
Getting Backstage...WICKED- Page 2

Getting Backstage...WICKED

#25re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/13/05 at 11:50pm

I have been backstage only when I knew one of the actors in the show and they escorted us in.

#26re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/13/05 at 11:55pm

NYC, I don't know his name, but he was incredibly sweet. I didn't get to go backstage, but I witnessed him let a girl back who he had met a year ago at the stage door. She had a friend with her who had never been to a Broadway show.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#27re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/13/05 at 11:58pm

I believe some of CJR's going backstage is because of her job, isn't it?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#28re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 12:25am

Going backstage isn't THAT much fun...it's cool for the first couple minutes but soon pales...even though you may meet actors, you don't actually get to know them (that well, at least) and unless you are into theatre tech. that stuff just confuses you (...ok, me.)

Now...if one happened to WORK backstage, that would be cool...to watch the shows every night and to see the behind the scenes stuff...ahhh *smiles in the midst of her blissful fantasy*

"If you can talk, you can sing...if you can walk, you can dance." - T.K. Greene

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#29re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 12:35am

I would just want to see a show from the wings. That'd be cool.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

#30re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 2:08am

take pictures...ahhh

"If you can talk, you can sing...if you can walk, you can dance." - T.K. Greene

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#31re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 2:34am

This is slightly off topic, but I'm going to see Wicked in LA tommorow night and I was wondering, is it worth it to wait at the stagedoor after the show? What I mean is, do the actors come out, if they do how are they about stopping to sign stuff etc. I know this is probably a pretty stupid question but I've never done the stagedoor thing before and my ride would prefer to not wait an hour for nothing after the show so I was just wondering if anyone had any experiences/advice they could share. If you do PM me please. Thanks!

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and cherish....it's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#32re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 3:52am

I've been backstage at Wicked. My friend knows one of the cast members...Soo. You definitley have to know someone.

That seems to be the general consensus.

#33re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 8:49am

One of the guys at the Marquis stage door is Hector... that might be who you're thinking of.

Yes, Emcee is correct, part of my job is going backstage. For work, Ive never felt in the way, but when visiting friends (either in a show or working backstage at a show) sometimes the setting can be quite chaotic and busy. My post was just supposed to reitterate that if you don't belong back there, you really shouldn't be there.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#34re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 9:25am

I hate it when people are at our stage door..I feel like animal at a zoo with people staring and pointing.

Then they ask dumb questions..."Were you in the show??"

um..no..I just happen to be wearing black liner around my red lips and a cast coat for the hell of it...

uggh, stupid people

#35re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 9:35am

what exactly is your profession CJR?

hear the beat...

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#36re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 11:57am

yes most if not all the cast memebers come out of the stage door for the Wicked tour. They're all very nice and gracious about it too.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#37re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 12:02pm

I've never really understood the big deal about going back stage. If I've learned one thing from touring all over this country and Europe is that they all pretty much look the same. Whenever I go back stage after a show that I've seen it is because I know someone in the show who has it cleared. Like Heather said "if you don't belong back there, you really shouldn't be there." Amen sista!

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#38re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 12:40pm

Di2- you think you'd be grateful there were fans who appreciate your performance enough to ask for an autograph...go figure.

#39re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 2:30pm

Public Relations

Theatre, specifically.... or mostly, I should say. I used to perform, but this is what I do now. Those who can do, those who can't..... well, we do your PR re: Getting Backstage...WICKED

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

NYC_or_Bust Profile Photo
#40re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 2:40pm


I adore the black band holding on the Phantom's mask. ~ Jenna2

XOsweet_dancerOX Profile Photo
#41re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 3:11pm

backstage really is'nt pretty. People are so excited to go there. Why? to see people running around doing errands, fixing costumes and things like that? it gets hectic.

Kristin Chenoweth could barely control a Great Dane she trotted onto the stage. "Great, they gave me a dog that weighs five times what I do", she quipped. For the record, she weighs 93 pounds, and has a Maltese.

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#42re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 3:24pm

I think to meet actors, go on stage, and see the props.

NYC_or_Bust Profile Photo
#43re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 3:28pm

I think many of you are missing something. Sometimes people find backstage just as exciting as being on stage or out in the house.
What goes on backstage is like a whole other "show", always something going on. It's interesting to see sets stored in the fly space, ones that you can recognize sitting in the house...No show would be complete without the theatrics of what goes on backstage, its a tradition in its own right, a traditon that broadway has held since it's start...It's thrilling to see a backstage area where great stars or shows have played...take for instance the Shubert...think of all the greats that have played there. the few times that i've gone it was thrilling for me to walk around and just be in amazement of knowing that just prior to me going back, that the cast lead by bernadette peters, just gave a knock out performance of GYPSY an AMAZING show in american musical theatre history....To know that it was the birthplace of A CHORUS LINE!.....its just thrilling....it may not be glitzy and glamour like...but its not about the look...its about the feel.

I adore the black band holding on the Phantom's mask. ~ Jenna2

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#44re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 3:29pm

The union actually does have rules about that though. It isn't really permitted if I'm not mistaken, not to mention the hazard that it can cause.

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

#45re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 10:15pm

Technically it actually isn't permitted, you're correct WonderBoy. The person who brought you back (if not an actor) could get in a lot of trouble with the big bosses for having backstage visitors.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#46re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/14/05 at 10:39pm

NYC, I meant to ask you, how'd you get backstage at the Shubert? Cast or Crew? (I probably know them, it's the only reason I'm asking. I'm nosy re: Getting Backstage...WICKED)

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

NYC_or_Bust Profile Photo
#47re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 1:50am

I knew a cast member from GYPSY

I adore the black band holding on the Phantom's mask. ~ Jenna2

Thenardier Profile Photo
#48re: Getting Backstage...WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 2:06am

For me it's cool since I won't to work backstage...so it's like taking a tour of...a law office?

OK, n.m.
