Hamilton in London

#25Hamilton in London
Posted: 12/7/17 at 8:20am

I really hope they're aren't a lot of lyric changes - so unnecessary! 

steven22 Profile Photo
#26Hamilton in London
Posted: 12/7/17 at 12:28pm

I saw it last night. I saw the original broadway cast twice so it’s been a while. The London cast is fantastic. The kid that plays Hamilton is awesome. All three sisters are also great. I can only see the show getting tighter once the cast gets more comfortable.

On a side note, th Theatre is beautiful. Brand new and clean and restored.

macnyc Profile Photo
#27Hamilton in London
Posted: 12/7/17 at 12:51pm

Great to hear! How did the audience react? I'm assuming it's made up of mostly British people.  How did they like King George? I guess the Brits are used to making fun of themselves and don't mind it, judging from Monty Python, but I'm wondering how it is when Americans make fun. 

ukpuppetboy Profile Photo
#28Hamilton in London
Posted: 12/7/17 at 12:57pm

Thanks for the post Steven. Can't say I'm not more than 'a little jealous' - especially as I had to return my Dec 26th tickets as I am in New Zealand for work as of yesterday, but hopefully I'll pop back to London mid 2018 and join the London Hamilton train. As someone who saw the OBC (Lin and Javier) I always knew London would adopt the show with open arms, but was less confident that you could create something that magic a second time around. Particularly with the difference in the casting pools in that field between the 2 cities. But I was wrong with In The Heights and looks like I will be wrong here too. And I couldn't be happier for it.

If the theatre is as beautifully restored on the inside as it is on the outside (and if the Prince Edward and Prince of Wales are anything to go by) then I look forward to a magical evening on and off stage. I walked past the Victoria Palace on Monday at 5pm and hilariously oveheard one builder on the phone saying how there was a show on that night and things were chaotic (the first dress rehearsal seemed to have been new news to him) and then Cam Mac barking notes to an entourage of production team and construction on poster loactions and other building notes in a whirlwind before disappearing as rapidly as he appeared! It looked like madness - but welcome to live theatre!! 

Updated On: 12/7/17 at 12:57 PM

ukpuppetboy Profile Photo
#29Hamilton in London
Posted: 12/7/17 at 1:01pm

macnyc - I really think Brits and New Yorkers have WAY WAY more in common than New Yorkers and most of the rest of America. Brits will love it. But I would expect a significant proportion of the audience to be made up of vacationing Americans and US students studying in London for a while! As my friend said who just came over to see The Cursed Child - "it's cheaper to buy a plane fare and a ticket to the show in the West End than an Orchestra seat on Broadway". He was only half joking..

Updated On: 12/7/17 at 01:01 PM

#30Hamilton in London
Posted: 12/8/17 at 8:22pm

rjm516 said: "I really hope they're aren't a lot of lyric changes - so unnecessary!"

Early reports are just a couple small tweaks- "Vice President isn't a real job anyway" instead of "John Adams", and "New Jersey, Dawn" instead of "Weehawken"

Honestly, I'm not sure most Americans have ever heard of Weehawken unless they've traversed the Lincoln Tunnel.

#31Hamilton in London
Posted: 12/9/17 at 4:58am

macnyc said: "Great to hear! How did the audience react? I'm assuming it's made up of mostly British people. How did they like King George? I guess the Brits are used to making fun of themselves and don't mind it, judging from Monty Python, but I'm wondering how it is when Americans make fun."

The first preview audience loved him. There was also a cheer for "Immigrants, we get the job done". 

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#32Hamilton in London
Posted: 3/6/18 at 8:32am

Hamilton got 13 Olivier nominations today—making it the most nominated production in Oliviers history. 

(Who's surprised, though? Hamilton in London )

The only "surprise" I see is that Rachelle Ann Go didn't get a nomination for Eliza.

Updated On: 3/6/18 at 08:32 AM

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#33Hamilton in London
Posted: 3/6/18 at 8:47am

I would really like a cast recording of this production.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#34Hamilton in London
Posted: 3/6/18 at 8:48am

Also surprised that the role of Laurens/Philip got an Olivier nomination but George Washington didn't.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#35Hamilton in London
Posted: 3/6/18 at 9:21am

I did notice that Set Design didn't get a nomination. (Which I didn't mind that much, to be honest.) With all the nominations, I do wonder how many they'll actually win. It would be nice if they spread the wealth a bit.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

lotiloti Profile Photo
#36Hamilton in London
Posted: 3/6/18 at 10:47am

Dazzled I guess,by yet another polished turdsad
