
HAIR-what note is that?!- Page 2

HAIR-what note is that?!

#25re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/8/05 at 5:14pm

I love that Album - not all of it - but most of it. I love Gavin's song. I don't really care for "I got Life" but I think its moreso the song that I don't like, not really Adam singing it, cause I don't mind his voice. I don't see why ppl are bashing this CD. Why are ppl so against pop music? It takes a lot of talent to sing it and Sho blew everyone away on that song. Why do you guys have to be so damn pessimistic about everything. You know you couldn't hit that note if your life depended on it, so give her some credit, jeez.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#26re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/8/05 at 7:44pm

RentBoy, I don't think anyone was being anit-pop music here. It's an incredible score, an incredible cast, but this recording doesn't seem to reflect the life and energy like the concert did. The tempos drag, some of the mixing sounds strnge, the vocals don't always blend well--just problems with the recording, not necessarily Hair

#27re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/8/05 at 9:58pm

Is Hair pop music?

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#28re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 1:32pm

Depends how you define pop music, but I'd say no. It uses themes and motifs from popular music, but I think the score is rooted in musical theatre more than some people give it credit for.

I think it is one of the few rock inspired scores that works. It is theatrical and powerful, unlike most of the other attempts at blending rock and theatre. The lyrics are sharper and more precise than most rock scores.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#29re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 1:58pm

HAIR is a rock musical. On that album, it sounds nothing like a rock musical.

All of the tempos are DEATHLY slow and the performances (except for a few) have absolutely no energy or meaning behind them.

"Easy to be Hard" has what is probably the longest existing running time for a song. It's the song that never ends. Why does she feel the need to relish every single note? I can't stand it.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

shameless Profile Photo
#30re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 2:16pm

I agree that some of it drags, especially "Easy to be Hard," but I like a lot of the versions on this recording. Especially, Going Down, Hair, Hippie Life and Sheila Franklin, even though, I think Shosh went a little overboard toward the end.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

#31re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 2:33pm

1) I'm sure Seth made her riff a lot, since he enjoys riffing as much as I do.
2) Bso, every time you write a comment about Shoshana, it makes me want to smack you just a liiiiiittle bit more.
3) I think if they made a live recording of the concert it would have been 100x better. The concert was absolutely amazing, and Hudson's easy to be hard was the best song I have ever heard performed live. Not to mention the crowd was fantaaaastic.

shameless Profile Photo
#32re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 2:37pm

I definitely didn't mean that as a slam against Shosh, I LOVE her voice, but I just think sometimes less is more.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#33re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 2:39pm

You Shoshana fans just need to chill out. A LOT of people don't like her voice. You're entitled to your opinion, but let the tons of people who feel differently have theirs too.

That said-She isn't the second coming or anything. She's leaving Broadway for good after Wicked. So any chance she'll have to prove herself as anything other than a one riff pony has been squashed by her pipe dream of being a pop star.

ruprecht Profile Photo
#34re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 3:12pm

It doesn't matter what any of us thinks, the darn thing now has a Grammy nomination so someone thought it was great. And now for a timely threadjack, who cares what freakin note Shoshana is singing on the Hair album, someone, anyone, tell me what note Orfeh is doing at the end of "Christmas In My Mobile Home" on Carol's For a Cure! Now that's worth investigating since it seem to be in full belt. G-D help me, I am obsessed with that woman.

#35re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 3:55pm

I completely forgot that I posted this. But, thanks for the answer, and the continuing discussion on the recording re: HAIR-what note is that?!

It's one of those musicals that I've never been exposed to before (strange, I know). I enjoy it. It's sort of like the subject matter of RENT meeting GODSPELL'S sound.

#36re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 4:11pm

No idea but damn is it high. I actually enjoy Shoshana on that recording whereas listening to her sing in Wicked, honestly, gives me a headache.

Am I cut out to spend my time this way?

Candleshoe2 Profile Photo
#37re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 5:23pm

Is there any way I can hear Shoshana's note? (I don't have the CD.)

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#38re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 5:25pm

"Is there any way I can hear Shoshana's note? (I don't have the CD.)"

Buy the Cd. Proceeds go to charity.

Greg in Dallas
#39re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 5:29pm

I haven't heard this CD but could it be any worse than some of the notes attempted to be hit inthe concert version of Dreamgirls 'this ain't no party'?

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#40re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 5:31pm

I thought it was funny that Ana, Eden and Shosh were all in that concert. It was like the battle of the Elphie's, but I thought they all sounded great!

". . . POP . . ."

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#41re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 5:37pm

Ana wiped the floor vocally with Eden and Shoshana.

shameless Profile Photo
#42re: HAIR-what note is that?!
Posted: 12/9/05 at 6:59pm

In case, this thread turns into another round of Bean bashing after I'm gone, let me just say for the record, that I think the woman is immensely talented and I never meant to imply otherwise. Thank you and goodnight. :)

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson
