Wicked Fall?

#25re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 2:39pm


Were those actual quotes that people said in an article? Where did that article come from?

I think it's a shame that Idina got hurt and couldn't perform in her last scheduled performance. I really wanted to go and if I had tickets to the Sunday matinee I would have been disappointed too! But for someone to say that was going to be the "last good performance on Broadway ever" is just ignorant. Those people should not be allowed to talk to the press!!

#26re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 2:44pm

dancindramadude- Paraphasing Charles Brown, don't you know sarcasm when you read it?

"During this performance, please feel free to let your cell phones and pagers ring willy-nilly. However, do remember that there are heavily-armed knights on stage and you might well be dragged up and impaled." (Pre-curtain announcement at the new Broadway musical Monty Python's Spamalot)

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#27re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 5:14pm

stooooooopppppppppp taaaaalllllllllkkkkkkkkkkkinnnnnnggggggg abbbbbbbouuuuuuuuutttttttt iiiiiiiitttttttttt
please I beg you with every last fiber of what's left of my pitiful being.

Was that a fat joke?

stagemomfromhell Profile Photo
#28re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 5:33pm

talking about it helps us work through our FEELINGS!

ItSucks2BAveQ Profile Photo
#29re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 5:44pm

my butt

TheatreRatinBlue Profile Photo
#30re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 5:47pm

I'm sorry, but i'm just way out of the loop. What happened? All i've really caught is something about a trap door and Idina fell or hurt herself or something. I usually stray away from any thread that has Wicked in the subject line because of how bloody they can get. But fill me in someone...please?!

stagemomfromhell Profile Photo
#31re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 5:48pm

If you would like this thread to go away then stop bumping it to the top. I know that talking about things that happen to us or others can help quite a bit with moving forward.

ItSucks2BAveQ Profile Photo
#32re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 5:50pm

Yea, what momfromhell said!!!!!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#33re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 5:55pm

Tru dat :)

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#34re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 5:56pm

I'm gonna be honest and say that I never usually say mean/controversialstuff on here. But this is an exception. PLEASE tell me that you were kidding about working out your feelings and moving forward. YES, it's sad that Idina got hurt and that she left the show. but PLEASE. it's a show. I love wicked. Think it's probably the best show broadway's seen in a long time, and Wicked is one of my all time favorites, so saying ANYTHING bad about Wicked is not only weird for me, i also feel bad...but still...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't grieve for someone who is not only living, but also only injured for a short time.
ps Stagemomfromhell...are you serious with that S/N?? sounds scary to me!! :) j/k

Was that a fat joke?

stagemomfromhell Profile Photo
#35re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 6:04pm

Hey I know she will be fine. G-d has blessed us with the ability to heal. Just because she didnt die from the accident, dosnt mean that it was not traumatic. When you care about someone it is painful when they are hurt or sad. Anyone who steps foot on a stage has some kind of fear. Failure is certainly high on the list but so is injury. There are tons of stories about actors falling into the pit etc. Then of course there are the fears of your costume comming apart. This accident was an unfortunate finish to an Awesome run. I was there to see IDINA and it really sucks that it didnt happen. The show was great and Shoshana certainly rose to the occasion!

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#36re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 6:31pm

indeed...sorry to jump on you like that...sometimes I get annoyed a wee bit too easliy....but anyway, pardon my jacka$$ery and welcome to the board. (and FYI I don't think you have to say "G-D" like that unless it's a matter of personal preference :)) and I have many fears too...in fact, that shall be my new thread. Theatre fears. Congrats.....you're my inspiration :)

Was that a fat joke?

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#37re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/14/05 at 6:37pm

At the same time, especially at the present, there are many, many more people who need our thoughts, prayers and concerns a wee bit more than Idina does.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#38re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/15/05 at 12:30am

"The Washington Post had a very small four paragraph blurb and that was about it."

Isn't that about four paragraph more than their usual NY theater coverage?

And who ever said that Toyna should not be allowed to breed is SO out of line. She's bringing a whole new generation of musical theater lovers to Broadway...and message boards. I just wonder what names they use here.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

#39re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/15/05 at 1:09am

"i'm sure people will know what happened in good time. we find out EVERYTHING on this board :)"

You're kidding yourself if you believe that Cab. I never once learned through this message board what the REAL reason was that Wicked didn't perform on Weekend Today the Saturday after the Tony Awards, leaving the space for Caroline, Or Change.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

magruder Profile Photo
#40re: Wicked Fall?
Posted: 1/15/05 at 11:57am

Oh, Namo, that's a REALLY good story. I'll email you privately.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"
