
My "Brooklyn" Review- 9/24- AKA "It Aint No "Rent"!!!- Page 3

My "Brooklyn" Review- 9/24- AKA "It Aint No "Rent"!!!

#50re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 5:17pm

I don't get the "RENT sold out" bitch.. I mean.. complaint. can we say "grow up"?

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#51re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 5:21pm

Yep, theatre was full, and the box office said they are sold out all weekend.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#52re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 5:57pm

I only mentioned the "Rent" "comparison" in my OP, because people had been comparing the shows, and I do think that the writers/producers of "Brooklyn" wanted the show to have a "Rent" feel to it (if that makes sense)... I just think they missed the mark.

As far as what someone said previously about many Tony nods. Its wayyyyy too early to tell, but I would guess: Cleavant (without a doubt.. and definitely deserves it), Ramona Keller (might get one, but not sure if she deserves it, Eden ( will get one, but dont think this is her Tony role), and the costumes (which I admit were very creative)

As far as the show as a whole.... (and I know that the "Brooklyn" lovers on the board might get mad at me for this)
If the show does not make some changes before the opening, I can not see it winning a Best Musical Tony unless the competition this year proves to be really bad (which I dont think will happen).

umgeoboy Profile Photo
#53re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 6:00pm

I agree with you testing that there definitely is some fine tuning that needs to be done for this to win a best new musical.

Also, as to the rent comparisons those actually started with the reviews in denver. One of the reviewers called it the next rent and the pr people kinda flew with it.

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#54re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 6:04pm

"Rent" is absolutely brilliant in its writing.

"Brooklyn" is not...

Comparison done.

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#55re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 7:33pm

One of my dearest friends, who has been involved (both backstage and onstage) in theatre for many years, an educated young man with a passion for new material, saw the show last night. He loves the pop-broadway genre and was really enthusiastic about what he hoped would be a great new show. He was flabbergasted. He and his partner could not make heads or tails out of the show.
This is a man who's opinion I value highly. He'll make an excellent producer some day. I've worked with him and his work ethic is amazing. He knows more about performing than most of the fans out there, and I trust his word implicitly. He thought it was perhaps the worst show he's ever seen on a New York stage. He could find absolutely NO through-line in the show, no reason to care about any of the charactes, no love for any of the music at all, and was astounded that some of the audience (probably papered) stood at the end. He tried to tell me the "plot" several times today - and simply got more and more confused when he re-thought what had happened on stage last night. He Did think that the performers were all pretty talented - but even THAT he was unsure of, because he believed they were given such bad material, he couldn't tell! As I've said - I value his opinion highly - we have the same taste in theatre- and I will NOT be spending a dime to see this show.
Now if someone wants to give me a free ticket - I would value seeing it for its future camp/flop value.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

uncageg Profile Photo
#56re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 7:44pm

Wow. The story is pretty straightforward and very easy to follow! For someone as knowledgable as you describe him to be, it is suprising that he can't recall the plot. Also, I never let other people's opinion sway me on seeing a show. No matter how much they know about theatre. I used to do that, and missed out on a few good shows. Never again!! No offense to your friend, but he sounds a little snobbish about theatre. Because of another's opinion, you now will not be able to form one of your own if you do not go!!

Also, ungeoboy, didn't mean to offend you. My apologies!

Just give the world Love.

#57re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 7:47pm

""Rent is not aimed at twelve year olds"



It's not. You probably can't see that though, past your bubble of fluff.

joeyjoe Profile Photo
#58re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 8:02pm

"No offense to your friend, but he sounds a little snobbish about theatre."

i don't understand this statement... because he didn't like a show that kids like, he's a snob? i don't get the name-calling...

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#59re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 8:08pm


I have to agree with much of what Redhot's friend thought of the show. I didnt have a problem following the storyline at all, but the whole Paradice/Brooklyn thing really seemed to come out of left field. Maybe thats what he meant? My wife and I at certain points were actually predicting some of the lines that were coming!! (one where Brooklyn says to Paradice "did I stutter?") was one of the lines.

Ramona Keller is given some of the most predictable lines in the show. I love Ramona, and think her voice is an amazing tool, but I have to say "Superlover", where she is portraying a super hero, was a waste of her talent. There were 18 songs (per the Playbill), and would say that 4 were very memorable, 2 were sort of memorable, and the rest were very forgettable.

There is no doubt that the cast is extremely talented as a whole, but they are not given the best material. As far as the standing o at the end. I think that it is commonplace for theater these days. We stood as well, because I will stand anytime it looks like talented people are giving their all on stage. What I did not understand was the number of people standing after "Streetsinger". I have seen some amazing Broadway performances in my life. Most recently, Tonya Pinkins singing "Lots Wife", and BSM singing "The Impossible Dream". Between the two shows, I saw these performances a total of 42 times, and not once (except for the last "MOLM"), did either performance get a standing o. I am sssuming many friends and family members were present.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#60re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/25/04 at 8:28pm

Guys, thanks for a review from both sides! re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

uncageg Profile Photo
#61re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/26/04 at 4:39am

Cool testing...um, I did not stand at the end the first time I saw the show. I did the second time. I guess I was just saying that one should form their own opinions!

Just give the world Love.

#62re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/26/04 at 12:15pm

Dear Testing,

I have really resisted writing this for a while now - but -

I have been watching your posts about this show over the last few weeks with a mixture of curiousity and amazement. There have been so many posts by people accusing other members of shilling for BKLYN simply because their posts were positive. Is someone paying you to dis it and throw as much shade as you can?

Did it ever occur to you that the reason "Streetsinger" gets a standing ovation (and at the preview I saw, "Once Upon a Time" did as well) is that people genuinely like it and are moved? Does it have to pass your personal muster to be worthy? Evidently ticket sales are so good that the house isn't being papered and these theatergoers are actually - can you imagine? - enjoying themselves.

I have been an avid theatergoer for over 30 years - I've seen the ORIGINAL "Fiddler", "Company", "Two Gentlemen of Verona", "A Chorus Line" "Sugar", "Chicago", "The Rink", "Dreamgirls", "Titanic", Les Mis", "Phantom", "Miss Saigon", "Sideshow", "Ain't Misbehavin'", "42nd Street", "Merrily We Roll Along", "Sweeney Todd", "Mack and Mabel", "Rocky Horror", "Song and Dance", "Bring In Da Noise", "Ragtime", "Movin' Out", "The Wiz" - well, you are so astute, you can do the rest of the math - and all I can say is that THE best compliment in the world you could possibly pay BKLYN is that "it ain't no 'Rent'".

That is a show with virtually NO book, cardboard one dimensional characters who have no resemblance whatsoever to people living or dead that I ever knew in the East Village at that time, and with one exception, one of the most forgettable (and annoying)scores in the Broadway lexicon.

Perhaps you need a return visit to BKLYN (if you can stomach it) to revisit the poetry of the lyrics, the variety and power of the music, and the spine tingling performances of the entire cast that I caught. In order to do so, you might have to take off your blinders, and try some new "testing" techniques. Peace.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#63re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/26/04 at 12:44pm


I have to say that your post is one of the most ridiculous posts that I have even seen on these boards. The reason why people call people shills is for posts like yours. Why does it bother you that someone has a differing opinion than yours? Why does it bother you that people have a negative opinion of the show?

<< I have been watching your posts about this show over the last few weeks with a mixture of curiousity and amazement>>

This is your best line. You have been watching my posts about this show with curiousity and amazement for the last few weeks???!!! HUH????!!! I think that the only time that I posted anything about "Brooklyn" at all was when I mentioned that the show was on TDF, and when I stated (with excitement, I might add) that I was going to the show this past Friday. If you can find any negative posts from me about the show, please cut and paste them. Maybe I have an alter ego that I am unaware of.

I would have no reason at all to post anything else about the show. Other than seeing Eden perform at Bryant Park (never saw her in "Wicked"), I really would have nothing to base an opinion (positive or negative) on. I did not see the show in Denver.

As far as someone paying me to "throw shade on it". Get real. I am a 37 yr old, married man, with a well-paying professional job. Theater is a hobby for us. Anyone that has read any of my reviews on the board knows that the majority of them are extremely positive. The only shows that I REALLY did not like over the past year were "Dracula" and "After the Fall". I really could not pick many positives out of those shows. I DID, however, post a number of positives about "Brooklyn", as a whole, I think the show, RIGHT NOW, needs work. I also stated that I looked forward to seeing it again on 11/5, and stated that I hoped that it does really well. Now, you think about it. Would I say anything positive about the show, state that I was going back to see it, or state that I hope it does well, if someone was paying me to dis it or throw shade on it??!! Your post is utterly ridiculous, and you would have seen those points that I made if you were not reading my review with your "Brooklyn" blinders on. I posted an honest review, and a number of people saw that and thanked me for it.

If you have been an avid theater-goer for 30 years, I will assume that you are over 50? Well, for someone of your age and maturity to attack me for posting a basically negative review about a show that you like, is incredibly immature.

I really think you should go back and read my review again. You will find a number of positives. Oh, and please... I would love to see the other negative "Brooklyn" posts that you claim that I have posted over the last few weeks. Please post them.

LuvUrBatBoy Profile Photo
#64re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/26/04 at 2:06pm

LOL in my book, the fact that it "Ain't no Rent" speaks very highly of Brooklyn.

Yes that's me. No, it's not a Rent homage.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#65re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/26/04 at 2:16pm

"Rent" with the OC, was an amazing show !!!

And to be honest, different casts do not change the fact that the book and score are both incredible !

Just my .02

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#66re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/26/04 at 2:17pm

Never saw the OBC (I would have given my left eye to see it [pun] ) but I did see the tour early this year and thought it was AMAZING.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2
Updated On: 9/26/04 at 02:17 PM

Marquise Profile Photo
#67re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/26/04 at 2:51pm

IMO BKLYN should consider itself lucky it's being uttered in the same breath as RENT. From everything I've been reading it doesn't hold a candle to it. The only reason I'm going to see this show is because CLEAVANT DERRICKS is in it, and he's an amazing performer, everyone else in the show is just going to have to convince me.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#68re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/26/04 at 3:02pm

Cleavant IS amazing !!! What a set of pipes !

sparky310 Profile Photo
#69re: My 'Brooklyn' Review- 9/24- AKA 'It Aint No 'Rent'!!!
Posted: 9/26/04 at 10:29pm

i am very sorry...but i do not believe it is at all fair of you to make judgements based on a show in "preview". it isnt fair to the audience, the cast, the crews...and everyone else working there hearts out to put together a good product.
