
Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review- Page 2

Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review

GatorNY Profile Photo
#25re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 2:50pm

I thought it was beautiful to watch. I was impressed with the sets, which i thought were really versatile. I absolutely loved the lighting...GORGEOUS to take in visually. The costumes as well were beautiful. I have never seen or heard James Barbour until last night. He was fantastic. I really started to LOVE it when Carton sings about life never being as sweet...can't find the name of the song on the website. I totally disagree that it is at all simliar to Les Miserables. To me, the end of the first act was much more like "The Gods Love Nubia" at the end of act 1 in AIDA. I was particularly moved when the had to bury the little boy. I also loved Aaron L. I only wish that the music was a bit more memorable. I do plan to go back again after the opening later this month. For what it's worth...the audience for the most part loved the show. I have not seen such an enhtusiastic standing oviation for a new show since I moved here last fall. As we were leaving I heard people saying things like "bravo, bravo" and "that is going to be a big hit". I was so happy for the cast, as they seemed to be genuinely appreciative the oviation.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."
Updated On: 9/2/08 at 02:50 PM

philly03 Profile Photo
#26re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 3:44pm

re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within

"Brandi's Act 2 number 'Without a Word' now has a button at the end...she hits this high note that is f***ing incredible. I was not a fan of hers after the first two times I saw it, but now, call me a converted Brandi Burkhardt fan. I think she is brilliant. She is absolutely gorgeous and she has a voice to die for. As soon as I got home this evening, I ordered the J&H Resurrection CD on amazon...can't wait to listen to it and get her to sign it the next time I see the show. "

I LOVE Brandi! Amazing that she DIDN't win Miss America! Anywho, the J&H Ressurection CD was a letdown for me. Kate Shindle is so much better live then on the recording...especially how they make them all do these weird ooohs and ahhhhhhs things you'll notice. I've also never been too fond of Rob Evan..! Regardless, the album is totally worth it simply because of Brandi, and also the song "If You Only Knew" (Emma's new first act solo). And offtopic, but the cover of the album is not very flattering to Kate nor Brandi!

#27re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 4:00pm

"I totally disagree that it is at all simliar to Les Miserables. To me, the end of the first act was much more like "The Gods Love Nubia" at the end of act 1 in AIDA."

You totally disagree? You didn't find the score to have a similar vibe to Les Mis? Also the lighting, costumes, set, and the French Revolution??? The musicals definetely have major differences, and there is room out there for both, but some comparisons can definitely be made.
I do agree with your comparison to Aida, as well, though- I just did not think of that, but good point. And I had the same feeling about James Barbour- I didn't know him, but now I am a fan! What a voice!

I'd rather be reckless than rockless.

philly03 Profile Photo
#28re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 4:05pm

"You totally disagree? You didn't find the score to have a similar vibe to Les Mis? Also the lighting, costumes, set, and the French Revolution??? The musicals definetely have major differences, and there is room out there for both, but some comparisons can definitely be made. "

Les Mis wasn't about this French Revolution/guillotine.

Secondly, Les Mis' lighting was orange in most cases, or other colours. Not bright red + bright blue. Also, how do the sets look similar? Unless you get the idea they did with the four (or 3?) big pieces making a circle...revolve. And the costumes were practically nothing alike. Les Mis was dull and gray...ATOTC is more vibrant if you ask me.

The show as a whole to me seems more like The Scarlet Pimpernel as I said, especially the sets/costumes, or the sets moreso than Les Mis. Also, the scores seemed to be written more Pimpy like too...classical sounding with a pop-y drum beat.

#29re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 4:32pm

I see the comparisons you are making, I just think it's silly to say there none to be made with Les Mis.

Either way, Barbour is a new favorite.

I'd rather be reckless than rockless.

philly03 Profile Photo
#30re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 4:54pm

No...no doubt there are many aspects relating to Les Mis. LOL Another one is probably more people have read Les Mis and ATOTC as opposed to a few in comparison who have read SP.

I just don't get why people are calling it a second rate Les Mis. It screams Pimpy moreso, and even more ironic, lots of people have been involved with Wildhorn stuff in soe way in the cast/crew/production.

GatorNY Profile Photo
#31re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 5:04pm

I think that what I was trying to get across was that in light of everything I had heard...from calling ATOTC "Les Mis Light" or something like an all out "rip-off" of Les Mis...I just didn't see it. Other than that they are both set in a different time period then which we are now living, and parts of both of the shows take place during a time of turmoil in France.
I guess I thought that it was going to be a lot more blatant...I never thought to myself "...oh come-on...that is such a rip-off of les mis. Couldn't they think up something on thier own."(Which is how some posters on here have made it sound.) I was glad to see that in my humble opinion, that the shows were not that similar.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."

#32re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 5:13pm

Ahh, I see, in that case I totally agree. I went into the show thinking it was going to be a Les Mis knockoff, and left thinking it was a solid musical that will have a healthy run on Broadway.

I think the reason I originally thought that was because I saw a few songs when they performed them at Broadway in Bryant Park, and at that time it sounded very much like Les Mis to me. Let me just say that the sound at Bryant park is pretty darn awful, and I was fairly far back. Also, I didn't fully know the story of ATOTC (I am douchebag for not reading this- I know), so all I really knew was when it took place in history. After seeing the musical though, I would not call it a poor man's version of anything. It was wonderful!

I'd rather be reckless than rockless.

philly03 Profile Photo
#33re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 5:27pm

Well "Until Tomorow" is practically stolen right off of Les Mis. Otherthan that, it's pretty much it's own show. But really, the "Until Tomorrow" scene...the marching..the guns..the etc. Come on!

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#34re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 5:36pm

Yeah, you'd think that between the years of development, the out of town tryout in Sarasota, and the Broadway preview period, someone would go, "Um, maybe we should change the lyrics to the act one finale?" It's not a bad show though, and certainly not a "rip-off" of Les Miz, it just inevitably has many similarities to it.

By the way, speaking of the act one finale, does anyone else find it ironic that Joe Cassidy (who lead that song as Ernest DeFarge in Sarasota) was replaced for the Broadway production, but is still being very prominently pictured in all of the show's ads?

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#35re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 6:05pm

"By the way, speaking of the act one finale, does anyone else find it ironic that Joe Cassidy (who lead that song as Ernest DeFarge in Sarasota) was replaced for the Broadway production, but is still being very prominently pictured in all of the show's ads?"

Not just Joe but Derek Keeling and Jessica Rush as well.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#36re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/2/08 at 6:27pm

I know that Derek and Jessica left the show to do other Broadway productions (Grease and Gypsy, respectively), but does anyone know if Joe Cassidy quit or if they just "went another way" with the role? If it's the latter I hope they're compensating him for the use of his image with Natalie Toro in the Sweeney Todd-esque picture that I'm seeing everywhere...

son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/2/08 at 6:51pm

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...
Updated On: 4/3/10 at 06:51 PM

#38re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 1:49am

Holly, I really think you'll change your mind about these songs lacking melody once you've heard them a few times. There are a LOT of songs in ATOTC and many of the melodies are not repeated or not repeated with enough frequency to embed them in a normal theatergoer's brain after one listening. The myth of being able to hum songs you've never heard before is mostly that - a myth. Unless a composer chooses to repeat a theme ad nauseum during the course of an evening and/or the theatergoer has an amazing ear themselves, it's not easy to remember any song you've heard once or twice even. I know a lot of people who have and love the concept recording from ATOTC and they know the songs by heart. So, if you enjoyed them in the theater on first hearing, chances are you will really begin to appreciate them once you get the cast recording.

#39re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 2:34am

i saw it on monday and while i wouldn't call the score terrible, it's not exactly that engaging. there are a few fine moments, but also a few bland moments. i think it's a mediocre, but not terrible score.

i agree with the hummable score comment, however, even if i don't walk out humming a tune i at least feel engaged by the score and WANT to learn it.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#40re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:16am

"Let Her Be a Child" is IMO the show's best song. If the rest of the score were at this level things would go much better for this show. I'd like to hear the score again though when it comes out on CD. As nasty khakis said, the score is kind of mediocre, but there are many scores I didn't like upon first listening that I have grown to love, so who knows.

That said, I don't get what the fuss is over "Out of Sight Out of Mind," or of Natalie Toro's performance. She does a good job, but the material she has been given just isn't that great. She has done as well as anyone can do with that role though.

#41re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 9:13am

I saw the show last night for the 3rd time.. It was the best I've seen so far and I was moved to tears again! The audience was on their feet before the curtain closed!!

winston89 Profile Photo
#42re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 10:36am


I thought that Toro's performance was the second best going on on that stage. The first best being the work of Barbour.

But, with regards to this show being Les Miserables Light. Or for people saying that it is like Les Miserables. I am sure you can find things that are similar if you try to compare two different musicals to each other. I am sure I am not the only one who thought of Evita while watching Glinda in front of the mic with her arms up during Wicked. Point that I am trying to make is that there are things that can be similar between two musicals and it doesn't make it a rip off.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#43re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 10:43am

Winston. That is a TERRIBLE comparison....

of course you can find similarities, in many shows, if you try hard enough. But you don't have to try very hard to find the similarities between Les Mis and Tale. That's the point Winston.

As you can see, even fans of the musical agree that many parts resemble Les Mis. Stop being a stubborn jackass!

laura is broadway Profile Photo
laura is broadway
#44re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 1:06pm

"I am sure I am not the only one who thought of Evita while watching Glinda in front of the mic with her arms up during Wicked."

I've always wondered if someone else noticed that...

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#45re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 2:10pm

I could be wrong, but the "Evita" moment in Wicked was probably on purpose to be funny.

BTW--shill alert with broadwayfan310.

#46re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 2:34pm

why are people accused of being a shill when you are a fan of a show.. think what you will :)

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#47re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 2:38pm

Apologies if I'm wrong. I just get jealous when people get paid to post on here and I don't re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within

#48re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 2:56pm

no problem..:) I really am just a fan of the show... I was at a reading years ago and fell in love with this musical.. I've been following them ever since..

#49re: Another TALE OF TWO CITIES review SPOILER within
Posted: 9/3/08 at 3:04pm

yes, the evita reference in wicked is there on purpose. not many people notice/get it, but it's definitely on purpose.
