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THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22- Page 2

THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#25THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/22/24 at 10:30pm

I have ONE single criticism about this. 

In "Justice For Tulsa", Paul (I think) sings to Cherry

"Bob went crazy when he saw you with that greaser kid.
You held his hand at the concession stand
I saw it all
You know just what you did"

And in the show, all the Socs stand behind him sing that last line to Cherry which makes it really almost chilling, ganging up on her and you don't hear that here. That's honestly the only thing I wish was different with this recording.

#26THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/22/24 at 10:41pm

Hope they do a vinyl release 

Edit: yay Vinyl is coming

Updated On: 5/22/24 at 10:41 PM

#27THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/22/24 at 11:19pm

Jordan Catalano said: "I have ONE single criticism about this.

In "Justice For Tulsa", Paul (I think) sings to Cherry

"Bob went crazy when he saw you with that greaser kid.
You held his hand at the concession stand
I saw it all
You know just what you did"

And in the show, all the Socs stand behind him sing that lastline to Cherry which makes it really almost chilling, ganging up on her and you don't hear that here. That's honestly the only thing I wish was different with this recording.

Interesting that you mention this as it concerns a question I had after seeing the first preview. I posted then in the previews thread:

“Curious about a small aspect. I read in comments about the La Jolla run that quite a few people thought “the hand holding” between Ponyboy and Cherry was too much/going too far. [not sure but assumed they thought it was more than what happened in the book and/or movie] I paid attention during the drive-in scene and did not notice ANY hand holding. 
So I thought that might have been changed. However a song after that scene had characters singing about the hand holding. So did I miss it, or were the song lyrics not changed to go with the “no hand holding” change?”

No one responded, so now still curious what others remember actually seeing on stage…hand holding or no hand holding?? 

#28THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/22/24 at 11:24pm

Dkinny23 said: "I've had Throwing in the Towel on non-stop repeat! I think it's actually my favorite song from the album. I saw the show in previews and then again after it "opened". There were no changes to the song from what I could tell. I think it's that the actors have settled more into their roles and it translates into their songs. The grit and emotion coming through these guys is palpable, at least to me. Totally agree that the whole album is gorgeous and rich! So glad it's finally here!"

I’ve had it on repeat too! It breaks my heart that Brent Comer didn’t get a Tony nomination. (I’d throw some shade at Roger Bart for taking it but I don’t want him to send me an angry tweet. 😂 )

Updated On: 5/22/24 at 11:24 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#29THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/22/24 at 11:35pm

re: the hand holding. 

No, there actually isn’t any hand holding. I looked specifically for it. I never thought twice about the line because i assumed it was just a rumor or false info spread to justify the attack. But if it was originally in there than I suppose that explains the line. 

#30THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/23/24 at 1:58pm

Speaking of Pitman's lovely performance, I love that this song was chosen for the WSJ festival. "I could Talk to You All Night" was of my favorites after seeing the show. Trevor Wayne is great! But I admit I'm partial to Grant's pop-huskiness? That might be a horrible description of Grant.... I love Brody's voice! 

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#31THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/23/24 at 2:25pm

A well-produced album of what is, by today's standards, a very nice score. A little generic at times, with a stronger front half, but I am pretty impressed and pleasantly surprised by it. Intensity and earnestness count for a lot here and I think this will have a very long shelf life as a show and as an album. 

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#32THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/23/24 at 2:49pm

This is not a real complaint about the album but I do wish this show had a stronger piece of key art. The music and staging is pretty evocative, surely someone could come cup with something striking and memorable, but the poster/cover looks like a mall chain clothing store window ad from the 00s. It makes the show look pretty toothless. 

theatretenor2 Profile Photo
#33THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/23/24 at 9:09pm

I think they were going with a play on the film marketing materials for nostalgia?

#34THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/23/24 at 11:06pm

I haven’t stopped listening to Hopeless War and I could talk to you for hours. I hope this wins musical and score. 

theatretenor2 Profile Photo
#35THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/24/24 at 10:42am

I'm obsessed with Brent Comer's voice on this album. My top five favorite tracks on this album, though only 1-2 feel like filler or skippable for me: 

Stay Gold


Throwing in the Towel

Runs in the Family

Hopeless War - Did not love this moment in the show because it feels out of place, but love it in the album. 

Almost: Great Expectations - Definitely hits harder in the theatre

Skippable: Friday at the Drive-in



Shubert Alley Cat Profile Photo
Shubert Alley Cat
#36THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/24/24 at 6:06pm

That drive-in song is the low point of the album and also of the show in the theater.  The scene/number was cringe.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#37THE OUTSIDERS to release cast album on May 22
Posted: 5/24/24 at 9:12pm

I dig certain songs but find myself going back to The Notebook. Some really gorgeous melodies. 
