were clearly defined in each drastically different scene; both actors transitioned superbly between tone, gender, and comedic styles. Notable scenes include "Cooking With Mom" in which Shulman plays a nagging mother who seems to be hell bent on breaking down her daughter (Fitzgerald) on her own television show, and an absurdist piece which has Fitzgerald applying for a job as a gong ringer to an eccentric millionaire, embodied by Shulman in perhaps his funniest character of the night. For those still planning their Fringe schedule, do not miss this charming show.

metaphorical Profile Photo
Posted: 8/23/11 at 1:17pm

More reviews:

Theater of the Arcade: Five Classic Video Games Adapted for the Stage

Rating: 8

2h 0m
VENUE #14: Bleecker Theatre
Performance seen: Sat 20 @ 4:30
Remaining performance: Sat 27 @ 7:45

Felony Friday

2h 15m
VENUE #7: Connelly Theater
Performance seen: Sat 20 @ 7:15
Remaining performances: Wed 24 @ 9:15 Sat 27 @ 4 Sun 28 @ 3:30

Rating: 8

And I seem to have forgotten to give the link to my review of Yeast Nation:

Yeast Nation (the triumph of life)

2h 30m
VENUE #9: The Ellen Stewart Theatre @ LA MAMA
Performance reviewed: Sun 21 @ 2:15
Remaining shows: Tue 23 @ 8 Thu 25 @ 2

Rating: 10

NuMystic Profile Photo
Posted: 8/23/11 at 10:15pm

For anyone that enjoys dance:

When The Sky Breaks in 3D - an all female hip hop dance crew brings the beats, pops, locks, and lots of soul to Dixon Place. Don't even bother with the 3D glasses because while the background projections are nifty, the glasses take away from the real stars busting their moves up front. 7/10

Chien De Moi - A Carnegie Melon dance company (and friends of the outstanding PigPen troupe) bring a beautifully staged and choreographed collection of pieces to La MAMA. Dreamlike and Tim Burton-esque. Well worth a visit to this sleeper. The venue was only half full but the applause and calls were easily as loud as it was for shows I've seen when this venue was packed to the rafters. 7/10

NuMystic Profile Photo
Posted: 8/23/11 at 10:23pm

Fourteen Flights - Can't offer as much unconditional praise as earlier reviews, but can still say it's very well worth seeing. (and the 2.5 hour investment)

Most worthy of note is what may well be the best writing of this year's Fringe.

The actors were really very good, and admirably handle an enormous amount of text, but I still felt emotionally detached even during the most cathartic scenes.

Unfortunately this play requires much more than competence to reach it's full potential.

Would absolutely love to see it produced with heavier hitters on the boards.

ALittlePriest Profile Photo
Posted: 8/25/11 at 11:37am

Thank God I got into Legend of Julie Taymor last night. There were about 25 people in the cancellation line, and the show was phenomenal! One of the most polished, professional shows I've ever seen at the Fringe. A legit good stand-alone musical. Anyone know if they will extend?

metaphorical Profile Photo
Posted: 8/25/11 at 4:36pm

More reviews:

The Toughest Girl Alive!
Rating: 8

1h 50m
VENUE #15: Le Poisson Rouge
Performance seen: Tue 23 @ 9:15
Remaining performances: Fri 26 @ 5:45 Sat 27 @ 7:45

Rating: 6

1h 55m
VENUE #8: The First Floor Theatre @ LA MAMA
Performance seen: Wed 24 @ 4:15
Remaining performance: Fri 26 @ 2

leonard cohen koans
Rating: 8

1h 15m
VENUE #15: Le Poisson Rouge
Performance seen: Tue 23 @ 7:15
Remaining performances: Fri 26 @ 8:30 Sat 27 @ 3

metaphorical Profile Photo
Posted: 8/26/11 at 4:38pm

The Fringe has cancelled all shows Saturday and Sunday. There's still tonight!

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 8/26/11 at 4:45pm

The Fringe Encore website is down right now, but there's a press release over on ATC with some of the Encore shows...

The FringeNYC Encores Series is an annual showcase some of the critically acclaimed and most crowd-pleasing shows from the New York International Fringe Festival. The 2011 series will include PigPen Presents the Mountain Song, The Legend of Julie Taymor, Fourteen Flights, The More Loving One, Facebook Me, Araby, Paper Cut, You Only Shoot the Ones You Love, Parker & Dizzy's Fabulous Journey to the End Of the Rainbow, Pearl's Gone Blue, Felony Friday, COBU, and several more shows yet to be determined (including the TheaterMania Audience Favorite Award Winner). A complete schedule of performances and showtimes will be announced Sunday, August 28.

FringeNYC Encore Series Announces Dates & Venues, September 9 - 26

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 9/7/11 at 11:02am

Buried in the fourth paragraph of this press release is the fact that Jen Barnhart's not doing the Encore run of Legend of Julie Taymor - being replaced by Tina Stafford. Fyi.
The Legend of Julie Taymor Will Live On in Encore Series and More
