
Streisand Gypsy is still on....- Page 3

Streisand Gypsy is still on....

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#50Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 12:21am

The more the less drags on and the less likely it seems the more I want it to happen; You get it, Barbra. Get. It.

lovebwy Profile Photo
#51Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 12:32am

Why on EARTH would you want this to happen? She is way way way too old. She is not good enough an actress. Her voice is gone for all intents and purposes. She is a mediocre director at best.

If it does happen it will be a huge embarrassment for her. Mark my words.

#52Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 1:03am

To be fair, Streisand was pretty adamant she was going to make The Normal Heart into a movie for 20+ years, too.

Finally happening, but not from her.

Now t/d/b/a haterobics on here.
Updated On: 4/22/13 at 01:03 AM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#53Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 1:32am

Get it, Barbra. GET. IT.

all that jazz Profile Photo
all that jazz
#54Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 10:05am

Love, your screen name seems to be a little a bit of a contradiction.

Kind of bold of you to say that Academy award winner Barbra Streisand is not a good enough actress. She's an EGOT winner for heaven's sake! Whether or not she's a right fit for this project is one thing, but the woman is burning with talent.

I'm with Phylis, Go Barbra!!

#55Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 11:33am

Oh, she'll be great--especially with the right director.

g.d.e.l.g.i. Profile Photo
#56Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 11:55am

Actually, Gaga as Louise and Madonna as Rose. It would be a terrible but I would watch it.


Formerly gvendo2005
Broadway Legend
joined: 5/1/05

Blocked: After Eight, suestorm, david_fick, emlodik, lovebwy, Dave28282, joevitus, BorisTomashevsky

best12bars Profile Photo
#57Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 12:13pm

Fortunately, there's no rush. Streisand still has decades left to play Rose.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

lovebwy Profile Photo
#58Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 12:42pm

all that jazz, darling, I think you mean WAS not IS. The woman is washed up. Can no longer sing a note. And quite frankly she refined herself out of existence long ago. I prefer the Barbara with the Egyptian eyeliner and the page boy haircut singing songs like "Free again, lucky lucky me, I'm free again". Not the new agey, Malibu, crystals and triangles kook.

She should have played Rose in 1984. For her to do it now would be absolutely absurd and an insult the the creative team. Laurents came to his senses and was against it. So am I.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#60Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 1:15pm

Hilty is 32-years-old. That is entirely too old for Dainty/adult June. But then again... they may cast all of the roles older because of Streisand.

#61Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 1:17pm


Well, now, wait. Considering Streisand's age, I guess Hilty and McPhee *could* play characters who are supposed to be about 13 and 16.

#62Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 1:28pm

I thought June and Louise had forgotten how old they are since their mother refused for them to grow up. Remember in "Little Lamb", Louise sang, "I wonder how old I am. I wonder how old I am."

#63Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 1:39pm

Miss Cratchit: Just woman to woman, exactly how old are you?
June: Nine.
Miss Cratchit: Nine what?
June: Nine going on Thirty-three.

darquegk Profile Photo
#64Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 1:52pm

A movie based on the Gypsy Rose Lee, June Havoc and Mama Rose story that WASN'T the musical "Gypsy" could be fantastic- a baroque, blackly comic piece of American Gothic.

Think of it. Two poor, brainwashed little girls who have no real idea what their true age is, lied to about puberty and everything else by their sociopathic, fame-chasing mother, a pathologically dishonest, bisexually promiscuous psychotic who drives them across the country with other deluded youngsters on a single-minded quest for success.

Flash between that and Mama Rose's "present day" trial for killing her lover, against Gypsy as a burlesque icon and June as a movie actress.

Coming this Mother's day:

Amanda Palmer would win an Oscar for her score, in the style of "Evelyn Evelyn."

#65Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 2:07pm


I think you're onto something, and now that Havoc is dead you may avoid a lawsuit.

darquegk Profile Photo
#66Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 2:23pm

Can I get Ryan Murphy to direct it, but not the Eat-Pray-Love/Glee Ryan Murphy? I want the American Horror Story Ryan Murphy.

#67Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 3:03pm

Love Murphy but I'm not feeling the Palmer score.

ComingUpRoses2 Profile Photo
#68Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 3:16pm

If she's going to do it, just do it already! We need a good trainwreck spectacle.

all that jazz Profile Photo
all that jazz
#69Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 3:26pm

Love, I meant IS. The woman naturally can't hit the notes as high as she used to, but she's still Barbra! Her performance at the oscars blew Adele out of the water, IMO.

Updated On: 4/22/13 at 03:26 PM

lovebwy Profile Photo
#70Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 3:55pm

Sweetheart, her performance at the Oscars is EXACLY what I'm talking about. It was a real snoozefest and she had trouble with the notes. Her time has passed, dear. But hey, I don't begrudge her. She should simply retire and collect lifetime achievement awards at this point. No more campy, wacky mother roles.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#71Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 3:59pm

Yeah, she has lost the ability to sing. And doing it for a film where any imperfections can be tweaked wouldn't work. I mean, it's like she's Lea Michele who's NEVER had any electronic help on her vocals.

darquegk Profile Photo
#72Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 4:00pm

If not Amanda Palmer, the obvious answer would be someone like Danny Elfman (assuming he can still DO quirky American gothic at all), but perhaps hiring a group instead of a single composer, such as DeVotchKa or The Decemberists to compose the score would be better.

But I do think it needs a sort of darkly-whimisical folk-carnival-gothic tone to it.

#73Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 4:01pm

Streisand's performance at this year's Oscars shows that she's just plain not able to do the score anything even remotely resembling justice. The voice isn't strong enough, plain and simple. Streisand is already 10 years older than the real Rose Hovick ever lived to to be.

Of course, that won't stop it from happening. Get Rob Marshall to direct, just to make it a Total Train Wreck.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

Claudia Draper
#74Streisand Gypsy is still on....
Posted: 4/22/13 at 4:14pm

I guess you people have not seen this. From BACK TO BROOKLYN 2012 - BARBRA- GYPSY melody

