
"but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre"- Page 2

"but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre"

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#25re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/27/05 at 11:51pm

hateobnoxious -

To make a sweeping statement like "the lack of culture in LA" just shows you are like most transplants who don't bother to look.

I was born and raised here. I find it is not those I grew up with that lack culture, it is those who come from elsewhere seeking fame and forture that do.

Does LA have a superficial facade to it - yes - thanks to the role Movies and TV play in its economic base. But it is funny, with the exception of those raised with enormous wealth at their disposal, I find most of the folks I grew up with hard working, thoughtful folks who do such things as read books, go to the theater, and go to museums.

#26re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/27/05 at 11:51pm

Oh come on, everyone from LA don't take it so personally, there is no doubt regardless of talent and the number of theatres and the education of actors that NYC is the HEART of theatre and LA is the HEART of film/tv. And yes I understand that theatre is all over the country, not denying that at all.

"Who doesn't hate teens that are obnoxious" - A.P.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#27re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/27/05 at 11:57pm

I don't disagree with that premise.

I disagree with the sweeping generalizations about Los Angeles.

Sure, it has its problems. And yes, because of the film and TV business, looks seem to matter more here than, lets say, Cedar Rapids Iowa.

But, as someone born and raised in LA, it has a lot of different things to offer. If you choose to only look for the superficial and plastic, that is what you will find.

#28re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 12:03am

I think that the person just missed the point of Drowsy Chaperone, prompting the comment... oh well.

As a Angelino (well actually no, as an Orange County-ian) I think that most people know a lot more general information about the entire entertainment industry than any other location in the United States. Especially in Orange County, most people who can afford to (basically all the rich people) "Go to the theater" as they call it whenever they can, and usually can regale their Theatrically affluent friends about their theater experiencesd with Cats, Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, and basically all of the other big touring musicals. Orange County has a lot of great theater (Shakespeare OC, 5 or 6 Civic Light Operas, South Coast Rep., OCPAC, lots and lots of small theater programs, greta theater coming from Fullerton College and Cal State Fullerton, as well as the 3 performing arts magnet schools and 30-some incredible drama programs at local high schools) that is usually overlooked in the scheme of things. I find that Angelinos (no offense this is a generalization) usually neglect a night at the Ahmanson to catch an early sreening of Memiors of a Geisha at the ArcLight or see an exhibit at LACMA, while lots of people from down here drive out of thier way to see shows (like at the Walt Disney COncert Hall, LA Opera, Ahmanson, Pantages... ect).

Also, if you think about it, a LOT of shows do out-of-town tryouts here (Evita, Sunset Boulevard, A Dancer's Life, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Drowsy Chaperone, Ragtime... this is all off the top of my head), so obviously producers believe this area to be an excellent tryout ground for new works. I dont think Des McAnuff would entrust the communtiy to mold one of his new musicals (Doctor Zhivago) by utilizing a new program in which the audience through interviews and surveys actually become a major part of the production and writing process. Each community has its own great theater and ungrateful residents who neglect it.

It's kinda true and kinda not, it matters what groups you run around with.

#29re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 1:44am

You want it when - "The lack of culture of LA" comment truly comes from the fact that NYC has every type of ethnicity represented in ALL facets of life here. There is the true melting pot of culture bursting at the seams here and every group of people added to this city from the begin of colonization. The roots of culture in NYC is far superior to the culture you talk about ie reading books, going to theatre and museums, big deal. Here in NYC we certainly do not have as much of a race problem that Southern California has, we actually have white people tend to lawns in the suburbs out here. And as for TRANSPLANTS - the ones that come here from LA who also were born and bred there agree with ME.

"Who doesn't hate teens that are obnoxious" - A.P.

#30re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 1:56am

Gee, I'm white and tend to my lawn....

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#31re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 2:27am

You know, I don't even know where to start, and I figure you are just now trying to bait me. Because you speak in such broad generalizations and absolutes that it is begging for me to get all long and windy correcting you. And, because I agreed with you underlying premise, that New York is a city more geared towards theater and LA is more geared to TV and Film I can only think now you have nothing better to do than try to garner a response.

So, I will just say NY is a wondeful place, with some problems. I love to visit it and have thought of moving there.

LA is also a wonderful place, with some different and some similar problems. I was born and raised here and believe it is not the city you describe.

I am glad you were able to return home and get away from Los Angeles because it is clearly not a place you like or want to be. Now, I will go eat a yogurt, because it is the only culture available to us poor misguided racists in Los Angeles.

Updated On: 12/28/05 at 02:27 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#32re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 3:20am

Now, I will go eat a yogurt, because it is the only culture available to us poor misguided racists in Los Angeles.


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#33re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 3:21am

It's impossible to convince the East Coast elitists in this argument, so it would be a waste of my time to even try. True, there are Angelinos who prefer living in New York just as there are plenty of L.A. transplants from New York who would never think of going back there to live. The fact remains that the L.A. (and Orange County) theater scene is something that we can be proud of. Our stages are filled with talented actors (who have the option of doing screen or stage work, and choose to do stage work despite the lack of monetary incentive). And I would have to insist that people who say otherwise truly doesn't know what they are talking about.

BillyBones Profile Photo
#34re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 3:34am

Aye! We are completely inferior in our knowledge of theatre, but we have good hearty lungs that have adapted to the smog! We don't need no pansy-ass pure air, do we?

Billy Bones: Beware lad, beware.
Jim Hawkins: What, the one-legged man?
Billy Bones: Aye, but also, beware running with scissors or any other pointy object. It's all good fun, until someone loses an eye.

MissMonika Profile Photo
#35re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 3:50am

born and raised in The OC and i'm proud to say that most people here and in LA are well educated in theater: musicals and what not. and as for the "race problem" i'ver never really encountered anything like that. there are a good number of different ethnicities in this area and have never seen any prejudice. i'm filipina, also, so i kno.

but hey, if ppl wanna go make comments like that, then they are obvioulsy ignorant and are making judgements without even checking their facts.

Yes, I'm pinay. And I'm proud of it!

best12bars Profile Photo
#36re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 10:17am

You know, every single one of you who speaks about the lack of "cultural diversity" in Los Angeles, has SO obviously NEVER BEEN HERE... or never been beyond a tiny isolated (touristy) section of this vastly spread out city.

There is MORE cultural diversity in the Los Angeles arts scene than there is in NYC. Yes, I've seen both. I've lived in both cities. I know what I'm talking about.

You do not. Period.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#37re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 10:24am

Race Problem:

It is an problem about economics and the changing demographics of the state. It is not currently a problem stemming from Race. It is all about the Benjamins.

I was going to post a long disucssion of this but decided not to further engage someone who is not able or willing to hear the argument.

And, clearly Bars, it cannot be art of it is generated out of LA, it must be plastic crap similar that has no redeeming value.

Updated On: 12/28/05 at 10:24 AM

#38re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 4:41pm

Gee, then that whole GETTY museum thing...shall we burn it to the ground?

Updated On: 12/28/05 at 04:41 PM

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#39re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 4:47pm

Yep - both of them for good measure.

BroadwayBaby6 Profile Photo
#40re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 7:41pm

I have never heard such a load of sh*t in my entire life.

LA has more theatre than any other American city except NYC. On most weekends there are over 120 plays and shows in LA.

Where but in LA can one see such theare luminaries such as Brian D'Arcy James, Loretta Devine, Robert Mandan, Robert Foxworth, Tonya Pinkins, Daisy Egan, Valarie Pettiford, Jason Graae, and Bonnie Franklin in small theatre (under 99 seat) productions.

As for "The Drowsy Chaperone", it's not a show for everyone, especially not for jaded New Yorkers.

"It does what a musical is supposed to do; it takes you to another world. And it gives you a little tune to carry in your head. Something to take you away from the dreary horrors of the real world. A little something for when you're feeling blue. You know?"

BroadwayBaby6 Profile Photo
#41re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 7:51pm

To reply to the bitchy comments on "Drowsy". Anybody who knows anything about theatre can see that the show was superbly directed. Whether you find the material appealing or not, the direction was first-rate.

"It does what a musical is supposed to do; it takes you to another world. And it gives you a little tune to carry in your head. Something to take you away from the dreary horrors of the real world. A little something for when you're feeling blue. You know?"

#42re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 8:17pm

In response to:

"They also mentioned that the choreography for Drowsy was "uncreative.""

Well then the person in question, who was bashing LA for not knowing anything about theatre, needs to think about something. If the choreo for Drowsy is uncreative...blame Casey Nicholaw, isn't he the choreographer? AND isn't he from NEW YORK CITY!?

I presently call New York City home, and it's a fine city. But one thing really, really irks me about this place...it's ego. Don't get me wrong, I love the pace, the excitement, the plethora of theatre...what I hate are those select (not all!) New Yorkers who think this island is the only place in the world with theatre worth seeing.

Overheard at the Winter Garden the other day: an employee stating that touring performers aren't up to snuff with their Broadway counterparts. I've worked on tours, and grew up seeing shows on tour (as well as their Broadway productions in NY). I have to say that many times I'm more pleased with the casts on the tours. THey have a new press opening night every few weeks or months...so the pressure to keep it fresh, and exciting is greater. In NYC once you open, thats it. You're done. You can coast...and I've seen a lot of that on Broadway lately. Makes me sad. However...I don't think touring performers are better. Let us remember that tours AND Broadway both cast from the same talent pool.

Also, I toured through LA and found the audiences incredibly sophisticated, and the city does have a love of theatre, and quite a remarkable theatre scene. I even found it more varied than NY in some respects.

NY is a fabulous theatre city. LA is a fabulous theatre city. Why fight? Both have ups, both have downs. Both will have smash hits...both will have turkeys. But these New Yorkers who hold such animosity towards the theatre found in LA, indeed anywhere that isn't on their prescious little island, need to grow up and maybe book a flight and travel...spend some time in these places. They might just surprise you. Something to ponder, perhaps.

#43re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 9:16pm

LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO, NOT ONLY DID YOU TAKE THE BAIT BUT YOU RAN WITH IT. I have lived in NYC, SF and LA all for extended periods of time and have had plenty of time to see what each city offers, I still go to LA and SF for half the year and spend the other half in NYC most years due to my line of work. Now trot down to the Beverly Center and meet up with your gal pals and go shopping LOL LOL LOL

"Who doesn't hate teens that are obnoxious" - A.P.

#44re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 9:23pm

Does anyone else find the comments directly above posted by obnoxious not only immature, but also a tad (ok maybe a bit more than a tad) rude and offensive?

#45re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 9:24pm


What the puck?!

Popular Profile Photo
#46re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 9:31pm

If after 45+ posts you haven't seen that this thread is going nowhere...

c'mon guys, let's just give it a rest. You are talking to a brick wall. We know the truth and I think we've done an impressive job "defending" our city.

Obnoxious is as new to this board as he is to the art of debate. Let's put him out of his misery and let the thread die.

best12bars Profile Photo
#47re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 9:34pm

* agrees with Popular, shakes her hand, and gives the Last Rights to this thread *

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 12/28/05 at 09:34 PM

#48re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 9:36pm

Boys and Girls: In Southern California theres a place where everyone can be happy, it's the most beautiful place in the whole f***ing world. It's made of candy canes and planes and bright red choo choo trains, with the meanest little boys, and the most innocent little girls and you know I wish that I could go there, but its a road that I have not found for I am an elitist New Yorker who is blind to everything that is the JOY of Los Angeles. Praise the Lord Brothers and Sisters!

"Who doesn't hate teens that are obnoxious" - A.P.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#49re: 'but no one in L.A. knows sh*t about theatre'
Posted: 12/28/05 at 11:57pm

Whatever you are on, can you share with the group -
It must be good **** because you are now wildly entertaining.

BTW, my yougut is still quite delicious.

Hi Pop, hope you had a great holiday.
