#25THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/23/17 at 2:08pm

AprilWheeler said: "I was there last night and only Tony Shalhoub came out after about half an hour. The crowd waited another 45 minutes after that until security said everyone else had left out the front door.



Thanks for your reply! How long is the show? Wanna gauge the time i should be at the stage door. Thanks! 


#26THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/23/17 at 5:11pm

I'm flying in to attend the last Price performance in May.  I have zero experience in regards to the stage door.  Does anyone know if the last show of the run is typically a bad night to expect them to come out?  Or can it be positive?   

#27THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/23/17 at 7:19pm

Sorry, I don't have a definite answer, but you'll know right away because there will barriers up if they're coming out. Also, there should be a security guy in front of the stage door that you can ask. They usually know. When I went to the show, I asked one of the ushers where the cast would exit since there are 2 exits, one in front & one in back. He was super nice about it. Hope that helps!

#28THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/23/17 at 9:13pm

TM49 said: "Sorry, I don't have a definite answer, but you'll know right away because there will barriers up if they're coming out. Also, there should be a security guy in front of the stage door that you can ask. They usually know. When I went to the show, I asked one of the ushers where the cast would exit since there are 2 exits, one in front & one in back. He was super nice about it. Hope that helps!



Thanks for replying!  We'll see how it goes.  

#29THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/23/17 at 9:32pm

mufish said: "Saw the show in mid-March. It was particularly cold the weekend I went down.  No one came out after the matinee, but because of the timing I stopped by in the evening after The Glass Menagerie to see if I'd get lucky. Despite the cold, everyone but Jessica Hecht came out. DeVito was out first and fairly quick. Ruffalo was last after quite some time, but he and Shalhoub still did photos and signed, taking their time going down the line. 



Funny.  We must have been at the same show. I think it was March 11 or something like that? Saw the matinee and no one came out.


#30THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/23/17 at 9:36pm

Lox450, The difference on closing night vs other nights are the speeches and possible backstage parties that may keep the cast inside longer.  Of course there is no guarantee that anyone will sign,etc, but that is the drawback on a closing night.  I have only attended one closing night show,  Once Upon a Mattress with SJP and stupidly left once the show was over.  Once I heard the speeches I wanted to go back in.  Ushers/security at first wouldn't allow me,inside, but once I showed my ticket they let me in.  Later when I went outside to stage door many of the cast had what looked like gifts, so that is my assumption of a backstage party.  The funnest moment for me was SJP bitching at Mathew telling him she wanted to go home.  He, with his shirt tail wrinkled over his pants and unkempt, wanted to spend more time on the sidewalk talking to his friend.  She finally yelled "Mathew now!!"  He jumped and away they went.  I got the picture that night who ran that household.  But I am big fans of both so no biggie.

Javi Profile Photo
#31THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/24/17 at 7:40am

I went on Friday, April 20 and there were quite a few people waiting. A few seemed to be sellers because they had things like posters of 'Twins' for Danny DeVito to sign and a bag containing other stuff for Mark. What they did was one person for the star to sign while the other person took a picture of the star signing it so they could guarantee the signature, I'm guessing. Security should have kicked them out. They didn't have programs for the show. Jessica and Tony came out and signed and posed for pictures. Danny just signed but didn't take selfies (although you can take pics of him while he signs).  After about an hour, security told us that Mark had already left via another door. 

For those still to go, when the show ends, they open the doors to the back of the theatre on 43rd St and the stage door is just to the left of that exit. 

#32THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/24/17 at 10:11am

Mark Ruffalo seems to be pretty inconsistent when it comes to the stage door. If you are going specifically for him, I would try really hard to temper your expectations. A woman who was out at the door when I was got really upset when the announcement was made about MR having left out the front door and started mouthing off to security. The stage door appearances are a bonus and never guaranteed, which is something this person didn't seem to grasp. I went on Saturday and only Tony came out. This was nothing to be disappointed about however because he was a great guy. What could have affected my night was it was the last night of Broadway Cares and Mark and Danny each sold autographs/pictures for $1000. Maybe they figured it wasn't fair to do it for free if others just paid so much.

Javi Profile Photo
#33THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/24/17 at 1:43pm

Yeah, it's always a bonus if they come out but I can't believe some people who just would throw tantrums like that. Crazy people. For my show, Mark auctioned off the Hulk T-Shirt he was wearing under his costume. He started to strip but he had on the green T-shirt underneath. 

#34THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/25/17 at 1:59pm

I was there after the 23 April matinee show. Saw quite a couple of people, some with multiple copies of play bills to sign. None of the cast came out. THE PRICE StageDoor

I'm planning to go back to stage door tonight. I have a gift for MR, if there is no chance of meeting him before I fly off this Saturday, is there any way I can get someone to pass the gift to Mr? 

#35THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/25/17 at 2:18pm

You could ask security or the stage manager if they would give it to him. I've never done that before so others who have may have other/better ideas.


The other option would be to try the main exit and hope he comes out that way like he has been. Tricky one with that would be that the actors likely use that door when they don't want/have time to interact with fans so MR or his security may be less open to interaction. 

#36THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/25/17 at 4:15pm

mint said: "I was there after the 23 April matinee show. Saw quite a couple of people, some with multiple copies of play bills to sign. None of the cast came out. THE PRICE StageDoor

I'm planning to go back to stage door tonight. I have a gift for MR, if there is no chance of meeting him before I fly off this Saturday, is there any way I can get someone to pass the gift to Mr? 



Please let us know how this goes....based on instagram it seems that he picks and chooses when he goes out the stage door.  I'm still seeing pics so he still must be doing it occasionally.  Sadly mint, I think he came out after the night performance on the 23rd. I've also pondered whether I should try the front door when I attend the show in May.  

Updated On: 4/25/17 at 04:15 PM

#37THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/25/17 at 4:40pm

This past Saturday at the evening show MR said after the auction "we will see you at the stage door." We took that to mean the actual stage door on 43rd but then he didn't come out. I'm guessing now he meant the door to backstage and was speaking to those who paid $1000 for BCEFA.

#38THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/26/17 at 12:58am

Lox450 said: "mint said: "I was there after the 23 April matinee show. Saw quite a couple of people, some with multiple copies of play bills to sign. None of the cast came out. THE PRICE StageDoor

I'm planning to go back to stage door tonight. I have a gift for MR, if there is no chance of meeting him before I fly off this Saturday, is there any way I can get someone to pass the gift to Mr? 



Please let us know how this goes....based on instagram it seems that he picks and chooses when he goes out the stage door.  I'm still seeing pics so he still must be doing it occasionally.  Sadly mint, I think he came out after the night performance on the 23rd. I've also pondered whether I should try the front door when I attend the show in May.  



Was there an evening show on Sunday? 

I went back to the stage door tonight. It was raining but Tony and Jessica were nice enough to come out and sign a couple of autographs. 


Updated On: 4/26/17 at 12:58 AM

#39THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/26/17 at 1:06am

AprilWheeler said: "You could ask security or the stage manager if they would give it to him. I've never done that before so others who have may have other/better ideas.


The other option would be to try the main exit and hope he comes out that way like he has been. Tricky one with that would be that the actors likely use that door when they don't want/have time to interact with fans so MR or his security may be less open to interaction. 




I was told that he does not do photos or autographs if he exit by the main entrance. Its ok for me just as long as I get the chance to meet him in person and to pass him the gift personally. 

How do I get in touch with the stage manager? 


#40THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/26/17 at 7:25am

mint said: "Lox450 said: "mint said: "I was there after the 23 April matinee show. Saw quite a couple of people, some with multiple copies of play bills to sign. None of the cast came out. THE PRICE StageDoor

I'm planning to go back to stage door tonight. I have a gift for MR, if there is no chance of meeting him before I fly off this Saturday, is there any way I can get someone to pass the gift to Mr? 



Please let us know how this goes....based on instagram it seems that he picks and chooses when he goes out the stage door.  I'm still seeing pics so he still must be doing it occasionally.  Sadly mint, I think he came out after the night performance on the 23rd. I've also pondered whether I should try the front door when I attend the show in May.  



Was there an evening show on Sunday? 

I went back to the stage door tonight. It was raining but Tony and Jessica were nice enough to come out and sign a couple of autographs. 




No, there wasn't an evening show that day.  I'm wondering if people got him before he went in? 

#41THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/27/17 at 9:53am

I was there at the stage door last night for my third attempt. It was drizzling slightly. Tony, Jessica and Mark came out to meet fans. Mark was so incredibly nice and even though it was just a very short 30s interactions,  I'm just so grateful and happy that I have this opportunity to meet Mark in person. This is probably the first and last time I'm meeting him, but this is the best part of my trip and it makes my 20 hours flight all the way to NY so worth it. 

I'm trying to get tickets for the Saturday matinee show before my flight back home.. Hope there will still be tickets left. 

#42THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/27/17 at 10:08am

Congrats on this!   Very happy for you!!!!

Hoping things work out when I go in a couple weeks.  

#43THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/27/17 at 10:13am

I'm SO SO SO very happy for you! I am so glad that after a 20 hour flight, you got to meet him! 

#44THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/30/17 at 1:14am

Had a great experience tonight! Evening show let out at about 10:40. Danny DeVito came out at about 10:55 and signed autographs for everyone, then Tony Shaloub came out around 11:15-11:20 and signed and took pictures and about two minutes later Mark Ruffalo came out and signed and took pictures. All three such nice people, especially Mark Ruffalo. Not sure if Jessica came out because I left after Mark but she may have came out afterwards.


BTW I won the Today Tix lotto for this show tonight on the first try for $35 each! Excellent deal. Great seats on orchestra right row k seats 22 and 24 (the last two seats on the side but you could see everything and were completely full view seats). Really good show as well, I found it very interesting and heart pounding. Hope it recieves some nominations this week!

#45THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 4/30/17 at 7:37am

Congratulations!  That sounds really amazing.  

#46THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 5/14/17 at 3:42am

Hi everyone, time flies and this is the last weekend of The Price. I have since left NYC and returned to my country 2 weeks ago. Just wanna drop a note here to thank everyone for the helpful advices, especially when I was flying in from overseas and I'm not familiar with Broadway as it was my first visit (but definitely not the last!). I have staged door countless of times in my country and in West End, but I have never felt so nervous when meeting MR in person. It's just far beyond my wildest dreams and I was so starstruck. I'm also grateful to the kind souls I met at the stage door, whom I approached for help to take my photos with MR since I was alone and had no one who can help me with pictures.

AprilWheeler and Lox450, thank you guys for the kind words. I was very very happy to meet MR in person. I will always look back on that meeting with fond memories. Lox450, I hope you will enjoy the show (it was amazing!), and hope you get to meet MR at the stage door! 

I hope MR will not wait for another decade to do a Broadway show again! I will definitely come back to NYC if he returns to Broadway!

quizking101 Profile Photo
#47THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 5/14/17 at 6:21pm

For the final performance, only Shalhoub and Hecht came out, and both were in a hurry. The play was excellent though.

DeVito has that Tony locked down

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

#48THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 5/16/17 at 5:32pm


Sadly, I was in NYC Saturday and Sunday and Mark didn't appear either time.  We were disappointed but that's the breaks.  It was a little odd that they didn't come out after the last performance.  Even one of the security guards told us "everyone comes out after the last show."  Other than an awkward encounter with Mark at the front door on Saturday (due to an unruly autograph hunter), we never got a chance.  

The show was still cool and I hope that I get another chance someday.  

#49THE PRICE StageDoor
Posted: 5/16/17 at 6:06pm

What exactly happened?  I don't think they ever signed at the front.


Updated On: 5/16/17 at 06:06 PM
