
"Idol" Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease- Page 2

"Idol" Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease

#25re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/12/08 at 4:46pm

I do totally agree that reality show's leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. However, I think they also overlook the talent that does come out of them.

Max and Laura are very talented people. I know they have been bashed over and over again, but I think it's more about HOW they got the role rather than the fact that they did. Both had powerhouse voices, as far as Grease is concerned anyway, and they played the roles well. Was Max your typical Danny Zuko? No, and I think most of his criticism came from the fact that he wasn't John Travolta. Has anyone seen Derek Keeling? He is what most would call a Danny Zuko type, good looking kid etc. However, he can not sing the role as well as Max did. If any of you have seen the show recently, I think you would agree that Max won for a reason.

As far as Laura goes, she is great. I wish I could see her at The Kennedy Center in a few weeks. She has a beautiful voice and deserved to be there. Ashley Spencer struggled with HDTY and did not radiate any sweetness whatsoever. The audience is supposed to love Sandy, I was afraid of Ashley Spencer.

Anyway, I think no one who likes Grease believes it is the best show on Broadway. People, it's Grease. Do we forget that even the movie was stunt cast? Frankie Avalon was there as a novelty. Bringing in Taylor Hicks, who in my opinion did a great job, was simply adhering to the spirit of the show. Grease is designed to be stunt cast, it makes it fun.

I really do love this production of Grease, and I love it for the production not the stunt casting. Do I think it's the best show on Broadway, no, but I enjoy it without apology. Grease is not going to be rethought, there will be no new groundbreaking concept. It is there because it is iconic, and not simply in the world of musical theatre.

And one last thing that is bothersome is the claim that there is no talent in Grease. I think that is completely unfair to the entire cast. Just because they are involved in a show that you do not like, or that may be trite, does not in anyway make them untalented. The supporting cast is a talented group, I think it's cruel to dismiss them entirely on your opinion of Grease.

Just remember, even if you hate the show, hate reality tv, hate the cast, hate the leads, hate Taylor Hicks, hate Ace Young and hate Grease...there is a reason it is on broadway and you are not!

So lighten up, it's Grease! Just enjoy it for what it is. Despite its reviews, the show is a hit and I'm happy for everyone involved.

NYTheatre01 Profile Photo
#26re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/12/08 at 6:21pm

Although I agree with most of your post, I would have to disagree with you concerning Max and Laura. Ashley Spencer and Derek Keeling, in my opinion, are much better in the parts than Max and Laura were. Although Max and Laura were good, they did not command the stage the way Derek and Ashley do. I didn't feel that Max and Laura's voices carried past the first few rows. Ashley and Derek's stage chemistry is also wonderful. Never felt any chemistry between Max and Laura. During the show, I felt like Max and Laura had more of a brother/sister relationship.

Yes, Max and Laura won the reality show, but when it came time to do the show, the stage chemistry just wasn't there. In my opinion, that's probably one of the reasons their contracts weren't renewed.

Updated On: 9/13/08 at 06:21 PM

#27re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/12/08 at 6:47pm

I'm just so confused by the statement by someone who was afraid of Ashley Spencer as "Sandy." Ashley is a great actress, and she plays "Sandy" so well! She was born to play the part! There's no way that you could watch her perform and be scared of "Sandy!" And as for her singing, she's been flawless every time I've watched her perform. She's so talented and is fantastic in every part that she plays!

#28re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/12/08 at 7:45pm

NYTheatreO1 - You don't know why they left the show. Maybe it was their decision? In any case, you assumption is unfair at best.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

#29re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/12/08 at 11:51pm

I disagree,

I found Derek to be vocally weak. He is very nasally during Sandy, putting much of it in the falsetto whereas as Max hit the notes fully. Derek is also very aware of the fact that he is playing Danny. Whenever he has a funny line, he stops, looks at the audience, says the line, gives them a smile, and turns back into the action. It's hard to explain, it's just very..breaking the 4th wall. Instead of delivering the line to the cast, he leaves them hanging as he milks the moment from the audience. It seems a bit cocky, that's just my opinion. Ashley, at least to me, does not radiate sweetness. She seems very cold. When I saw her perform she was so flat in Hopelessly to Devoted to you, I was embarrassed for her. The biggest example for her is 'Summer Nights', she is very ... fake. Laura Osnes is adorable. When Ashley walks on stage, she just seems very cold.

This of course is just my opinion. I do know for a fact however that Max and Laura chose not to renew their contracts and chose not to tour. Their leaving the show was their own choice, the producers wanted them to stay.

#30re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/13/08 at 7:55am

I've heard a different message about Max and Laura. I'd recheck your facts. Ashley and Derek were the top choices to move into the roles, and with good reason. They are excellent! Derek is adorable and I didn't notice him stop and wait for the audience's reaction. I thought he was great in the role. He was perfect. His singing was fantastic--loved his "Sandy." And I don't think anyone else has ever described Ashley's singing as flat. She is doing wonderfully in the role. She's got an amazing voice and definitely has what it takes to be "Sandy." Her acting is incredible as well. Both Derek and Ashley are a welcome addition to "Grease!" The show could have had anybody after Max's and Laura's year was over, and Ashley and Derek were chosen. To me, that speaks volumes. You couldn't have two more talented or nicer people in the roles!
Updated On: 9/13/08 at 07:55 AM

NYTheatre01 Profile Photo
#31re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/13/08 at 10:57am

You're facts are wrong. Max and Laura contracts for the Broadway Show were not renewed. They were offered the tour but they turned it down. You should check your facts before you make these statements. They did NOT have a choice.

If you need to check the facts, do a search on the Grease Message Boards and you will find, where Laura Osnes' mother, posted that Laura and Max were not offered new contracts.

#32re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/13/08 at 11:09am

You are correct NYtheatre01 about Laura and Max's contracts. I had forgotten.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!
Updated On: 9/13/08 at 11:09 AM

#33re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/13/08 at 11:11am

This was a direct quote from Laura's mom on the "Grease" message boards--

Max and Laura had year contracts that are now over. They were both offered touring roles, and both turned it down perhaps for different reasons. They were not offered an extended Broadway contract but they had a spectacular year, tickets sales were great and I am certain everyone is and was happy. It is time for change.

NYTheatre01 Profile Photo
#34re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/13/08 at 11:17am

Yes, and the show is doing wonderfully with Derek and Ashley. They are wonderful performers! I know for a FACT that Jim Jacobs, the Co-writer of Grease, is thrilled with Ashley and Derek's performances. And, I hear, (haven't seen him yet) that Ace Young is a really good Kenicke!

#35re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/13/08 at 11:22am

That's wonderful to hear that Ashley and Derek are getting the praise that they so truly deserve! From fans, as well as the person who wrote the show!
Updated On: 9/13/08 at 11:22 AM

That Girl
#36re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/18/08 at 12:59pm

?? I agree with you, I preferred Max and Laura’s voices. The producers of the show wanted them to go on tour so they could reach some of their fans from the TV show who could not make it to NY and both decided not to take advantage of the offer. The producers placed Derek and Ashley in the Broadway show hoping to bring in some of their fans from the TV show. Lately the numbers have been really low but hopefully it will pick up. I’m all for “stunt casting” when it is someone as hot and talented as Ace. I didn’t know who he was before I saw his performance from Broadway to Broadway posted on the internet but I’m impressed.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#37re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/18/08 at 10:58pm

Bumping only because I saw Ace going into the All My Sons final dress last night on my way to 13, and he is one tall drink of water. I really had no idea. And if he can sing, why is he not huge?

And now, back to the program.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

#38re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/20/08 at 9:01pm

I think that the show is doing pretty well now, and they couldn't have picked two better leads! They are amazing in their roles! I know that with Ashley and Derek on board, the show will continue to do well!

#39re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/21/08 at 12:23pm

remember the pissing match Ace got into with the Queen guys in the "rehearsel" footage on AI?

I'd fire you... if you weren't so g*dd*mn beautiful out there. - Blades of Glory blog

Kaykohl Profile Photo
#40re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/21/08 at 12:39pm

That really wasn't what happened. One of the guys from Queen did an interview that was all over the net where he said the editing made it appear as if there was a problem but there really wasn't.

Two different parts of the work session were edited together making it appear as if they were at odds. That's reality tv for you.

hmpeterson Profile Photo
#41re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/21/08 at 1:51pm

I know a lot of people like to rip on this show and the way it was cast. But I watched the reality show and I went to see Grease with Max and Laura (to see if they could pull it off) and then just last weekend with Derek and Ashley. And I still consider myself a big fan of the theater and I like seeing all kinds of talent. I liked Laura and think she has a beautiful voice but I think she is still very "green" for broadway. A few more roles with experience and she may have a very nice career. I don't think Max is un-talented but I do not think he was right for this part. Ashley and Derek were terrific. She has wonderful stage presence and was spot on with her performance. I thought Derek did a nice job with his commedic timing and was Danny Zuko, for me.

For the person who called this cast "no talents" couldn't be more wrong and must not have seen the show. Robyn Hurder and Lindsay Mendez are terrific with powerful and solid voices. The ensenble cast was very strong. I think it is unfair to this cast to say they are "no talent." Don't like show...I can understand why. Don't like stunt casting...understandable also...although as someone mentioned, this is Grease after all.

As for Ace Young...yummy to look at and did ok with the role. But he couldn't touch Matthew Saldivar's vocals. But hey, for his first broadway role, not bad at all.

Kaykohl Profile Photo
#42re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/21/08 at 2:56pm

As for Ace Young...yummy to look at and did ok with the role. But he couldn't touch Matthew Saldivar's vocals. But hey, for his first broadway role, not bad at all.

- - - -

Ace is definitely yummy to look at, but once you get past the pretty, his singing and acting is pretty mediocre.

#43re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/21/08 at 7:17pm

Thanks for sharing your comments, hmpeterson! Loved them!

#44re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/24/08 at 9:34am


I loved your "something green other than Shrek lurking around" comment. Go see "Grease." It's great ... with a talented cast from day one...and continues to be great!

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#45re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/24/08 at 11:15am

??, I agree with everything you've said. Just because you don't like the show is no reason to rag on the entire cast. They're not all my cup of tea, but there are some real gems there I hope go on to bigger and better things.

Also, Derek is the most nasal singer I've ever heard. He's a prettier Danny, but I definitely missed Max's vocals.

#46re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/24/08 at 8:07pm

I thought Derek was great! Loved his "Sandy!"

#47re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
Posted: 9/24/08 at 11:32pm

I don't watch American Idol, so when I saw the posters about Ace joining Grease, I assumed he was gonna be the Teen Angel. With that being said, I did watch the casting show for Grease and I liked who they picked...but I never got around to seeing Max. I definately regret it, but I think Derek was good. It's Grease...the show is fun. I loved the costumes. As far as Ace's performance, I honestly thought he was damn good. I thought he was an actor/singer, I didn't realize HE was the American Idol guy when I saw the show. So in my opinion, he pulled it of well. I was proud of him. Go Ace, good for you. I think he took a risk, and I think it will pay off.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL
